Thread for Old Farts Only

Hey Mas. :wink:

Not where my boyfriend’s concerned I ain’t :wink:

Did I say that? :evilfun:


Sorry tent, something happened to hotmail and I lost everything … including some important information on people. Just haven’t used it in two years.

I know I’m not included in that list, I’m a nice frigging guy. Right? Say it, say it now damn it, I’m a nice frigging person. Don’t make me persuade you with the sledgehammer … again. :banana-dance:

Hey Tabby, uhhhh, long time no speaky? ](*,)

Yea, sure, you are a real sweety for a raging rabid msynthropic wolf… I have missed the real sweet kind postings of your rabidity :smiley:

That’s right, if agreement isn’t there to be had, it can only be compliance.

Remind me , am I to fetch you your slippers or am I to get a gun??? :sunglasses: :laughing:

Both actually. Bring me slippers, hand me the gun, kiss on the cheek is optional and then ::boom::

Mission accomplished. :evilfun:

Might i remind you to read my warning notice again :evilfun: :sunglasses: :laughing:

Your prerogative, remind me again. But I’m a MAN baby, and men run stuff. At least that’s what I’ve always been told by other men. King of the Castle, men wear the pants, master of their domain … It’s all about the man baby!!!

Now where’s my kiss on the cheek, and no I’m not asking!!! :banana-dance:

:angelic-halofell: Kiss kiss hon, and I remind you of this also,that men like that can only wear the pants if their women make the pants/buys the pants, clean them and put them in a simple easy to find spot for their men.

Dear heavens man you do belong on this thread I seem to be reminding you quite a bit :happy-wavemulticolor:

As a man, I don’t feel I really have to put up with sort of treatment from a wimmins.

I need a moderator!!! [-X

What have you been up to anyway, Mas, man-of-mystery…? Pm me if any of what you’ve been doing might incrimminate you or something. :smiley: I’ll even pm you back, promise.

Liar. You wouldn’t PM me back until next month, and you know it.

I’ve been up to my ears in mountains, rivers, and lakes. Solitude in nature. Nothing beats it … nothing. I do some occasional parenting, work when the school makes me. They are all hopped up on this Monday to Friday thing, really annoying having to follow a schedule … whatevs!!!

Other than that, hrmmm, errrrr, yeah that’s about it. I’m boring, nothing more to say.


Mas has “done gone up the holler”. That’s an Appalachian term for digging a cave, climbing in, and shoveling the entrance closed - or as close to it as possible. It’s these kind of activities that give rise to reported sightings of Big Foot, or of other strange animals making unintelligable sounds in the night and giving off undescribable odors. Hopefully, his daughter will keep him semi-civilized for a few more years.

Oh please I am no wimmins, I am a lady. And obviously too much of one for you to handle :smiley: :smiley:

Damn, you know me too well. :laughing: I’m a terrible corresponder. Maybe when I get old and toothless and the kids bugger off and find lives of their own I’ll be a better intarweb-friend.

No, most people know the sounds that come from my bedroom at night … hopefully they never figure out that it’s all from soloing, that might raise some questions. Odors? I think you mean man scent. The beauty of living here is that I don’t have to shower more than monthly, if I choose not to. No one notices, and it’s bad manners to point out that someone else’s teeth look like that green, unclassified sludgey stuff under the sink; or that the last time you were in the pasture, 12 bovines died of sudden heart attack due to fume exposure.

It’s all good, it’s all … good.

I’ve never been civilised, never will be … civility is for poooooo-ceeeeees.

I have no doubts on either matter. I am certain you are a lady, and well, I’m not master of my domain because I’m a playa playa … need to resubscribe to Penthouse Forums … ooops.