Jesus was a Jew. Why do some Christians and Muslims hate Jew

The language thrown at this Frenchman.

I think I agree, mon ami.


Merci, / mercy.

Bien venu.


I couldn’t agree more… the state of the world is obviously very reflective of this, and greater progress is hindered because of it. The best and only thing to do… to find your niche, and live and exist under your own terms, and not be tarnished by uncivil and unprogressive things.

I think they call it… feeling out of place. ; )

We cannot but be dirtied when the streets of Eden are full of trash.

If we are to call ourselves moral people, we have to try to drag people up to par.

I see it as our duty.

Imagine if none of us had tried to correct each others evil ways. We would still be in the trees.

Better to girdle our loins and be warriors than to find a niche to hide in.

Cowards can never be moral.

I do not prefer this as my own term. Duty demands it of me.


Jews were by far and away, disproportionately banksters, communists and libertines, and banksters, communists and libertines were destroying Germany.
Additionally German Jews allied with the UK and US against Germany in WW1.
Jews are not innocent victims, now as then, they are disproportionately wealthy, powerful and will crush anything that stands in their way.

There are only two ways for one nation to capture the other. Economic control or military/force control.

Jews were good at the former and their morals prevented the later.

That was not the moral position of most other war mongering peoples.

Compare that to Christianity and Islam growing with inquisitions and jihads because they did not have the intelligence to grow any other way.

Who are the most moral and who are bastards?


This is why all the poor Jews and farmer jews and the Jews living in little villages all over Eastern Europe needed to be killed, because some Jews in the cities had wealth? 100,000 Germans jews fought for Germany in WW1. I love the banksters, communists and libertines thing. They just couldn’t make up their minds could they?

A lot of Jews hate whites too, even if they’re irreligious.

Don’t forget media and political control.
Military control isn’t the same thing as political control.
Historically Jews didn’t have a military, so they used their economic, media and political influence to gain partial or full control over other nations’ militaries.
They used other nations, the UK and US in particular to do their dirty work for them.
Now they have nukes and a military, one of the most powerful in the world (thanks to the UK and US, which’ve been arming, funding and training them for decades), which they use to bomb and oppress their neighbors like Lebanon and Palestine, but they’d still rather have the UK and US fight most of their battles for them.

No before 1947 their lack of land and manpower prevented the latter.

Economic terrorism can be nearly as devastating as military.

Christians have done a ton of good for this world, too.
It was Christians that gave us modern democracy, industry, science, tech and medicine, human rights, ended serfdom and slavery, founded charities and so on, not atheists, Jews, Muslims, Hindus or Buddhists.
We all owe a great debt to Christians.

I do not think so. You are giving a fascist religion more credit than they deserve.

Here you are praising a religion that glorifies a genocidal and infanticidal prick of an imaginary god, that was created by a Roman government, and has kept it’s homophobic and misogynous ways and still tries to deny half of the worlds population first class citizenship.

Where the hell is your moral sense?


Christians are taught by Christ, his disciples and most churches today to hate what they call ‘sin’, not ‘sinners’.
Insofar as Christians hate ‘sinners’, they’re behaving more like Jews and Muslims than Christians.

As for women, while chivalry prescribes different roles for women (men are to be the primary breadwinners, women homemakers), it’s by no means anti-woman.
Christian men are suppose to lay their life down for women, give their own lives for women, put them on a pedestal.
While the man is suppose to be the leader, he’s also suppose to be the protector and provider, to defend the life and honor of all women, not just his own wife and daughters.
Abuse of women is ‘sin’.
A Christian wife is free to divorce, and her family, friends and community have a duty to intervene if they feel she’s being mistreated.

Christianity promotes strong family values, and without those values, we wouldn’t be where we are today.
Does atheism have a future?
Most atheists scarcely have any children.
If the west becomes even more secular than it already is, it may die out, and be replaced by Muslims, or Catholic Hispanics.
Studies have shown that at least within countries, Christians are happier and healthier, physically, and mentally than the irreligious, and that they have more stable, harmonious families and communities.

I’m not against hedonism, but if the excess hedonism of the libertine becomes too widespread, it leaves a nation vulnerable to takeover both by armies from without, and by parasites from within, and banksters and Marxists are parasites.

