3 requests to future massmurderers.

This is in light of the Virginia Tech tragedy. Another college with males and guns. Should we consider this pattern to be avoided?

So let’s assume that short-term massmurder from angry youth is going to happen. That’s really what you get down to when you strip away the ineffective terms like “terrorism” and “anarchy” and “fundamentalism.”

Rather than insist that all of us stop fighting and be good little subordinates, I’ll just argue those killers-to-be. Some criteria for their manifesto.

(1) “You forced my hand.”

No one forced you to do it, you moron. Where did you pick this up? Could you lay out the plan for how this is rationalized? Could you hire someone to do it? If you’re going to publish something in regards to this, and your going to brag that it’s you who’s doing it, why don’t you then take responsability. You’re doing it because you want to. Plain and simple. You can give a million reasons why you want to. You still did it because you want to. If you’re going to be original, why make the same argument every time? “You all had so many alternatives. You just refused. Now you all have to pay.”

(2) “Dispairate Warrior” genre.

Stop seeking fame for your face. Admit it. You wanted to be a movie star and you’re not. Who cares. I’m betting nobody’s going to make a movie with you as a hero or as a wily / wise villain this millennium. Why must mass murder require poetic license for you? Is it because you live in a dream? At least people whom do it for their god have some irrational moral mechanism. You do it for . . . what exactly? Ambiguous interpretations of your autobiography? I’ll accept one of these answers, despite how flawed they may be: “For God,” (9-11) “population control” (Ted Kacinszky), “a better scheme of empiricism” (E.L.F). If actions speak louder than words, why do you even bother try to justify it?

(3) “I’m special”

Let’s guess. You lived a long life under tyrannical pressures from idiots. You’re ambitious to prove that you’ve defied their cruel demands to belittle you. You don’t want to be in the crowd. Perhaps there’s a good reason why “special” has become such a sarcastic condascending word in english. We grow up with the oxymoron that “everyone is special.” Well, deal with it. No one is special. But we do things we can value. If you value killing lots of people, maybe you’ll accomplish it. Perhaps a large portion of the third world three quarters of the human population would also do the same if they had more resources than an uncertain chance to stay alive. Maybe that’s your reason to kill so much. And if your argument is for population control, you may as well accept the fact that you’ll be demonized and think more mechanistically. Bomb a maternity ward, the U.S. military does it anyway. Try to pick one which you think is breeding more insurgents against a better empirical scheme. You know the argument: “They’re not villains yet, but they’re destined to be.” At least then, you spare the world a great deal of resources used to educate and supply those people as they grow up in helplessness and hopefully contribute more in their later life.

Ultimately, my history proves that I can relate in some small way to the Ted kacinskys and the Columbine Killers of the world. It goes: “There’s too many damn wrong things, and too many supposed solutions that seem to just bog the matter further. So what say we retreat to some fast, classic, encompassing solution.”

I maintain sanity, because I envision myself just as pathetic, as irrational, and as much of a plain result from external forces as you appear to me, should I try to join your column of historical figures.

History proves that governments everywhere ideate mass murder. They do it for money, and they find great scapegoats that will do it for angst. In our modern sophisticated equations, you are a pawn in their varying predictions. Maybe you can’t make the real difference you want, simply because you’re not smart enough.

Try to make yourself an exception to the stupid, insane, and pathetic. Ted there at least managed the stupid part.

Like the killers of 9-11, I suggest you not try to “make your mark.” Instead, contend with the fact that you are a subordinate, but you can to some degree at least choose sides.

Its a good polemic, but in reality those people’s (mass murderers) problems are sincere and not some kind of simple, categorized plan for attention like you set up there.

Crime results from social excess, to quote Lenin. There are no minor solutions to the greater problems that mass murderers and criminals in general pose to society. Those types of sociopathic behaviors will always happen but remain statistically small. The solution to stop development of these types of sociopathic behaviors is changing society, not the individual, since it is through alienation and individuality that these problems arise. The last thing a trobled person wants to hear is “your different”. That is at the base of the affliction…the alienation. A person only wants to think they are special after doing great deeds, not bad deeds. Guilt before the other is at the root of most sociological problems.

I know what this kids problem was. He was a half-intellectual who was probably a little smarter than his peer group, who developed a superior attitude. This attitude was later used to revenge himself of the times he was denied by peer groups and in dating. What started as bad luck with people became “these people aren’t good enough to have me as a friend anyway” as he noticed all the hipocrisy and deceit in the consumer discourse of his peer group.

All it takes is an exceptional kid who is unpopular, unwealthy, and who falls into some philosophy and reads the wrong shit. The final analysis is this: that kid was too young to deliberate anything. He couldn’t of possibly had any firm convictions at his age. All he needed was someone tougher and smarter to accept him. A mentor to help him cultivate his ideas, opinions, and use of the nunchucks.