How to become Ubermensch?

i’m feeling like there’s a misleading comparison being drawn between ‘psychopath’ and ‘egalitarian’ here. a more accurate contrast to begin with would be that of the voluntary egoist and the involuntary egoist. this immediately eliminates the notion of egalitarianism as if it were some genuine, selfless concern for the altruistic well-being of people… as well as the logical extreme at the other end - the psychopath - who would be the opposite of this type. once these two extremes are done away with, you can center the examination on the highest kind of egoist and identify him as an ubermensch.

the reason why ‘psychopath’ can’t qualify here is because an ubermensch would personify both ends of the spectrum - the elitist and egalitarian ethos -, and each would fall under the rubric of his singular egoism. now what makes his actions appear ‘psychopathic’ is the severity of them… most often the immoral and/or amoral violent stuff. but when such action is done in the service of egalitarian aims, it confuses our typical formula; we are unable to imagine such a thing as a noble criminal, for example.

i mention novatore because in him there is a perfect conversion of both ends of the spectrum in a singular being, and as such he is incommunicable to both the elite and the plebian, neither of which are capable of comprehending the ubermensch.

but this kind of evaluation comes from an anarchist’s perspective. the wealthy/bourgeois are already excluded from being ubermenschean simply because they’ve done no work or suffering. without these, no character can be developed… and certainly not that paradoxical singularity of ego that expresses both extremes of the spectrum after the steady evolution of one’s character through periods of incredible struggle. again, the ubermensch must be a personification of a tremendously difficult balance struck between creative and destructive amoral impulses that he values because of their intoxicating effect. for the anarcho-egoist, it is only incidental that his criminal deeds might result in some kind of revolutionary progress, just as it is only incidental that abiding by the law might benefit the power of the oppressors. remember, the anarcho-egoist acts only for himself… and it is only because the intensity, scale and range of the effects of his actions have such excentrifugal forz that we label him ‘criminal’ or ‘hero’ after the fact, depending on which side of the spectrum we’re on. but this kind of ubermensch belongs to neither side and is disgusted by both the parasite bourgeois elite and the plebian underclasses that have been doing dialectical battle since the beginning of time. a novatore just happens to be passing happily through and is incomprehensible to everyone around him.

yeah but you gotta get that delicate synthesis of man’s best and worst qualities in a single person in order to have an ubermensch. trumpf is not an ubermensch, btw. if anything, he’s a testament to what has become of the concept in the 21rst century… one which emulates material wealth as the highest virtue and exalts the ‘bourgeois toads’ as novatore called em. you’ve got to do something more than get rich selling apartment buildings, man.

a better example would be mao or lenin. when what we like to think of as pathological is expressed in terrifying ways for ends that are in direct contradiction to the means. that’s the unique collision that startles our conscience. that’s the grand paradox that materializes in an ubermensch. anything short of that comes out of the homeowner’s edition of the will to power or some watered down shit ayn rand wrote.

Aren’t we sorta letting our imaginations run away with us…? Checking out ubermensch/overman images on google we seem to be stuck at the evil nazi superman with a moustache stage.

Or… the gay devil tire saleman.

Yeah and you know what pisses me off about the American ‘superman’? The fact that he had no vices. I mean look at that dork Clark Kent. Uh gosh Lois I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to spill my coffee on you.

Such a man cannot be super. One would never invite a real ubermensch over for dinner with the family unless the whole family wuz Uber.

Of course Hank Reardon had to learn that the hard way. :laughing:

I get what you’re saying, everyone’s selfish, everyone just uses others.
Selfish individuals form selfish collectives only because each individual thinks they’ll get something out of it.
The rich form groups; bureaucracies, corporations, militaries, political parties and so on to more affectively use the poor, other rich groups, individuals and natural resources, and the poor form groups; cooperatives, unions, militias, political parties and so forth for the same reasons.
Usually the rich are more organized, but always fewer in number by definition.
And sometimes cultures, ethnicities, races, religions, the sexes and so on war against each other.
The ubermensch then are people possessing qualities (cunning, courage, charisma, conviction, ruthlessness) permitting them to successfully lead such groups to victory.
Yup, there’s a ton of truth to that, I don’t think it’s the whole truth and nothing but, that 100% of people are 100% selfish and amoral 100% of the time, but people are pretty selfish, and there’s nothing necessarily wrong with that, that’s just the way it is, what a billion years or so of evolution and the struggle for survival made us to be.