What do banksterism and Marxism have in common?
Centralized control, oligarchy, under the guise of liberty and equality.
When most capitalists and workers are pretty ethical, when capitalism has been purged of corporatism, state capitalism and fractional reserve banking (and when there’s a strong safety net), capitalism is one of, if not the best systems, but when most people are pretty unethical, when capitalism has been corrupted by corporatism, state capitalism and fractional reserve banking (and when there’s a little-no safety net), capitalism is one of the worst systems.
Jews are disproportionately involved in both Marxism, and the bad kind of capitalism.

Jews are also disproportionately anti-nationalist, at least for everyone else but themselves.
Christians and whites are prevented by the Jewish, and liberal communities from organizing to defend themselves against anti-Christian and anti-white policies.

historical materialism, ie. ‘marxism’, is built around an incredibly simple premise, and yet history insists it’s impossibly difficult to realize. or at least that’s what history would have us believe by showing us those immature stages we mistook for true marxist states. but nobody well versed enough in marxism would ever call china or russia or any of the little satellite countries ‘marxist’ in the full sense of the word. state capitalist dictatorships, maybe, but shirley not worker-run and controlled democratic governments. and this is why marxism gets a bad rap; it’s associated with instances in history at which is wasn’t fully developed. like this stuff:

to be sure, ‘centralized control’ plays a role in the establishment of a marxist state, but isn’t the end-game at all. most marxists agree that during a revolutionary period some kind of central leadership is required to mastermind the operation and give it organization and direction.

but the real give-away when you’re talking to someone who’s only repeating the same old tired nonsense about marxism, is the ‘equality’ myth. so common it ought to be on bumper stickers by now. abolishing privately owned business and putting the means and modes of production into the hands of the workers has nothing to do with any ‘equality’.

it’s the genius of the conservative right to portray marxism as some kind of utopian fantasy that even an idiot would deny was possible, see. today there’s really only two kinds of anti-marxists. one kind has been brainwashed into believing it’s impossible, and the other kind has something to lose directly if it were ever realized. the first kind isn’t the real danger. they’re just uneducated and backward. the second kind is the problem; they’re the capitalist parasites that have something to lose if they’re no longer able to profit from someone else’s labor and are forced to become productive workers in society. i mean who the fuck wants to work, right? if you can figure out a way to make some other guy do the work while you get the rewards, you’d have to be a decent person not to do so. and how many capitalists do you know that want to be decent people?

so my beef - and imma third party anarcho-nihilist just watching the show, btw - with capitalists is that they’re still trying to convince themselves and others that they have any concern for the well being of anyone but themselves and their immediate family/friends. in such a case you’d have to be either a liar or an imbecile. and that’s my problem; i don’t like liars because they’re weaklings and cowards… and i don’t like imbeciles because they’re imbeciles.

and therein lies the fundamental error. ethics begins and is only made possible for/between people when they are equally obligated to share and engage in material production. if a society can’t get this much right before anything else… before any idiot philosopher utters the first word about any ‘social contract’ or ‘constitution’, there can be no reconciliation or peace between the classes such a society necessarily creates in the event that this obligation is not met by all its citizens.

it baffles me how so many brilliant thinkers here and elsewhere can’t seem to grasp this essential troof. i have seen every argument under the sun for the ‘rationality’ and ‘necessity’ of capitalism, and every one of them is full of hot air. no for real, bro. like i’ve been doing this shit for a looong mufuckin time. when i wuz 27 i thought i was possessed by the spirit of che guevara. it was bad, man.


Sure, religions are great for in groups.

They like to kill too many of the out group to make up for any goodness.

We have 5,000 years of war to show for religious goodness.


Ergatocracy, or government by and for armed, local and directly democratically organized workers, sounds good to me.
Maybe after the current system collapses.
And confederations of such governments can form.

Centralized & vertical control begets centralized & vertical control.
The experiment has been tried repeatedly and failed repeatedly.
Scores of social anarchists and democratic socialists parted with Marxists on this.
It has to be decentralized and horizontal from the get-go.

More equality than we have now, but not absolute equality.

4 real, when 0.003% of the population or 1 out of every 33000 own 13% of the world’s wealth, there can be no liberty, equality or democracy, we have to address that elephant 1st.

IN completely different guises, with very different processes of government. I don’t think Marxism in practice has had very much to do with liberty or emphasized it. There the emphasis is on equality.

I agree in general with this.

