Joe Biden is an Embarrassment

So you defend Nancy Pelosi’s “come to Chinatown” comment?

You seem severely and dangerously out-of-touch with reality.

You should thank Your President Trump, that he did the “DATS RACIS” thing, and shutting the door on China, and illegal immigration, otherwise the Covid situation would be an absolute disaster, compared to what it is.

Say it with me, Kropotkin… “Thank you Glorious Leader, Mr. Trump!”

There you go…!

Trump as president should have stated:

If everyone social distances for 30 days. There’d be no covid 19 left on earth. One fucking month! Is that so difficult?!?!

Now? It’s going to be a virus in perpetuity.

Trump has the biggest stage on earth and he decided not to be a leader with that stage.

That’s not true.

Liberals and Leftists have literally been coughing on people, purposefully, to spread the disease. That’s how sick and twisted the Looney-Liberal-Left is, including Kropotkin (to defend them), and you. So it’s no surprise Covid spread, beginning in San Francisco, where most of the Wuhan flights landed.

Also Trump really can’t speak to the American people, because Fake News Media twists and perverts everything he tries to say. That’s why he has used Tweets, and even still, they want to censor that too.

MSM is literally the Enemy of the People, as Trump accurately found out, early on. The Mass Media Mob is exposed, and must be pulled down. Deep state corruption, the swamp must be drained. If this means exposing creatures like you or Kropotkin, Ecmandu, then so be it.

Continue shilling at your own leisure.

The pressure the orange man is under right now is hilarious. His situation I mean. If he stands by the current restrictions that are interfering with the profits of the big companies and lobbyists, he takes shit from the cockroaches behind closed doors. If he doesn’t stand by the restrictions, he loses the favor of the voters and risks losing the election. And if he ain’t in the White House, he won’t be able to protect the wealthy elite for four more years by passing/denying laws and legislation that work in their favor.

UrX, what you are calling a ‘swamp’ is an oasis compared to what’s happening in the White House right now. Old, useless, scheming white men with raging inferiority complexes. You can only imagine what they get’ta talking about when you get em in a room together.

.@The Communists


Trump Administration was speaking and acting from the start. The fact that you didn’t want to listen, you purposefully closed your ears, you ignored, you faked-media-news, etc. doesn’t change the facts. Trump was on the button first and immediately.

Wuhan China poured into San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Seattle while the fucking Chinese ALREADY KNEW ABOUT!!!

You whackos need to pull your heads out your asses and look at the bigger picture. While China laughs at us.

Kroptkin, repeat after me, “Thank Our Holy Lord, the Christian God, Jesus is His Son, that Donald J. Trump is Our President. Thank you Holy Lord.”

…good job K.

Trump is an outsider. He’s not part of the swamp or a Deep Stater.

How can you imply that he is, when he only entered Politics recently? Trump has literally nothing to do with the Deep State. He’s a New York businessman.

This should be common sense…

Exhibit A:

Trump is mobbed up like fuck! Just like everyone else in Washington … he is the swamp, he takes orders from the swamp.

There is no deep state. Or rather, if there wuz, you can bet your ass any american president would be part if it.

There is only one power on this planet conspiring for absolute control, and that is the capitalist class.

The ‘deep state’ is a modernized revision of the red scare propaganda designed by the right to deter American citizens from leftist ideas. That’s all it is, son. I’m sorry.

The deep state is charged with what Chomsky called the manufacture of consent. All respected media are part of it. Chomsky details how it arose in England with the advent of the printing press.
They all hate Trump. Trump has dealt a great blow to the deep state, and they keep spending trillions to fuck with him. That dude is resilient though, my hat off to him.

“There is no deep state” hahah did you actually just say that kekkk.
The greatest trick the deep state ever pulled was convincing the world it doesn’t exist.

Besides manufacture of consent, the deep state is also charged with securing nuclear dominance across the world, make sure there are no rogue nukes being placed, etc - that aspect of deep state will be here as long as humanity has nuclear technology. Its per definition.

Just thinking orderly will clarify to any intelligent human that there can not be a modern technocratic state without layers to it which hold brute power and aren’t accountable to public opinion.

Straight-up spreading the virus right here, on video:


Anything else Prom?

The Deep State teaches children how to read.

But it doesn’t teach them how to think.

The Media Mob (propaganda) tells the people what to think, the populace imbibes it accordingly, “Sheeple” as one who used to frequent this forum put it so eloquently?

Does trump stand up and say during the state of the union address… “by the way, American votes haven’t been counted for 30 years, I wasn’t elected, but rather, selected, and I intend to change that!

Trump is a bought and paid for asshole, part of elite narrative just like the rest of these fucks.

If all these conspiracy scenarios validate the idea that all politically correct presentations are mere conflations of the quantum uncertainty that has effected all forms of opinions, then every opinion could
serve as a degree of requisite basis to secure just enough reality to avoid planetary chaos.

If that is the case, the policy Trump has to follow, beats all forms of moraly righteous statesmanship.

If that is the case, all bets are in that
the political uncertainty calls for drastic measures, and the next three months will be testimony of how it will go.

If Trump loosesnthe election, the good old boys will still have enough up their sleeve to bribe the whole democratic party to change clothes to fit the ultimate party. (Get together)

That is where all rhetoric is meaningless, and even Capital can subvert into a faux democracy on very short notice, all in guise of national security.


That’s it? She’s gonna make a joke about technical difficulties with a video chat? My god that’s such scathing criticism.

You know even on his worst day, biden is twice the brain of trumpf.

I love quotes like these. It saddens me to think you actually believe this.

Biden is in steep cognitive decline. Dementia is undeniable. Basically head on a stick at this point. Of course, Trump Derangement Syndrome is just as bad a mental illness as Dementia. Many of the same symptoms.

Trump derangement syndrome is people who don’t think trump is deranged. That makes them deranged, hence trump derangement syndrome.

I think you tried to disprove my point, but ended up proving my point for me.

So thank you, Ecmandu.


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