5 Greatest Inventions

What do you think the five greatest inventions of all time are?

My list:

  1. The Wheel
  2. Writing
  3. Government
  4. Cooking
  5. Language

Define greatest. I’d call those a fundamental list. I’d define greatest inventions as ones that may not otherwise have been developed in that time period if it were not for key events or people. If we’re truly on most fundamental, why is cooking above fire? Why writing above tools? Why government above social structure?

I would define greatest, for this instance, as most influential and beneficial. Cooking is above fire becuase fire is not an invention, but rather a discovery. However, I’ll admit that the same can be argued about cooking. I was unsure if I should include it in my list at the time of my original writing. Writing out ranks tools because, to me, all inventions are tools. I was looking for specific tools. I simply didn’t think of social structure as an invention, but I suppse that may top government.

The beer bong.

government? you must be kidding.

Language is not an invention. Even ants communicate.

If we include discoveries, however, I think maybe:

  • Wheels/axles.
  • Levers.
  • Writing.
  • Discovery of DNA.
  • Identification/discovery of bacteria.
  1. computers

  2. Books

  3. Automobiles

  4. Weapons (Specifically, the firearm)

I’m still working on 5#.:wink:

  1. Pet Rocks
  2. The Suck’n’cut
  3. Chia Pets
  4. The Showtime Rotiserie and Grill
  5. Infomercials

In all seriousness…

  1. Weapons
  2. Music
  3. KY and Porn
  4. Cooking
  5. Intellectual Distractions such as this board and football

Why? All these things prevent people from gettin’ all up in other’s shit. People need distractions from life’s doldrums, I’ve never met a fat man with a sandwhich who wasn’t smiling on the inside, sexual tension is the number one source of drama, music soothes the soul, and if all else fails, don’t fuck with me…I’m packin’ heat.

birth control is by far the greatest.

Okay, I got 4#

  1. Weapons (specifically, the firearm)

…still working on 5#

points to the image in his signature

Edit, use it.