1 book, 1 music album, 1 movie, 1 person, 1 event

name 1 book, 1 music album, 1 movie, 1 person, 1 event that has influenced your life, shaped your opinions, and serves as a foundation for your thought.

book: Time Wars by Jeremy Rifkin. This book is all about how society is speeding up, from clock culture to the information universe. Ever since I read it, I’ve come to see how the pace of life is dictated by the politics of time.

Music album: Ok computer by radiohead In my mind, this concept album echoes the same speedy future as the one I’ve mentioned above.

Movie: The matrix Do you see a theme here?

Person: My mother. She taught me how to dance

Event: I once saw three hovering space crafts shoot a fireball. No lie. They were stationary in the air above the highway I was travelling on. And it made me realize all the possibilites of this existence. And I have since become a believer in everything.[/b]

book: 1984, by George Orwell. For all the bullshit that has been written about this book, it remains the best example I’ve ever read of how to ‘make political writing an art’. There is literally nothing that I would change about the book had I written it.

Music album: The Soft Bulletin, by the Flaming Lips. Beautiful, intelligent, funny, sweet, devastating, inspiring. It’s essentially a pop album, and extremely easy to listen to in any number of situations, but it’s also a delicately constructed concept album. As such, it’s one of the best example of blending low and high art concerns in the same piece that I’ve ever come across.

Movie: Too many to list, but one that occurs to me as truly amazing is The Eighth Day, a story primarily about a man with Downs Syndrome. Watch it, there’s no point really talking about it.

Person: My best friend during adolescence, who helped me put my overactive imagination on track and focus it towards things that make me happy.

Event: Falling in love.

1 book- Green Eggs and Ham

1 music album- Rush 2112

1 movie- This Is Spinal Tap

1 person- My elusive self

1 event - every time I laugh


Book: Sound and the Fury opened up the pits of nothingness for me about a year ago and made me stop thinking in absolutes.

Music: Beethoven’s 7th has never gotten old and reminds me of how great classical music really is.

Movie: Harold and Kumar (oddly)…because it made me want desire to be sociable again, showed an alternative way of life to my own, and spawned a desire for creativity

Person: I’ve followed my in my brother’s footsteps since elementary school…and he made me think philosophically about fate, health, and their implications.

Event When I entered private school (7th grade) and realized my severe lack of social skills

Book: Hmm…this is a hard one but I’m gonna have to go with Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger

Album: This is an easy one, The Velvet Underground & Nico by The Velvet Underground, the first album that got me into good music

Movie: 2001: A Space Odyssey, Stanley Kubrick is a genius

Person: Can’t say anyone I’ve met has really inspired me, as for someone that I haven’t met I’d say Einstein

Event: My life so far has been pretty uneventful so I’ll have to go with going to college because I finally got out of my hometown

Book- Power of Myth, Joseph Cambell/Bill Moyers

Album- Wish you were here, Pink Floyd

Movie- 2001: A Space Odyssey

Person- Joseph Campbell (other than family)

