A common attack used by non-bible-believers against bible-believers is the notion of “cherry picking”. CP is the act of referring to a collection of information and blatantly choosing the bits you like while also blatantly shunning the bits you do not like. For example it is not unheard of for a self proclaimed Christian to hold the bible as words directly from God, yet when presented certain immoral passages from Deuteronomy or Leviticus (like the ones about rape, stoning unruly children, not eating shellfish, not working on Sunday, yada yada) the Christian says something to the effect of “Oh well thats just the OLD testament… We have the new one now”. The irony/hypocrisy in this hypothetical quote is that the 10 commandments are from the old testament. Oh and so was the story of CREATION!
CP is very easy to spot. Its also just as hard to deny. What I don’t get is that people do it all the freakin time. Why do some Christians persist on using SOME of the bible as their divine inspiration? Do children in bible study classes even skim the bad stuff in the old testament? Do they know it exists? I know that I’m making a judgment call on the “badness” of the bible, but I would wager that not very many people are fans of stoning to death unruly children.
On that note. Why do so many Christians when presented the “cherry picking” accusation, simply shrug off the “bad” stuff as not literal, and that they are simply metaphors or whatever? After the thousands upon thousands of variant copies of the bible, these “metaphors” are still printed in the same general way. Why don’t they print the bible in such a way that there would be no room for ambiguity or vagueness.
Better yet, if you aren’t even going to bother reading the portions of the bible that do not fit into your own set of morals, then don’t keep printing those portions. There needs to be a new Martin Luther of the 21st century to stand up and say “All right look people. We can’t keep using this book if we’re going to keep picking out the stuff we like and not even mentioning the bad stuff. What we need to do is physically take out the bad stuff and only print the stuff we care about. Think of how much paper we’d save!” I’d do it myself, but theres the whole lack of belief in the bible thing going for me.
Just think of how much time and headache would be saved over biblical interpretation. If the bible were written in a straight forward, obvious, literal, NON-ambiguous, NON-vague fashion then things would be more easy going. It would be a lot easier to teach, and it would be a lot easier to congregate around it.
The Quran is a good example of a book that has at least be able to dodge the word processor. Granted I am not very familiar with what it actually says in the Quran, however I do know that a “true Quran” is only written in Arabic. All other versions are not considered pure because they are not in the word of Allah. I was told this by the guy who ran the gift shop at the local Mosque when i attended a service for my comparative religions class.
But seriously. Lets convene at Nicea again this year and discuss the new bible. One that can and SHOULD be taken literally. Would that be so hard?