Does everyone agree that Trump is nuts?

I always thought illegal immigrants were less crime prone than most Americans? … ata-2018-8

it’s true, but fortunately for the right, most folks are completely ignorant of statistics.

most of the mexicans are ordinary people who are holding to the principle of ‘pedro’s wager’, which can be summarized like this:

if i cross the boarder illegally, don’t find a job under the table mowing lawns, and get arrested/detained, my living conditions won’t be any worse than they already are.

if i don’t cross the boarder, i don’t make the opportunity of finding a job under the table mowing lawns, even possible, and remain in my current conditions.

therefore, it is more logical to cross the boarder illegally than remain here in mexico.

That makes sense except you write the word “border” incorrectly :smiley:

I clicked on your link and it didn’t convey any statistics to back up your question. It was a fluff piece spun by left wing media, to bad it revolves around a tragedy perpetrated by an illegal who admitted to knowing where the dead girl’s body was hidden. I don’t see how by any stretch of the imagination it proves that illegals are law abiding.

The fence they are crossing is constructed of boards of wood, so to say ‘they crossed the boarder’ means they crossed this fence constructed of boards of wood, which we can call a ‘boarder’.

Don’t ever question me, dude.

Let’s just let this statement hang out for a while and see what it stirs up.

Do you have info that shows illegal immigrants commit more crime than native born Americans?

Yes, illegal immigrants are breaking the law by sneaking into the country, they are all criminals where US citizens are not all criminals. It’s not rocket science understanding reality and the law.

Nowadays it’s controversial to say the sky is blue and the grass green.
It’s unfortunate, but here we are, thanks to the infiltration and radicalization of the humanities by globalist ideologues.

Is it? I agree with the distinctions of blue and green. So no. A distraction, nothing more.

The colonial period and what came after speaks of a different sort of circumstance. “Guns, Germs and Steel” Shit we’ve got third world country status on the Indian reservations throughout this land. A third of our population are the descendants of slaves. That’s going to take a toll. Go tell the indigenous population of America about creating their own circumstance. And our relationship with Puerto Rico, a third world common wealth? What is now the Nation of the Philippines was a common wealth of the US from November 15, 1935 until July 4, 1946. Their wealth was our wealth? What third world country hasn’t been occupied by other nations and you don’t think foundations were laid?

Have you considered how brutal the colonial land grab was? Go in, take what you want and leave letting the country fend for itself as result of the consequences.

Yeah, third world people created third world countries. And they are going to bring us down only as low as we’ve knocked them down. We owe a karmic debt for what the greedy have done. And the US has become quite greedy. Well, It’s mine now and you can’t have any of it. And you aren’t welcome here.

Awe sure we can hide behind the myth of individual responsibility but the fact is it has never been true. Who among us are here without the benefit of at least two other individuals.


Say what you have to say yourself. Defend your thinking, don’t rely on someone else. You think you are individually responsible? You don’t act like it. And yet you expect if of others.

It takes a world to make a world go round. You and I included.

Saying every self-made millionaire and billionaire just got lucky, or every successful athlete just got lucky, is about as absurd as saying every rich and prosperous nation and ethnicity just got lucky, it’s absurd on its face.
Of course the rich and prosperous ones tend to have more adaptive genes and memes, the only question is, to what degree?

I have not said that, let me repeat what I did say. “Who among us are here without the benefit of at least two other individuals.” And that’s the short list. There are no self-made millionaires. None of them showed up without the benefit of at least two other individuals. I think you and I got very lucky being born where we were and not some shit hole someone else has left for us. Were you responsible for where and to whom you were born? So yeah, I think if there is such a thing as luck ,then we and every millionaire and athlete has been lucky.

Millions of organisms participated in their success and without that assistance they would not have gotten where they have. Just the number involved in the provision of clean drinking water staggers the imagination and without that, where would they be?

The luck of the draw? If lucky, it wasn’t only luck. Much of it depended on their ability to leverage the myth of individually responsible.

I do sort of agree with your notion of genes and memes, but what individual is responsible for that? There is a gestalt at play to which your eyes don’t seem to see. Do we blame genes or memes or again is there not one that is individually responsible? Giving the notions of nature and nurture new names doesn’t clear up the roles they play.

I’d respect your opinion much more if you didn’t attempt to claim words came from my mind, and use your input to further your myopic view of the world.

Your point about me being lucky to have the genes and memes I have, or live in the environment I do, doesn’t interest me.
Your point is metaphysical, mine is practical.
I mean I guess we’re all lucky then, so everyone gets a medal, trophy and equal paycheck, whether they have good or poor genes and memes, whether they contributed a lot or nothing.

“Your point about me being lucky to have the genes and memes I have, or live in the environment I do, doesn’t interest me.”

The same (absent the lack of interest) applies to me, and millionaires and athletes as well. It also applies to “third world people” Whether it of interest to you or not. Further evidence of the genes and memes that make you who you are, however uninterested you may be, of which I do not hold you individually responsible. That is practical.

If we want to be successful, we prefer ourselves, as individuals, families and communities, and others who’re able and willing to help us.
We don’t prefer apes, and hope they’ll evolve into something able and willing to repay us millions of years down the road.
They won’t, if anything they’ll become even more unable and unwilling to repay us, as we’ll be rewarding what’s weak and selfish in them, not what’s strong and reciprocal.
Of course we can help the weak if we have plenty extra, which we, as working class Americans and Canadians, don’t, but we don’t prefer, the weak, we don’t prioritize, the weak, that is a recipe for self-destruction, which is why it is so rare in nature.
If the elite really want to help them, they can pay them out of their earnings, not out of ours, but they don’t, they’re exploiting them as much as they’re exploiting us all in the name of humanitarianism no less, the hypocritical wretches.

Dude, “If “we” want to be successful”. Some of us are too successful but it’s not a “we”, and it comes with a great cost to everything else, and still some of us will never be. I’m never going to be individually responsible for changing that. But I don’t see a future that is going to be successful for long at the cost some of us that make up the “we”, are willing to pay. Can “we” benefit at all if we do not realize from what we are benefiting?

Well in that case, donate half your paycheck to the 3rd world.
I am not so successful, I need every coin I have, I don’t want millions of illegals devaluing my labor, among all the other ills they bring.

I feel for you. Been there. I am not a millionaire either, but I woke up this morning and I really don’t looked forward to waking tomorrow. If you do, you are already more successful then I and a good deal of the rest of the population. Take some stock in where you are and appreciate all that has taken you here.

The best of luck in your success.