Whenever I play the “which three superpowers” game, I always choose - teleportation, wolverine’s regeneration, and mass persuasion. That’s world domination right there.

Basically, movement, longevity and charisma.

Dropping movement for I dunno, intelligence and an amazing memory, the most important traits for an overperson are still longevity and charisma. If no-one wants to kill you, you don’t ever get assassinated. Ok there will be the odd lone nutcase, but I’d take that over a government sanctioned hit-squad any day of the week.

Humanity’s real strength has always been its numbers. The Ubermensch would principly be a unifier.

About Trump, he did more than just, sell apartments.
He became president of the US.
That’s no small feat, even for a billionaire, otherwise every billionaire or UHNWI who ever ran for office would’ve won.
Trump hardly spent any of his own money on his campaign, most of the money he spent he raised.
Furthermore, more of his money came from small donations than Hillary.

He’s completely full of shit, of course, but the willingness and ability to tell a compelling lie to further his interests is part of what makes the ubermensch, the ubermensch.
Has he said and done some dumb shit?
Not really, so far whatever he’s said and done has only alienated himself from half the population at worst, while compensatorily drawing the other half further to him.

I don’t like Trump, the only people he cares about are himself, his children and some of his wall street buddies, but I can dislike him, and still acknowledge his talent.
He’s a talented bullshit artist, you got to hand it to him, whatever he sets his mind on accomplishing, be it in real estate, reality tv or the presidency, he succeeds.
If his enemies have any sense, they won’t underestimate him a 2nd time.

Fucking A, basically Nightcrawler + Wolverine + Xavier = the ultimate ubermensch.

The only way you’re going to beat Trump is with substantive attacks on his policies.
Association fallacies, conspiracy theories or playing gotcha with gaffes he’s made isn’t going to cut it.
But most, or all democrats aren’t substantive people, they’re every bit as full of shit as he is.

Concerning Nightcrawler, Wolverine and Xavier; there’s only one ubermensch in the marvel universe…


He can not be beat at this point, maybe, just may be Bloomberg, if Bloomberg & Co. can buy him out in an aggressive takeover.

Where the fuc is the OP now.

Its not about the rap itself, what I referred to 2pac for, its not that I imagine N would have loved his music. Its the awareness of tragic pathos with which he lived - the directness of his life.

Music I like is e.g. Bachs non Christian stuff, some hard dance music, Arab fuck music, Bizet, my own music, some specific popular songs which I’ve long exhausted, and some Coltrane, some other properly Dionysiac jazz, and just, here and there something turns up that I like. But I hardly ever listen to music anymore.

At the least, indeed.
More than that Im not willing to speculate.
Its like Bergson says now. The future isn’t reducible to the present.

Parts of him anyway and not just artists.
But the full fledged Dionysos has yet to appear - as a Nietzschean I have rather high standards for what human I would grant the title “Dionysos”.

I think he is so smart as to be able to appear not very sentient and at the same time completely reshape world-politics.
What he has done internationally is astonishing.
He has basically cleaned up all the hypocritical the filthiness of the American Empire. Unbelievable.

No, he is absolutely not paying any games. He has only made very few, and all deeply serious and efficient acts of war.
All previous American presidents have been utter rotten shit when it comes to war.
Causing millions of unnecessary deaths and dozens of ruined states with absolutely no benefit for anyone at all except some weapon manufacturers and oil producers.
Trump is so great it is truly hard to find a parallel.
He is alike Alexander the Great in greatness at war.

Not cahoots, negotiations.
Power works that way.
Only the very weak and naive expect it to be different.

All that is included. But I said the new paganism.

I am a religious fundamentalist of Odin. I do not relativize or anthropomorphize my Gods, I take them more literally than anything except my kin.

THOR governs this here river bend.

Could one say that Martin Luther King and Mohammed Ali were ubermensches?

The below hyperlink might bring everyone in here back down to Earth. lol

Perhaps the real ones would be ones who were not out there trying to be ones and who would never recognize themselves as being ones or being great.
One who constantly speaks negatively in response to some insult or other who is not capable of rising above it all, and who self-aggrandizes and stretches the truth or does not speak it is certainly no ubermensch.

