The END has come

Peak Oil has finally arrived. It is over, it is finishing real fast. There is none left in the ground, WAKE UP! Russia can’t pull any more out, the US has finished it long ago (circa 1971), Saudi Arabia is becoming stingy and are feeling the creepy situation come closer, they are afraid, as is Mexico and Brazil, and China and India didn’t even have a chance to become rich consumerist clusterfked societies like USA, EU and JAPAN, the three stooges.

I cannot understand why it is so hard to convince people TO CHANGE THEIR BEHAVIOR. They must not use their cars anymore, they must telecommute to their mostly irrelevant, imaginary and fake JOBS, the US has to pull all military out from the rest of the world and bring them all home to start farming the land WITH THEIR BARE HANDS, SINCE THE ENERGY SLAVES OF FREE OIL HAVE GONE ON STRIKE FORVER! WAKE UP, IT IS TIME TO CHANGE THE BEHAVIOR OF SOCIETIES, BUSES AND TRAINS AND PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION ARE THE ONLY WAYS TO GET AROUND, WAKE UP BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE!


yea, but why should I care about the third world people? I can just about guarantee they don’t give a crap about me.

Because you will join them real soon, BIG TIME! And actually the western societies will suffer greatly more than those poorer ones who are already used to living with modesty. Start telling people to give up their cars, their meat, their water and to start farming the land with their bare hands in our spoiled west full of spoiled brats, and you will see what I mean.

Why should I care who suffers? natural selection will ensure the best survive. After that why should anyone care?

In fact that is why it is so hard to find life “in the universe”. The universe is actually filled with the most successful living item, stones and rocks. After all what Natural Selection strives for is a kind of temporary stability of a structure. In all truth it doesn’t matter what elements the structure is made up of, if it is carbon or just a hot plasma gas like in the center of the Sun and Stars. As long as the structure is stable in time, it is successful and can be considered a successful living organism since there is no real difference between what is alive and what is dead aside from what we invent in our fairy tale heads.

An electron is the most successful living organism and the rocks on Mars and the Moon are successful living organisms, just like the hot plasmas inside the center of the Sun are the most successful living organisms.

We want change and instability and get “bored” by static situations, but we should strive to be as still as possible, to be as unactive as possible, to become statues, eternal and without any movement.

Notice how this is the exact opposite of Western Civilization and ideology with all its talk of Work, Research and Activity…

Here’s something else that goes against Western Tradition. And Eastern Tradition. And every Tradition in between:

Rocks are alive!

In all truth it doesn’t even matter if the structure or any structure is stable or unstable, if it lasts a picosecond or a trillion years, it is all very successful as existing entities. In all truth it doesn’t even matter if they are successful existing entities or totally failed entities, or even if they are entities or anything else for that matter. In fact nothing even matters, in fact it all goes…

There is a reference system where A and B are different and the same all at the same time but are different but are the same, but it is true, but you can’t understand it using logic or language, but the reference system exists, that is it does not, that is …

Because thousands of people are suffering, and with little effort first worlds could prevent at least hundreds of thousands of deaths with no real cost to themselves. That being said, I really really hope you get mauled by a bear.

This thread is stupid and sciencee/technology are progressive faster then ever before. There was a forced technological stagnation in many many giant multi-million dollar companies to keep making profit off oil, that being said, theres plenty, PLENTY of new options for energy.

NUCLEAR ENERGY: which can support most of a countries energy needs if fully supported/lots of money went into it.
Electrical energy by water, wind or etc can power thousands and thousands and thousands of homes and does right now.
Solar energy also does the same.
Coal factories to take hydrogen out of coal are predicted to be the most widely used fuel source in the states (well at least coal is) in the next coming years.

You don’t care about the science of new technology, or you’d never ever make this idiotic ridiculous claims.

Technology is demonstratably progressing faster then ever, deal with it.

Yes with technological advancements increasing and increasing rapidly, I’m not too worried about running out of oil.

Lobby money. You can also read that as bribery. The internal combustion engine is still around becuase of it.

When there is no more heating since there will be no more oil or any kind of energy, people will start to burn their furniture, then their books, then their totally useless money and then anything at all just to keep warm. It will be fascinating to see all our cultural artifacts go up in smoke, to see our civilization evaporate before our eyes, thus exposing its real value, thus unmasking the hidden layers that have been protecting us from REALITY.

Many will be shocked, most will go crazy, it will be incredible, people will not believe it. We have been living in a make believe world and dream for a couple of hundred years but this civilization will disappear and will become a mythology like Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome, it will be the Ancient Capitalist-Industrial-Consumerist-TechnoScience civilization of the 20th century. People will ask themselves how it was even possible! The internet, color TV, everyone in cars ? how absurd, many will never believe it thinking it was just some fairy tale, like we now view the ancient greek gods.

Beware, the handwriting is on the wall, do not take anything for granted, everyday in the west is an infinite gift god is lending us, but it is finishing real soon, BIG TIME!

I think you are already there my friend.

But I think there is still hope. And I think you do too. Otherwise, why the warning?

One to many tokes in your younger days? :sunglasses:

Those few that still think, being that thinking will be one of the first activities to end, given that its “energy return on energy invested would be hugely negative”, being that people couldn’t manipulate or change anything anymore, so thought would mostly disappear, but those that would think that there was once running water, free water coming out of a faucet would be flabbergasted and amazed. Just having water, drinking some dirty polluted water from the crowded wells, will seem like absolute paradise, and they would think, people really once had water for free ? from faucets ? they will never believe it. It is like a trillion years of technological evolution according to our “fairy tale extrapolation” of science and technology are closer to us than free water will be closer to them. A technological singularity, a virtual reality matrix is closer and more understandable to us, than just having water will be to them. Just to drink will seem like an absolute paradise after the end of free energy comes to be. There will only be a few millions left on earh after more than 6 billion just starved and died. People got sick and died, there would be no doctors or “health care”, another absolute science fiction item that people would never believe existed.

People will sleep in cars, all the old rusting chevys and buicks, those will be their homes since the old wood homes will have all been burnt to keep warm, and they will think “these once moved ?” how on earth is it even conceivable !?!? our beds once moved by that magic piece of iron in the hood and some mysterious black liquid ?!?! That is not even imaginable many will think. Another thing that will disappear is TIME. Time will flow ever more slowly, everything will flow in an increasingly slow motion. Why measure time, when nothing can happen ? nothing can change, all the motors are turned off, there is no more electricity, computers will be mysterious black boxes, people will look at them as some kind of mysterious magic boxes of the past, maybe some alien civilization left them, who knows what they did or how they “worked”. Why, did things actually “work” once ? No all this can’t be true, it must be some god that came down to the earth and describe a science fiction - metaphysical paradise, it must have all been invented by some mind going crazy because it didn’t drink some water after a few days.

The 2007 report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) cites retreating glaciers and rising sea levels as evidence that warming of the climate system is unequivocal. -

I like rocks. rocks are my friends.

Matter is a product of a energetic vibrating wave undulating aether.
Thought happens in the matter we call synapses and neuron. Synapse and neurons are products of that energetic space. Now suppose that that energy fluctuates and changes frequencies. Matter would change and thought will disappear or …?
What are “Atlantians” ?