
So, triggers - thats a word we haven’t heard before. The shadow is triggered. Yes, I believe that’s relevant.
The art of triggering as the devilish work.

I must say its a solid point. When we investigate a Shadow, do we examine its meaning, or its technique?
Is not perhaps its true meaning in how it operates? Or if not meaning, simply the value of the knowledge to us.

How can we “self-value” ***the shadow, bring it into our terms? Not morally we cant - but what we may learn from it from how it smooths in the night, how it reaches for its means in stealth and employs them with utmost efficiency at issues which are demarcated with evolutionary precision, in this we may retrieve some of our soul which has been taken from us by those innumerable forces preying on any and all weakness in the world -
What I mean to say is - we can only reach for the snake if we are aware that we need to straighten out the snake so as for it to be a sword. Toughen it up, really too.
The shadow as a bird of prey.

Perhaps the shadow is elusive because it moves across our mind as fast as the shadow of a falcon.

*** logick –
that the occult value logic I created is most aptly called logick, I realized. Cool. No?

So like “red pilling” is in a sense a portion of humans integrating their shadow, by taking the means by which they were triggered, and triggering others for the sake of triggering. It is in a sense adolescence of the internet, of mankinds moral psyche as it is interconnected.

Then, most of it just becomes shadow and its executive slaves - that the shadow is engaged and known makes of us primarily demons, not yet… lucifers.

Yes but the true antichrist is part of the soul of the Christ –

where Christ meets antiChrist we have the Lodge.

The Demiurge’s crib.

Yeah. I get that Christ and the Antichrist imply each other from the standpoint of duality and that the Self because of its desire for wholeness seeks the conjunction of opposites. Such is the process of individuation. All of which dynamically enacts in time what is eternally true in the Pleroma-- the One.

For me it hasn’t been clear that long. I never really went into the juxtaposition, because I figured the meaning of Christianity was in unity and trinity rather than in duality.

Actually that is right and not from a repositioning through transcending synthetic objective,except in cases of expediency, where Gnostic faith was still heretical

What underlies this, is really the idea that the Crist had two successive appearances to benefit mankind:

The first as the snake, who gave man conscious knowledge, Satan, and second: the Jesus who gave man an escape from the higher score problems of guilt over existential despair.

He delivered man from the guilt associated from an anomalie that pre existed between what has come to develop through the dasein/existential
distinction in terms of schematic temporal succession between the old, and the new testaments. That previous anomalies, in the late days of the Roman empire, created a crisis of the sort: between power and will: that came to be paralleled by the onslaught of19th century moral doubt, sourced from the tremendous power that the ancien regime conferred upon the new man of the enlightenment.

The contrast deriving from religious morality, derived primarily from the tremendous angst from loss of faith., which, ironically is being revised again by the current U.S. administration.

The fact that both monist and dualist propositions are present in Christianity is itself a dualism. When discursive human thought attempts to transcend dualism it finds itself in paradox. The archetypes of the collective unconscious are all paradoxical. For example, The shadow itself, supposedly a negative thing, once recognized for what it is rather than repressed, generates a positive animal energy that makes a person more vibrant and alive.

Hmmmm… Ive thought this over for a day and must say I cant really see the two as one. Christ is not a tempter. His story has its own temptation in it - I prefer KT’s version with Judas as the one who meets the shadow and suffers the old-testament type consequences.
Its a matter of interpretation though.
I now remember from my gnostic days that there is also a gospel of Judas. I did read (in) it but it didn’t do anything for me back then.

And loss of faith is often the result of loss of self-respect.
Restoration of faith precedes the restoration of self-respect.

No one had any faith at all in the US. It was a sick joke to us all. Now, half the world is in awe and the other half is in spasms.
Indeed something is happening here - what it is aint exactly clear.

Indeed, but paradox means apparent contradiction.

Discursivity is dualist. But my idea of Christianity was that it attempts to surpass dualism by invigorating the ancient, arcane wisdom that 1=3.

In the end there is no contradiction. But the resolution is only in what the Kabbalists call the Crown, the emanating source which is drawn into conceptuality as the trinity of Crown, Wisdom and Understanding.

Duality proceeds from there as Mercy vs Severity.
These in the end are resolved in the Kingdom, to which is attributed a four-foldness, a 4=1.


What is the shadow of Christianity, though? Karpel gave Judas here - others would give us the Demiurge.
Im too fresh to this subject to yet have any answers.

