Thread for Old Farts Only

EDIT: I tapped out a few things off the top of my head but in hindsight they weren’t anything special.

I recall as a sickly kid wondering if I would make it to twenty, as a twenty year old with an ability to do stupid things and middling health issues I figured I would be lucky to hit 30, as a 30 year old with a husband and son I wondered if I would make it to forty without out getting the death penalty, now I am midforties and I wonder if 50 is worth the hassle, If I make it to fifty, I plan to revert back to my teens. :banana-dance: :banana-dance: :banana-dance: :banana-dance:

Yeah, I told the wife I’m looking forward to my second childhood. Her response was, “No one will be able to tell the difference.”

You may want to get your eyes checked befor you go back to childhood repition is either a sign of senility or blindness… you choose :laughing: :laughing:

There is something screwy with ILP software. I NEVER had probs with double posts until the last update, and since then have had several. But you’re right. Senility could be part of the problem.

“Right now I’m having amnesia and deja vu at the same time.
I think I’ve forgotten this before.” - Steven Wright

I guess I qualify for this thread :unamused:

A healthy diet and muscle-building exercise is the key to youthfulness :wink:

Don’t forget sex!

I posted this in the Men-only thread. But I think it’s too ‘old’ for most of the ILP clientelle to empathise with.

I’m 42 btw. Does that count towards old fartism…?

I’m not far behind you in age Tab, though I’d say we border the young n reckless/old fart fence - I find myself saying “In my day” and “When I was young/your age” so I guess that definitely makes me qualify… somewhat. :neutral_face:


I’m sure you’ve considered it, but just to confirm: I doubt that there has ever been a generation who didn’t think that dad had it easier and lived a simpler life. And mostly, they have been right. Problems continue to grow in complexity every generation, and the pace of living continues to grow at an ever faster rate. Is there an upper limit of which we are capable? Could it ever become less complex and move a little slower? I don’t know, but I do know that one day, Artun will write the same thing about dad…

:laughing: However, if each consequitive son thinks his father had it better, that means - If they’re right - the world is going down the plughole.

Each parent thinks their kid has it better and easier. which is right?

You know, it’s like, if you’ve never taken drugs and they’re starting to talk to you, you really gotta blast through it at least a couple of times or else you’ll just end up as some dumb schizophrenic.

I’m aimin’ for harmless old man… :character-oldtimer:

I’m aiming for fruity ole bird :laughing:

Yep you are English all right, in USAin if you aimed to be a fruity old bird… you would be an old Lesbian chasing after younguns. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: Gotta love the differences that pop up from time to time. :banana-dance: :banana-dance: :banana-dance: :banana-dance:

…eehh, I was gonna say somethin… hmmm…

But now you can’t remember what it was… :laughing:

…swear tug odd, I can virtually witness my wits slowly slipping away, … or at least certain varieties of them, such as the ability to remember what I’m talking about…

I prefer to think I’m just cleaning house - getting rid of all the extraneous garbage I’ve collected over the years so I can focus on the few essential things that make a difference… like, did I have breakfast or not? Are my pants zipped? Is it nap time yet? You know, the important stuff. :-"