There isn't really a muse thread.

A nurse got back to me with the doctors recommendations. There isn’t a reliable test yet to determine if I’ve developed antibodies. And if I am over it there wouldn’t be a virus left that currents test could detect. Some experience permanent lung damage so the symptoms remaining are consistent with that. She suggested blowing up a balloon once a day as a way to check if my lung capacity has been affected and monitor the symptoms to see if they get worse, and of course she suggested quitting smoking.

Interesting to note that all four of my grandparents lived through the Spanish flu pandemic.

Hoping You are feeling better. I heard double takes on reinfections, and they are almost contradictory. One opinion is, that there is added immunity, which will make a reinfections more unlikely, at most, and with a vastly improved outcome, at least. However, even with pets getting it, there is too much uncertainty.
The newest finding is blood coagulation and the formation of obstructions which predispose to heart attacks, in newly found effects of the disease.

Maybe can be attributed to sudden mutations?

Take care of Your self.

Thanks Meno_.

I am under the opinion Life matters regardless of racism or for that matter species, so making it about “black life mattering” is making it racist. The real question is the exercise of authority. Race isn’t the issue. I’m a white guy and I’ve been harassed by authoritarian “Sate” troopers with guns in hand. Regardless of human rights you gotta sort a be subservient to that mentality in law enforcement or you end up dead. Been there. Yes sir, flat on my face, hands behind my back for crossing a white line to go right, around some one turning left on a highway.

That’s the fucking attitude causing the problem. Some dick wad thinking a speed trap is enforcing the letter of the law. And that is why violence was the result. Any fucking race with a cultural predisposition to treat females as subservient will treat anyone with less authority as subservient. “Class” is cultural and with it comes one’s own right over an others perceived lesser right.

It isn’t a race issue. Not in >here< anyway. It’s control freaks.

I don’t feel for the health care industry one bit. I was camping, tripped and banged my brow, eight stitches later. The emergency room bill for 28 minutes of service over 6 hours of time spent waiting came to $7,900 and some change. Bodies in beds is a gold mine to hospital emergency rooms. 30 day stay - critical care? $300,000 easy, per bed. Nearing 90% capacity, gotta come up with extra beds, bonanza. Live or die it doesn’t matter.

Poor over worked employees, tough shit. Corrupt system.

Our healthcare industry is taking advantage as always. Government contracts…at the health care industries going rate. Yeah, sure… we’ll make that vaccine for you…

The numbers aren’t the news.

People ask some of the oddest questions. Like they really mean something. Where is true meaning found? LOL. People ask some of the oddest of questions.

359.zeta If I am going to just ride round and round I might as well get off.

In >this< there is a staggering amount of profit being made. So, business… as usual. Want a covid test? Win the lotto or get drafted by a professional sports team.

Now that I think about it All People are created equally intrinsically. Intellect, capability, race, and gender doesn’t matter. Democracy is all about an equal vote. One person one vote. And that is what democracy is all about.

How much discretionary income is available to an individual voter is moot.

But here is were capitalism has turned the scales. The attitude in pricing is the highest the market will bear, and is tied to the notion of available discretionary income. PAC’s are a great example. The tactics they implore have nothing to do with the truth and every thing to do with taking statements out of context and spinning reality, and both parties are quite adept at spinning what “IS” taking place, and attitudes surrounding the circumstances.

Is that a democracy where all capable citizens vote is equal? One might argue inequality in capacity is not equally created. And I agree, we are not all created equitably within circumstance beyond our individual control, we are created equally in our capacity to be involved in the democratic process. One person, one vote, regardless of access to discretionary income.

A greater union, accomplishing this would recognize it. A lesser union ignores it and claims itself greater regardless.

PAC’s messages aren’t truthful, the messages and opions are the fake news Trump will be remembered for. Coming from both parties affiliated streams of influence. Which tips the scales that all votes are not equal and neither are those casting the votes. The media and it’s sponsors have become the main stream contributors of a faked assessment of the reality of every individual occupying the planet.

Corruption rules and ruins a democracy, where equal is not an equality. God doesn’t matter, man’s assessment of his brothers and sisters does. The result of a greater union is the goal, Not which party can spin the rosiest picture on a dismal circumstance.

There is a lot of money being lost in America and a lot of money being made. The majoring of the population is comming out on the short end of the stick and those capitalizing on a pretty shitty circumstance are profiting greatly. That is what has held the market from collapse, there are still a lot of people making a lot of money and they are just scoping up the money others are losing.

That’s it,why more people are getting infected and dying in the US than in all other countries, ; because a simple trade off , is the prioritizing of people’s lives against the economic welfare of the state.

Oops, here goes that nasty configuration again, by the people, for the people and through the people.

No wonder, there is no trace of the meaning of the Constitution., where the substantives have been eliminated.

Why even mention of a ‘Constitutional ‘’ crisis’’ '?

Jakob is board again… hope it gets inspiration soon, yawn.

Remember when Denzel Washington took the hospital hostage at gunpoint and demanded that his son get the heart transplant?

That’s wtf I’m talkin bout.

And I do get some sense of what you ARE saying.

And respect the need for it being said, over and over again, if need be.

The value in advice?

Note to future self, don’t do this yourself to anyone anymore, it really is a turn off.
Every fuckin experience is an education. Strikes me odd anyone can think they hold the corner on that market. Alas, there just are personalities with traits you’ve got to learn to live with. Not a deal breaker.

All that is required exists. We the people should insure this for all. That would be a more perfect union.

Shit the red man gets left out again. High time a Native American is represented in the White House.

Curious, what will be charged on the global market for a covid vaccine?

US Population: 330 million, what will be done with Billions of doses per supplier?

No body is talking about all the “deals” being made. Our tax dollars are subsidizing the pharmaceutical industry. I hope those profits are taxed… or was “that” part of the deal too?

Nothing changes…

How much progress have conservatives ever endorsed? Conservatives don’t do that. They couldn’t even get behind steam power, or the electric light bulb. They were simply changes they didn’t embrace. Any change will be perceived as extreme… as way too progressive.

Conservatives have attempted to block every major change in human rights. And even though it is the law of the land they begrudge it, in ever quarter.

Define a more perfect union…

some differences there.

Geez, the nasty posters are out tonight.

The left is most accepting of the right. while the right is just plain intolerant. I did not find the first night of the GOP convention to be at all uplifting.

Those leaning right are just less capable of civility.

I can accept that.

For every leftist or rightist out there read up on our collective political party history. From unaffiliated through Federalist, Democratic-Republicans, Whigs, Radical Democrats, Radical Republicans, The National Union party, finally settling into a two party system resembling something like Democrats and Republicans, with the rather consistent emergence of fringe groups showing up from both sides.

Lincoln started out as a Republican but he was assassinated while a member of the National Union Party for inviting a democrat to be his running mate.

Turbulent times cause reactions, not fitting squarely in either Democrat or Republican ideology. Trump, after all has swung both ways. His reaction to Obama, as a candidate for the presidency pushed a few of his racist buttons and the little springs didn’t return the buttons to their default off state.

Seems about time for another knee jerk reaction.