7 Billion People World Wide

Congratulations! We finally did it! Yes we can!

As of the last month the earth has reached seven billion people worldwide in population.

I’m here to celebrate overpopulation.

Were now that much more closer of over utilizing the world’s natural resources for a unsustainable population of people.

I want to celebrate capitalism with it’s belief of infinite growth within a finite habitat! I smell a real winner of success when it concerns the human species!

Let’s peddle this farce indefinitely until the final hour where were so entirely screwed it would be practically too late to change anything at all whatsoever. :banana-dance:

Our only option is to either let things get so entirely out of hand within overpopulation or start up a political -socialistic fascist state in which the government intervenes in the bedrooms of individuals. Perfect catch 22? You decide.

At any rate I hear that in a lot of academical and intellectual communities they keep talking about how nice it would be to eliminate 90% of the human population on planet earth.

I wonder how anything short other than global genocide would achieve that.

Who knows? Well, world war III is right around the corner where maybe that is the ultimate plan altogether.

:banana-ninja: :banana-parachute: :banana-rainbow: :banana-rock: :banana-skier: :banana-stoner: :banana-tux: :banana-wrench:

More bananas!


We need more!!! Mememememe! Spreading like a virus! :greetings-cya:

we don’t need genocide, we just need to get rid of most of the men who aren’t me


who’s in?

Fascist bastard asshat. =P~