And the good kind of capitalism and the liberalism they are also overrepresented in positions of power and/or authority. They are overrepresented as professionals in a great many fields and as experts in a great many fields. Everyone who believes in the Jewish conspiracy type thinking just looks at where Jewish people end up in the categories they dislike. They don’t seem to want to notice that they have high percentages in all fields/areas of expertise.

Sure, there’s pros and cons.
They’re not all good or bad.
Whether they’re mostly good or mostly bad, I’m willing to leave up in the air.
Just wanted to show they weren’t all bad and that it’s not so cut-and-dried.
I myself am irreligious and an agnostic.

Maybe, they’re disproportionately involved in both bad, and good movements and practices at the upper echelons of society and economy, insofar as we can agree on what bad and good are, however the Jewish community as a whole is hostile to the existence of the white race.
Whether they’re left, right or center, progressive, Zionist or libertarian, Jews seem hostile to the notion of whites having countries or any kind of identify of their own, hellbent on making sure that never happens.

Whites are forbidden from organizing to preserve their culture, race, religion and secularism.
Granted many Europeans have always been more cosmopolitan than many non-Europeans, and many modern corporations are globalist in outlook, but still Jews are disproportionately involved in denationalizing whites, they’re not also disproportionately involved in nationalizing them.
Before Jews came to prominence in North America and Australia, our immigration policies were designed to keep us majority white.

Phenotypically, can people tell a person native to one region of Spain apart from another?
Can people tell a native Spaniard apart from a native Russian?
Maybe, maybe not.
Can people tell a native Spaniard apart from a native Moroccan?
That’s because the first distinction is insignificant, the second distinction is somewhat significant, and the third distinction is significant.
Even tho Spain and Russia are much, much further apart than Spain and Morocco geographically, physiologically, as well as psychologically and culturally, the Spaniard has more in common with the Russian than with the Moroccan.

Let me put it to you this way, if a Frenchman marries a German woman, their offspring will be more similar to a Pole than had the Frenchman married a Frenchwoman, but if a Frenchman marries a German woman, their offspring won’t be more similar to an Arab, south or east Asian than had the Frenchman married a Frenchwoman, so I don’t see it as this natural progression, the way you do.
That’s because there’s a much coarser dividing line between Europeans and non-Europeans than between different sorts of Europeans.
The differences, within nations and subcontinents are much finer and smaller than the differences, between subcontinents and continents.

Just because B is less homogenous than A, but can still function, doesn’t mean C, which is as less homogenous than B as B is less homogenous than A, will be able to function.
There may be a cut off, where at some point a society is too heterogenous to function.
The introvert may get along with the ambivert, the ambivert may get along with the extrovert, but the introvert may not get along with the extrovert.
Or alternatively, C may be more different than B than B is different than A.
We shouldn’t keep increasing diversity and assume things are just going to work out.

Just because cookies and milk can go together, and peanut butter and jam can go together, doesn’t mean cookies and milk can go together with ketchup, or peanut butter and jam can go together with mustard.
Even if B’s differences from C are about as great as B’s differences from A, A and B’s differences may be mutually beneficial and complementary, C and B’s may not be.

Well, they did have a diapora and ended up living in what were more white countries, but then white countries have been the promoters of integrative practices and cosmopolitanism. And this cannot be blamed on the Jews, though, yes, some Jews have also tried to move things in that direction. The US for example definitely had the idea of mixing what were then considered quite different races. It is part of it’s mythology of self. This trend has been present in most advanced European cultures for a long time and most Mediteranean cities on all sides were moving toward cosmopolitanism and relative tolerace in their times going back thousands of years. There are business, cultural and innovation-related motivations for this and the successful cities around the Med dove into welcoming other cultures/groups. And this was incredibly productive. England pre-and the post Empire, given its specific history and how quite different groups came to inhabit it, developed a language combining languages from two often enemy ethnic groups, and created a, yes, white population, mainly, then, that would have been considered race and culture mixing back then. And this was part of its strengths. Often modern racists look back at history ALREADY presuming modern ideas of racial differences. Back then mortal enemy culture and ethnic were merging in England to form what later was the dominant military and cultural country in the world (for good and for ill). And it devastated less cosmopolitan societies militarily and culturally.

Right now the West is being challenged by countries that are less cosmopolitan (like China) but the reason for this is because of corporate behavior. Corporations left their mothers after sucking their teats dry. They are internationalist fundamentally and do not care about anyone, certainly not particular cultures or nations.

Nice to hear.

Fight evil religions when you can.