Event- 9/11/01


The Adventures of Shuke and Beita, Y Zheng

Fairy Tales, H Andersen

Romance of the Three Kingdoms, G Luo

Journey to the West, C Wu

In Search of the Castaways, J Verne

The Tragedy of Hamlet, W Shakespeare

The Tragedy of Faust, J Goethe

Book of Songs, H Heine

Mobby Dick, H Melville

Tender is the Night, S Fitzgerald

The Godfather, M Puzio

Dairy of a Madman, X Lu

Rickshaw, S Lao

Snow, M Fermine

How is Steel Tempered, N Ostrovsky

Dialogues of Insects, J Fabre

Essays, F Bacon

Zadig, Voltaire

Critique of Pure Reason, I Kant

The Birth of Tragedy, F Nietzsche

Thus Spoke Zarathustra, F Nietzsche

Beyond Good and Evil, F Nietzsche

Towards a Genealogy of Morals, F Nietzsche

Twilight of the Idols, F Nietsche

Behold the Man, F Nietzsche

On Time and Being, Heidegger


Mass in B Minor, J Bach

Variation Goldberg, J Bach

Preludes and Fugues, J Bach

Violin Concerto in A Minor, J Bach

Cello Suite in D Minor, J Bach

The Magic Flute, W Mozart

Don Giovanni, W Mozart

Symphony Jupiter, W Mozart

Piano Concert in D Minor, W Mozart

Clarinet Concerto in A Major, W Mozart

Piano Sonata in A Major, W Mozart

Piano Sonata in A Minor, W Mozart

Piano Sonata in C Minor, W Mozart

Solemn Mass, L Beethoven

Symphony Heroic, L Beethoven

Symphony Fate, L Beethoven

Symphony Choral, L Beethoven

Piano Concerto Emperor, L Beethoven

Violin Concerto in D Major, L Beethoven

String Quartet in B Flat Major, L Beethoven

String Quartet in F Minor, L Beethoven

Violin Sonata Kreutzer, L Beethoven

Wiolin Sonata Spring, L Beethoven

Cello Sonata in F Major, L Beethoven

Piano Sonata in F Sharp Minor, L Beethoven

Piano Sonata Pathetique, L Beethoven

Piano Sonata Funeral March, L Beethoven

Piano Sonata Fantasy, L Beethoven

Piano Sonata Moonlight, L Beethoven

Piano Sonata Tempest, L Beethoven

Piano Sonata in G Minor, L Beethoven

Piano Sonata in G Major, L Beethove

Piano Sonata Waldstein, L Beethoven

Piano Sonata Appassionata, L Beethoven

Piano Sonata the Farewell, L Beethoven

Piano Sonata in E Minor, L Beethoven

Piano Sonata in A Major, L Beethoven

Piano Sonata Hammerklavier, L Beethoven

Piano Sonata in E major, L Beethoven

Piano Sonata in A Flat Major, L Beethoven

Piano Sonata in C Minor, L Beethoven

Overture Corriolan, L Beethoven

Symphony Unfinished, F Schubert

Symphony Great, F Schubert

Winter Travels, F Schubert

String Quintet the Trout, F Schubert

String Quartet Death and the Maiden, F Schubert

Etude in E Major, F Chopin

Etude in C Charp Minor, F Chopin

Nocturne in A Flat Major, F Chopin

Scherzo in B Flat Minor, F Chopin

Piano Sonata Funeral March, F Chopin

Piano Concerto in F Minor, F Chopin

Waltz Grand Brilliant, F Chopin

Waltz Minute, F Chopin

Waltz in E Minor, F Chopin

Waltz in A minor Posthumous, F Chopin

Waltz in B Minor, F Chopin

Polonaise Heroic, F Chopin

Ballade in G Minor, F Chopin

Piano Concerto in A Major, F Liszt

Piano Sonata in B Minor, F Liszt

Transcendental Etudes, F Liszt

Concert Etudes, F Liszt

Paganinni Etudes, F Liszt

Symphonic Poem the Ideal, F Liszt

Symphonic Poem Battle of the Huns, F Liszt

Symphonic Poem From Craddle to Grave, F Liszt

Symphonic Poem Hamlet, F Liszt

Symphonic Poem Mephisto Waltz, F list

Bach Fantasy in B minor, F Liszt

Three Love Dreams, F Liszt

Waltz Melancolique, F Liszt

Introduction and Allegro for Piano and Orchestra, R Schumann

Violin Concerto in D Minor, R Schumann

Piano Concerto in A Minor, R Schumann

Intermezzi, J Brahms

Two Rhapsodies, J Brahms

Sixteen Waltzes, J Brahms

Symphony in C Minor, J Brhams

Symphony in F major, J Brahms

Piano Concerto in B Flat Major, J Brahms

Violin Concerto in D Major, J Brahms

Overture Tragic, J Brahms

String Quartet in A Minor, J Brahms

Clarinet Sonata in A Flat Major, J Brahms

Cello Sonata in E Minor, J Brahms

Symphony Italian, F Mendelssohn

Violin Concerto in D Minor, F Mendelssohn

Venician Gondola Songs, F Mendelssohn

Piano Trio in D Minor F Mendelsshon

Symphony Titan, G Mahler

Symphony Faust, G Mahler

Swan Lake, P Tchaikovsky

The Sleeping Beauty, P Tchaikovsky

The Nutcracker, P Tchaikovsky

Piano Concerto in B Flat Minor, P Tchaikovsky

Violin Concerto in D Major, P Tchaikovsky

Symphony in F Minor, P Tchaikovsky

Symphony Pathetique, P Tchaikovsky

Overture Romeo and Juliet, P Tchaikovsky

String Sextet Souvenir of Florence, P Tchaikovsky

Symphony War, D Shostakovich

Symphony Lenningrad, D Shostakovich

Symphony Stalin, D Shostakovich

Symphony Revolution, D Shostakovich

Preludes and Fugues, D Shostakovich

Two Jazz Suites, D Shostakovich

Two Piano Concertos, D Shostakovich

Two Violin Concertos, D Shostakovich

Two for Tea, D Shostakovich

String Quartet in B Flat Major, D Shostakovich

String Quartet Funeral March, D Shostakovich

String Quartet the Suicidal, D Shostakovich

String Quartet in A Flat Major, D Shostakovich

String Quartet in D Major, D Shostakovich


Jesus Christ man, it said 1 book and 1 album, not 600. How long did that list take you to compile?

