Why so conservative towards nuclear power?

Ok thanks cp, that presents one side of the arguement and thatw as prety much what I had in mind myself. So what’s the other side of the arguement? Anybody, a-bomb-is-a-bomb?

no he could be called a president…former of course…

no he is not a mass murderer, Col. Paul E. Tibetts is, if you know who he is…cp knows

he is, was, the pilot of the Enola Gay

but in a sense, yes he is a mass murderer, and i commend him for that…and no i’m not a commy

he destroyed you know, 76k buildings killed 400k people, yeah he is a mass murderer

it could have been roosevelt, fi he had not died while getting his picture painted…death by a paint related accident…such a pity, but on a more serious note, truman’s discretion to drop the bomb was unevident, he was ‘fascinated’ with bright lights and pretty colors, so well described by an observer at the trinity site/test

forgot his damn name, shit…einst-nope…john smith, that works for now…i’m not supporting this but you asked me a question, I’m with cp and myself :slight_smile:

Thanks for the reply… so much for the conversation between the two Japanese…

what, it’s good clean humor…more or less, more on the less…

someone ask a question!!!

Question: by approximately when, can we expect the mass electricity generisation by fussion?

Because I hate to glow in the dark!

Are you trying to anwser my question? If so, wtf…

You know radioactive material glows in the dark, even you will.

Let me ask an easy one from you.

What is the half life time of uranium?

I don’t learn physics like a memo machine, I can’t tell you the value of Planck’s constant, let alone the decay measures of all the elements in the periodic table. Give me the relevant data and a calculator, then I’ll work it out the 1/2 life value for you in no time - that’s how I learn stuff.


Im not shure I understand your question U. Do you want to know when we will have over 50% of the nations power come from Nuclear plants or when the next really cool stepup of power will come about? the first part is easy seeing as 20% of our nations power already comes from Nuclear power and that being from only 105 or so plants, 400 more and the whole nation would not have to depend on fossil fuels. except for cars but in 20- 30 years ill right that wroung. france has 60- 80% of its power from nuclears plants and japans will have 90-95% in 5- 10 years. DumbA America is not taking a leading role when the rest of the world is thinking. France uses breeder reactors and so does Japan but the US doesnt BC we are being stupied. anyway the next part of the 2 question 1 question awsewer thing is … I have no idea. Maybe when Clack wakes up and from sleeping couch in frount of the TV… well any other good interesting Qs whill quickly be stifled by the dead sileince of the topic, unless broken by YOU THE TYPIST SO GO MAN GO.

I know i am crazy and that you know it too but please, as FM says, dont think of me as “oh its that crazy person he just F***ed up the thread, so now i wont post” I do actually make coherent posts and have important things to say but i like to envigorate my posts with my dry humor, which may or may not be that great…

Anywho Nuclear technology is starting to make a comeback after 20+ long years of neglect. IF the United States were to implement a large programe to sponser the production of nuclear power plants and reasearch in powering vehicles, the US could have well over 80-90% of its power come from green nuclear power. No coal in the atmosphere or bad junk.

A alternative plan could be implemented for powering cars, I still plan to make a “PosiCar” but in the mean time, excess power from the nuclear plants could be used to use electrossis ( electrifing water to break the bond between O and H) so that the H could be used in powering the hydrogen fuel cell cars.

(Hey and funny thing, anyone ever hear of the HYDROGEN BOMB, yea see its a good 100% more powerfull than the Atomic bomb and it is extremely volitale with oxygen take a ballon fill it with H and O put a candle near it and watch the fireworks it truely is an amazing. Cool thing its it makes water, ironic.
Yea see this “ballon” has already happened over germany in that great levithan ballon that erupted into a great ball of fire crashing down onto the city. now the want to pressurise H and use it to power your car. sniper hits a car in the rush hour freeway chain reation all the way down.
With a nuclear car its a little different. There has to be critical mass, a large eought amount of fissionable materiale that an uncontrol chain reaction occurs with dire results. Now a car really wouldnt need that much material because of its size,(a Nuclear submarine has a little bit more that the critical mass point but seeing as how a sub is 50 tons and moving in water its reasonable.) But i wont delve anyfurther as Ie probly talked long enough on this little rant in my head.)

Anywho, nuclear power plants can be wonderous not only at providing power for homes but also for our cars both nuclear and hydrogen!!! Instead of having a power plant that uses fuel for both our houses and cars we have a power plant that provides energy for them!!! Now that would be a GREAT ACHEIVEMENT een you have to agree Future Man.

Yes, the half-life for U-235 is something like 48,000 years, i think…

also to answer your question ravenwhatthehell, read the August '05 edition of national geographic, the article about the nuclear bomb and what not, it’s very enlightening…to one of a certain who actually believes uranium glows in the dark like a glowstick…i have no more to say…

wait, fusion reactors are how may i say, useless without a fission reactor, i think i already said this in this thread of blogging and posting and rambling…so expect fusion to be operational at maybe 5% efficiency in a few years…

also, terroristic threats are not to be of any concern really, and this is coming out of the national geographic article, that a suitcase bomb placed on capitol hill would maybe catch the eastern quarter of it with a little soot and maybe a burn, although a hydrogen bomb with a hundred megaton load warhead might get everything, but that would be hard for anyone to get their hands on with START and the Non-proliferation act, even though Russia still has some 16,000 odd nuclear warheads…just read the article

cp and ab, your posts are highly appreciated, my gratitude.

but really, why are people so conservative towards nuclear power, if you step back and think: ‘hey this would be a really good idea because the other energy sources are running out, except the inexhaustible, but even those are not worth the time and effort for usage, yeah i’m talkin’ to you wind power…

Yea, plus the ecocrap ppl dont really like wind power anymore and are starting to favor nuclear even. i mean the wind mills kill aimless birds and are ugly and slow down the natural winds causeing who knows what type of unforseen damage… NO WIND ON A SUMMER DAY!!! NOOOOOOOO ALL BC OF THE WIND POWER!!! NOOOOOO… heheheh


I have a question too:
Why is it so scary to you not to waste energy on heating and cooling 100 story high glass castles built in the desert.

rigggght…just contradict yourself more

the question you’re asking makes no sense

raven, quiero hablar con usted ninguna mas

rigggght…just contradict yourself more

the question you’re asking makes no sense

raven, quiero hablar con usted ninguna mas

Building skyscrapers in the desert covered of glass and double posting makes no sense.
Making staff what you sick or dead and takes more then ten times the human history to brake down makes sense.


you are redicuosly idiotic. I think your trying to say that a reactor will make a desert of glass from all the nuke plants but clearly frances 100% nuclear power reliance shows your wroung.

then your saying something like the waste will be there forever and cause every one to die, when a breeder reator cuts our wastes to nothing and then the little waste left behind can be stored easily and the half life is a quick amount compared to the human life span. speak clearly and then i wont have to interrupt your writing. *note am typing super fast to beat the bell so ignorge more poor speelying