21yrold with highpaid skills, a target for young fems?

I have to go with the cautious stand. I think he should live at home, be charged a nominal rent and save money – this will also protect him from being a target of money hungry women.

As for you son however :smiley:, I believe his self esteem and self confidence is his most precious asset (not his money or earning capacity) and he should be let free to learn life skills which include making mistakes.

Confidence is, after all, not just the feeling of being able to achieve something, but also the ability to cope with inevitable failures and get back up again.

He can only learn good judgement by making bad judgements so the longer he’s kept from making mistakes, the longer he’s kept from developing as a confident and fulfilled adult.


Quit scaring the poor woman. :laughing:


That was really rotten…

But the advice for her son was good.

Hey Bess, [whisper]I wonder why Kris’s husband has such a problem with money hungry women? Is he saying 'dont end up like me, son"? [/whisper]

Tent, :laughing:

Kris: I’m sure hubby’s well meaning and it’s his first time after all but it seems most people here agree with you, let your son go.

My only slight concern is that your son doesn’t seem to have had that much experience yet he may be going overseas? If he’s going by himself and is making his own way (i.e. not on a tour) that could be too much learning all at once?

kriswest is a girl?!?

No. Kriswest is a woman and dogcatcher.

Read his… sorry her… signature yrom.

Dog catcher? I thought that’s what they called guys who couldn’t pick up hot babes?


Pharoh can call me girl Bessy heck I don’t mind it at all, At times I am very much a girl anyway. You should see me jump and scream if I encounter a surprise spider. Or one of those huge not roaches.

We checked our score card and hubby has more rescues than I have. (we are debating if unborn kittens count.) We have finally started getting pledges for equipment and supplies to start building a rehab center for feral dogs and cats and abused or shy dogs and cats. We know how to retrain so this will be our priority for our shelter, then they can be adopted out. except for our present kids, Oh hell no they are our babies.

yromemtnatsisrep, I call you Pharoh because your name looks like an Egyptian Pharoh name to me and Pharoh is so much easier to spell, I hope you don’t mind? If you do I will not do so. I have always been fond of Egyption historical figures such as Pharohs, high priests and priestesses. They held such incredible power and just did so many interesting and intriguing things.

As I look over our situation with our son I realized why my husband and I really have a hard time at this stage. No experience from our parents. I was no. 4 to leave and he was 4th to leave. So when it came to our nest flying, our parents were over the gripping worries on the outward side and were pretty calm about our exodus. heck my Dad helped me and packed me and out of the house in under 2 hours :laughing: Husband’s parents and my parents still had plenty more nestlings to go after us. Perhaps having just one creates a different feel?


Having three, I’m in no position to know if just having one creates a difference, but I’d make just one observation: one or a half dozen, a parent asks the same questions with each child. Are they ready? Or perhaps more tellingly, am I ready? :wink: They always send us inexperienced people to do the job, so the answers are never there when we need them. Answer this: Have you and your husband done your best? If you can say yes, let the relationship evolve as it will.