Book) The most influential book on my life has been the Bible (though I’m not exactly Pat Robertson or Billy Graham.) I did grow up with a Christian background and was thus inspired to discover the philosophy of Christianity a few years ago, which changed the way I view and deal with people.

Album) Most influential album… I really can’t pick one. Just like I can’t pick a favorite band. However, I’ll go with Zoso by Led Zeppelin, because it marked the changing of my music tastes when I became friends with some of the most influential people in my life.

Movie) Most influential movie might be V for Vendetta. I loved it, have seen it many times, and have gone as far as to memorize the speech V gives on the television because I think it expresses some important themes. (I’m horrible at putting my thoughts into words so memorizing quotes, passages, or speeches is not uncommon for me, as they allow me something to revert to when I try and express my ideas.)

Person) The most influential person in my life award could go to any and all of my friends. I wouldn’t be where I am today if it were not for them. In fact, if it were not for them I wouldn’t even be CLOSE to where I am in any respect other than age, because 5 or 6 years ago I would’ve gotten into drugs and alcohol, made bad decisions, and ended up in a completely different place in my life.

Event) Most influential event might be my almost attempted suicide around the time I was 11 or 12. I don’t even remember what triggered it, and I know I only didn’t go through with it because I thought I might not die fast enough and I didn’t want to suffer. It wasn’t until a week later that I found I had any reason to live. This event signaled a major personality shift, and I got a lot of priorities in order (or out of order, depending on who you ask.) I became interested in psychology and philosophy, and suddenly being a good friend meant much more to me than school ever had or ever would again. I lost a passion or two from the event and gained a few others to replace them, that remain with me to this day. I also learned a lot about how I view life and its purpose.

The books took quite a while, I had to select according to gerne and chronology. The experience was great because it intimately reflects my intellectual development from reading fairytales to histories, novels to philosophies. The music flew from within pretty much straight out. The bold italic underlined, are my favourites. So, a shortened version would be something like,


Romance of the Three Kingdoms

How is Steel Tempered

Tender is the Night


Violin Concerto in A Minor

Symphony Jupiter

Piano Sonata in E Major

The Lime Tree from the Winter Travels

Scherzo in B Flat Minor

Allegro Agitato Molto from the Transcendental Etudes

Intermezzo in A Major

String Sextet Souvenir of Florence

String Quartet Suicidal

Can’t do a shorter list. This is already too short.

I understand Unicor, I can’t say one of anything. Everyday new things give me a stronger foundation, inspiration, opinions and thoughts. Everyday the old is enhanced by the new.

My life by me and others, is my book and music album,

My family, friends and even those I don’t know and don’t like give to me, foundation, inspiration, opinions and thoughts.

Although, the single most awesome event was holding our son, our baby, right after he emerged from my body. That one little event shattered and changed everything I thought I knew about life and love. When my husband kissed me as we both held our son, We were so complete and so much more connected then we had been. We still are almost 22 yrs later. what we did was right, what we have is right, what we have will never leave and will only grow stronger.

Kris, thank you for sharing. You sound like a happy person, well, most of the time. Happy people are my heroes. Happy people who give expression to their passions, tragically with supreme noble grace, are my gods.


I worship none esle.

Book: Plato’s Republic

Music: Anything by Vivaldi/ Operation Mindcrime: QueensRyche

Movie: Wall Street / The Hunted (Japanese movie, not American movie with the same title)

Person: Great uncle, Francis W. McMullen

Event: Pissing off Sifu Manuel Tanningco by questioning his martial abilities, (yes, my penance was paid in blood and stitches)

Book:Two books, “Report to Greco” Nikos Kazantzakis
and “Conversations with Eckermann” J.W. Goethe

Music album: “Autumn” by George Winston

Movie: Silent Running. Yes, it was a trashy film, but nevertheless.

Person: Don’t really have one

Event: The key event of my life happened before I was even born
when my mom got German measles when she was 4 months
pregnant with me which caused me to have a birth defect.


Uniqor, thank you so much, I meant even you all, the ghosts of my net, give to me. Even when tragedy strikes sometimes a little rock can make you smile. Happiness is hard work but, so worth the trouble. Yes, most of the time I am happy but, before that grateful. I hope that you are happy to or if not, soon will be.