… y_theorist
You believe Alex Jones is a zionist agent?
Not trying to argue, rather curious…why do you believe that? I personally admire Alex Jones certainly never once thought that about him.
He never mentions Israel’s involvement in 9/11 – the evidence for which is near mountainous at this point.
All he does is spout fear. Who says this Police State has to come? He urges people into fear-based trains of thought and gives no real solution. Actually listen to what he says.
I don’t mind him, and I watch his stuff… but you have to realize his place.
Here check this out: … 8796972103
It doesn’t do any good to talk about the Zionists? What?
You see what I mean? His information is not bad, but he omits a huge portion of it in regards to Israel. They try to rule the world by proxy, and the are good at trying to cover themselves up.
Thats true about him not mentioning it, but I still don’t know if I believe that he is a zionist.
As for the police state, it’s already here.
Have you ever thought about the major political actions of the past hundred years, and how it could have been carried out to lead up to their total control? What I think about sometimes is that Hitler was part of the Illuminati and carried out the Holocaust as planned to then create Israel. We then go into a Cold War to leave an impression that America is 100% against fascism, so that people would be blindsided when it turns fascist. The creation of Israel will later provide a reason for the United States to invade the Middle East and gain a foothold in that region of the world. Just putting different facts together to create theories. For those of you who can’t possibly believe that powerful men would do such things, lookup Operation Northwoods. … 2835150685
Not relevant to the thread really but I watched it after the Alex Jones clip. This video really pissed me off
Well… yeah, obviously. Anyone who doesn’t see that is sort of stupid in my mind.
However, the police state is not here yet. Or else we wouldn’t be talking about this. The police state is made up of people like you and me who know what is going on but don’t do anything. Sure we’re all affected by apathetic brainwashing from the cell towers/chemtrails but we could still do it – we could still stand up – and that’s what Alex never advocates. He just spreads fear and as i said – no solution. There is no complex solution, we just need to be positive and spread awareness to people too stupid to realize what’s going on. You gotta be nice… and Alex promotes yelling with a bullhorn – no one listens to that.
I mean… Alex has interviewed Noam Chomsky, and one of the actual Rothchilds – does that reek of suspicion or what?
Loose Change initially made me aware of the conspiracy, but Alex Jones actually led me to fully believe whats going on. He’s useful for that no doubt.
That’s another thing – he never talks about chemtrails!
I’m not too familiar with the chemtrail conspiracy…what exactly do people believe the chemicals are/do?
It’s a multi-faceted program which can be used for many things, but essentially the main purpose is to rain barium nitrate down on us, further diminishing our immune systems, and blocking off our intuitive prowess, and straight up mind control.
They act in tandem with the cellphone towers (which are not solely cellphone towers) and the program could quite literally incapacitate an entire populace of people.
The HAARP (it’s much more advanced than the ‘HAARP’ public information) systems at play all over the world have the ability to entrain your very emotions to any frequency/emotion they want – and they often do this in terms of ‘anxiety’ ‘dumbness’ so on.
That is the real prison – the electronic one. This is all about human ascension energetically, and them trying to stop us from essentially developing our psychic abilities – as that would be the end of their power.
I am involved in the orgonite movement, which is a worldwide opposition to those fucking towers and the shit-spray by using old techniques which convert the ‘DOR’ emitted by the towers, and manifested in the spray – to ‘POR’ which is the other end of this spectrum, which is helpful and beneficial to humans. I am not doing this justice so I urge you to look into it yourself.
Orgonite movement eh? Interesting, that goes along with my belief of the universal energy force. I’m all for this. Any websites you can recommend I check out about the orgonite movement? Thanks
Btw see how it’s only you and me in this thread? For all that most are concerned, this thread is written in fucking… arabic. You’d be surprised how much emotion can cloud thought process.
and how to do you tame emotion so you’re not some corporate donkey that can accept the truth of things?
أنظر؟ من هنا هو الذهاب الى تل الفرق؟
نائم. لهم جميعا.
كما يستخدم لامبالاه الدافع.
This orgonite stuff is confusing as shit. So have you noticed any differences when you have the different being around the orgone devices? I certainly want to get some of these. I’m gonna register on the forums…whats your name on them?
Same name.
As for if it’s effective… I certainly think so, but I urge you to look into Reich’s work for yourself.
If you look at the cloudbuster vids/pics you can see the most empirical evidence. I have personally gifted tons of places, and seen the results quite dramatically.
When you have black helicopters and spray planes doing circles over your house you sort of get the feeling you are doing something at least
I need an invitation to register for the etheric warriors forum. Could you give me one?
You’ll need some orgonite first. If you can get a tin-foil hat too, that would be great. If not, Gobbo will have one of his agents issue you one.
You must understand that being a “gifter” is not easy. Not just anyone can do it, because not just anyone could watch 375 youtube conspiracy videos and believe any of it is real.
And you need to be careful. The only reason why they haven’t rubbed Gobbo out yet is because they know that me and my people know Gobbo is being watched. If Gobbo disappears…me and my people make them disappear. They don’t want that.