I strongly urge that if you have itunes to download these podcasts, they are free and they can’t be anything but helpful.
But I would like to discuss this more with someone who’s listened to the debate, because I don’t feel I’m always clear in my explanations of what is happening and I could be missing something from the debate.
Oh man… I just got the mp3, and it sounds like they are talking about…
Take a good long look @ speciesism: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Speciesism
There’s the main chunk of the opinions about what “good” and “evil” is.
It’s most “evil” to kill a human. It’s fine to kill something or someone else… which reminds me, why is a non-human not considered to be “someone”?
Also, during suffering, dude says: “why me?”.
Firstly, do not expect justice to actually exist.
Second, remember how under-developed and degenorating many people are, and someday their bills come due.
Third: “evil” does not exist. Destruction, pain, mistakes: these exist, for example, but they are just facts due to multifarious situations…