The shadow of Christianity was revealed when it became the official religion of the Roman empire and it became the antithesis of the teachings of Jesus and a tyrannical persecutor of free thought.

That makes for a third potential shadow we have identified in Christianity.


And this does not begin to address the whole idea about John the Baptists beheading and the Mary Magdalene “holy whore” piece of the puzzle.

Actually it wasn’t Constantine who made Christianity the state religion. In 313, Constantine officially legalized Christian worship. In 380, Theodosius I, officially adopted Trinitarian Christianity as Rome’s state religion.

Tell me more about John the Baptist and Mary Magdalene.

Hmm… well Constantine converted to Christianity himself, and made life for those that weren’t Christian dangerous - emperor Julian, at great risk, turned Rome back the old religion for a a few years but was murdered on an Asian campaign (good book about him by Gore Vidal) and then the way was fully paved for Christianity.
Whatever the case precisely may have been, all of that was very shadowy, very dark.

Ok, the Baptist and Magdalene - a vast culture exists worshipping these two in sex magick.
Some say the Baptist is actually the real prophet. Some say Magdalene and Jesus ritually drank wine or blood from his severed head. He is connected to the figure of Bafomet, a gnostic Luciferic figure.

Of course, the shadow of the puritanistic Christianity is bound to be a sexual shadow. Magdalene, the “holy whore” is connected to what in todays occult cultures is called the “whore of Babalon” (not Babylon) and would function as the central axis of the shadow of the Christ. The Baptist is always somehow closely connected to her. Don’t ask me the ins and outs - Ive spent years trying to find out. All I could find out is that there is power there, and quite a lot of it.

Back to the Demiurge for a moment; this is, essentially, an ueberdeveloped concept of the Shadow avant la lettre.

The creator of a dark world who tempts the strong human to overcome the baseness of this world and, through alchemy, become golden. The Demiurge was traditionally connected to Saturn.
Who, as it happens, is right now transitioning from Capricorn, his own sign, to Aquarius.

The last time this happened was in 1991, at the moment the Gulf War commenced.

I wrote a song about this guy a few years ago. Some of the lyrics go:

This is the doorway, the passage to the other side
the placating message, the intersection
the false inspection of events that never happened
the dweller on the threshold, Saturn.

(images courtesy of Parodites)

Some speculations about the Baptist and his esoteric meaning.

Much that is knowledge in both exoteric (public, free) and esoteric (for initiates, comes at costs of things such as allegiance) is simply reversed when it passes through the veil (exo/esoteric meaning outside/inside the Thuros, the curtain); so one might do this operation with the connection of John the Baptist and lord Jesus Christ. Exoterically the Baptist is merely Jesus’ announcer. Esoterically, Jesus is his announcer.

In this scenario, we might speculate that the arrival of the Baptist could be what is announced as the Second Coming of Christ - and that this is the culmination of the whole of the preparatory Aeon of Pisces, which will be followed, or is now being succeeded by, the age of Aquarius, as in, the completion of a 12th of the cycle of the precession of the equinoxes.

Whatever the case - portions of Christian wisdom which have been repressed, or voluntarily hidden (or both) during the past two thousand years have been coming out into the open for about a century now - starting with the Order of the Golden Dawn and certain aspects of Theosophy, running throughout the hippie-age and coming of age in the publishing of the Royal Blood/Holy Grail theorem, which holds that the Holy Grail is the translation of a reading error; that the word is not San Graal but Sang Real, holy blood, blood of Jesus (and presumably, Magdalene).

That is the general gist - this narrative includes Masonry and all its works as preparatory for Revelation; another reversal; in Masonic Cathedrals (such as the Notre Dame de Paris) the good are inside and the gargoyles are masoned to the outside, snarling into the world. Reverse this, and one gets the soul who on the inside is tormented and on the outside brings enlightenment; or, the person who hides a dark heart behind a radiant countenance - mind you, Im not preaching, just mentioning a half-hidden thought-structure Ive disclosed for myself through research.

Always central is the figure of the tempter - but what is drastically different is his (or her) role: the function of the temptation and mans “proper” (evolutionarily advantageous) response to it.

Hey bro, thanks. Looks like a lifetime of material there to explore. And yet there’s more. For example, check this out:

Dude, that is awesome.

I was looking for a gif of a circle being drawn to post but then didn’t find a good one and posted without and then I looked at my signature lol.