Here of course comes the part where distinctions are made by some between means and ends. There are men who rise above the “herd” and become “famous”. They stand out in the history books as having accomplished this or that…so as to have a powerful influence on others. Thousands [sometimes millions] may have a deep respect for the behaviors that they chose in any particular context.

But then the behaviors themselves come under scrutiny in order to probe, to determine, to assess the extent to which these are behaviors that a true Uberman ought to pursue.

What difference does it make if many deem you to be a powerful figure if you are not in tandem with the right cause?

Ultimately, rising above the rest means nothing to the ubermen if it is not in sync with their own objectivist values.

You could try to make that argument, could be interesting. Go for it.

It’s spelled wrong though, and the definition given has not much in common with what N wrote.
N never suggested the Uebermensch is some way of life. He speaks of a next stage in evolution.
He says that man is to Uebermensch what ape is to man: a laughing stock. Thats literally what he says.

We don’t have to use the concept of Superman if we want to achieve personal development. I don’t think its a good idea to approach the concept this way. Its too harsh of a concept.

For personal development, you should not try to use Nietzsche. Nietzsche isn’t helpful, he isn’t trying to help individuals. At all. He is trying to push the whole of society into a certain direction and he is calling on people, a specific types which hear his call, to advance this cause. He is, in great part, driven by disgust. Disgust with weakness.

Nietzsche is bad medicine for anyone who is not willing to dive into disgust and weakness and consume all of it to transform it. Nietzsche has you bite the head of the black adder. And he does not offer peace of mind as a result. He merely offers evolution in the broad, in-human sense. Super-human is also in-human.

For human personal development, a person would do well to leave Nietzsche out of it. For life-improvement, do not attempt to think everything through. The cat may eat part of the rose but will shun the heart. It is too bitter.

While MLK and Mohammad Ali were great men, they were egalitarians, champions of the downtrodden.
Ubermensch are elitists.
Ubermensch can be any race.
While Nietzsche acknowledged the importance of race, that aggregate neuropsychological differences between the races existed, he was still an individualist first and foremost.

Yeah true. These two dudes were way too friendly and concerned, Moral.

Nietzssche makes the point about twenty thousand times if I counted correctly that he hates nothing more than moral considerations.

By the way I found this video called Gruesome Uebermensch.


There are different forms of morality.
Elitism (master morality) and its counterpart egalitarianism (slave morality) are the two forms Nietzsche was most preoccupied with.
Elitism can be every bit as moral as egalitarianism.

Elitists believe the strong have more value than the weak, that they should have more rights than the weak, if the weak should have any at all.
Master morality isn’t libertarianism, nor socialism.
Master morality is serfdom, where it’s very hard for the socioeconomically poor to climb the socioeconomic ladder, and very hard for the socioeconomically rich to fall down.

Master morality is totally antithetical to Americanism, in theory.
In practice, they’re quite compatible, increasingly so.

The ubermensch can be concerned with the welfare of the untermensch, just as men can be concerned with the welfare of dogs, but the ubermensch do not believe the untermensch are their equals, that the untermensch should be afforded as many sociopolitical and economic rights as the ubermensch.
Nietzsche was anti-democracy, in both its classical liberal, and social forms.

'pends on which period of nietzsche’s writing we talkin bout. the dude defined the overman in so many different ways it’s impossible to put a finger on exactly what he meant summa summarum. yeah i know some latin. that is latin, right?

whatever. listen though. first we hear the overman is the master of the earf… the whole legislator philosopher king thing. then we hear he’s an indifferent artist and free-spirit above politics. then we hear he sure as shit wouldn’t be a bourgeois ‘shop keeper’. then we hear he neither leads nor follows but walks in solitude on icy mountains… which is a very unwise thing to do alone because what happens if you slip and twist your ankle or something. then we hear he’s dionysus personified… which gives us a kind of jim morrison impression… but we’re pretty sure N would think morrison was a stoned-out idiot who was good at writing poetry at best. so that can’t be it.

this is why there’s a new trend in nietzsche interpretation that suggests an affinity between the overman and the anarchist. but you’ll be like ‘no nietzsche was clearly disdainful about anarchists’… and then i’ll be like ‘he meant the downtrodden rabble involved in the worker’s revolts… not the aristocratic novatorean nihilist vagabonds in love with life, etc.’ N simply adored scoundrels cuz he knews what’s up. there would come a time when real overmen no longer took the business of politics seriously and spent their days wandering the earf.