9/11 Predicted

This 1st episode of the Lone Gunmen aired just a few months prior to 9/11.


You’re right, just ANOTHER coincidence, go back to sheep.

It wouldn’t be the first American false flag/inside job, see Gulf of Tonkin incident. All throughout history, elites have attacked their own countrymen and blamed it on their enemies.

What does political philosophy have to say about false flags?

The same thing was attempted in 1967 against the USS Liberty, but a crewman managed to get the message out that it was really the Israelis attacking, NOT Egypt as was intended to be believed.
Attack on USS Liberty
Attack on USS Liberty
Attack on USS Liberty

Deferring blame (“blame-shifting”) is one of the oldest social management schemes recorded (in the Bible no less).

911 has Israel written all over it.

Wow, what a terrible show.

False flags are committed because they work. No one wants to believe their own government capable of such things; there is a strong psychological investment in looking the other way, for the majority of people.

Without a useful media, these is no hope such things will ever be brought to light. The idea has been snuck out in the guise of fiction and conspiracy enough so that even if some whistleblower did come out publicly, people wouldn’t react very much. They would just shrug and say, “another crack-pot.” Any evidence would never be allowed to surface to the public, and the relevant people trying to expose the truth would just disappear.

Werewolves vs Vampires.

I never really quite got how the Tonkin incident came to be known as a false flag operation. History says otherwise. There is no real evidence that there ever was an attack at all. It can’t be a false flag attack if there was no attack.

While the Liberty incident is more hotly disputed, I have never seen any evidence that either Israel or the US could possibly have benefited by it.

Whether there was any fowl play concerning any incident, if you cannot see what could be gained by such scenorios, then you fail to understand real-world psychology and politics.

ALL behavior of every living thing is determined by the perception of hope and/or threat. ALL incentives, all motivations, all inspirations, they all are founded in perceived hopes and threats.

Threats scatter, hopes gather.

By displaying a threat ("someone destroyed the USS Liberty!!") American citizens come to believe that action should be taken, authority to militarily respond should be given. The doors are opened for military action. But against whom?

When a threat is perceived, but the source cannot be verified, speculation and suspicion take over. “Action MUST be taken”, yet only suspicion can guide you to the target. So… display a likely target (whether guilty or not, an enemy). It is more commonly called “Framing”. “Egypt is hostile toward the US and had ships in the area. The rest is classified.” The effort/spirit of such has also been called “The Devil”.

What is to be gained? Well look at what was gained by Israel when the US obliterated Iraq. Iraq had the 4th largest military in the world. Israel had the 5th. After Iraq was falsely accused of having “weapons of mass destruction” and falsely accused of terrorism acts against the US (seeding the suspicion), war was declared without a moment given to change any mind. Israel now has the Fourth largest military in the world and one less neighboring enemy. The Iraqi soil is now permanently infested with deleted uranium from US armaments. The people there will be dieing of unseen diseases for a thousand years.

Where is war being fought now? Another Israel neighbor. After that? Another Israel neighbor.

Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan… What do any of these really have to do with the US? Might it have something to do with 30% of the US Senate being Jewish? Israel has boasted on their defense of turning nation against nation.

The old testament describes how to stay invisible and raise suspicion against enemies so as to bring enemy against enemy and thus “be as God”, in the “likeness of God”. Ahdam was never supposed to have been seen (“Who told you that you were naked???”)

What is to be gained by such behavior? - ABSOLUTE DOMINATION of the entire world with all of the vast wealth and power that goes with it. Those who seek power without getting caught are powerful enough to seek more and be seen less. “Pay homage to ME and ALL that you see will be yours.”

It is the very essence of the old testament Bible (the Jewish Torah).

Jesus was the cure. But the US gave up on Christianity.

What? You have failed to answer my point, James. It was an air attack (with a couple of torpedo boats. The US never claimed it was the Egyptians. Do you actually know anything at all about that incident?

Oh for heavens sake. Did you even watch any of the videos?

The Israeli planes attempted to take out ALL communication as they murdered some 25(?) men while flying disguised planes (but already identified by the ships crew). One crewmen managed to get a message out despite the barrage and thus the game was all but over. The planes, not knowing they were caught, kept trying to ensure that no messages could be sent as a torpedo boat targeted the ship. Due to the captains expert sailing, only one torpedo actually struck, killing more men (37 in all, I think). The crew was commanded to never speak of anything they knew concerning the incident - further hiding the Israeli involvement.

Planes with nuclear weapons were launched AT EGYPT. Egypt was the obvious political government to blame IF the Israeli involvement had not been discovered. It would obviously be pointless to try to blame Egypt since the crew already knew who had attacked. The planes were immediately recalled. No assistance was sent to the near sinking ship despite hours of attack still going on in an attempt to murder ALL crewmen (thus concealing the truth).

And your point was the question of “What would be gained?” I answered your point quite thoroughly.

Ahh, so we just botched it. But you know what the US was really thinking.

History and those crewmen know what happened and what the US and Israel did. What they were thinking is not for us to know. But since when was murder forgiven due to what someone MIGHT have been thinking rather than what they ACTUALLY did?

Hiding a truth not only protects an enemy, but creates additional enemies. The US government chose to claim US citizens as their enemy and now prepare for all out war against them. Such is what happens when you default to Judeo-secular rule in place of the altruistic approach. And they know that (now).

If we don’t know what they were thinking, then we don’t know that it was murder.

Well we know that they were shooting intentionally at the crew. What else do you need to know about what they were thinking?

If your father was shot down and the story was covered up, would you be satisfied with the statement, “but you don’t know what the shooter was thinking, so its okay.” No need to even investigate??

I’d need to know that they knew it was an american ship, for one thing. And it wasn’t much of a coverup. The Israelis admitting it.

But you were the one who said we don’t know what the shooter was thinking. Are you part of this coverup?

Now you are just babbling.

Israel did not admit anything until they were caught. Then they lied by saying it was an accident. The pilot told the ground crew that they were shooting at Americans but he was told to continue. Even then, the US military and the Israeli military hushed it up by force.

Wait until someone in your family is murdered and the only authority says that it isn’t important enough to investigate or take action on.

They admitted it within hours. How much more quickly would you expect them to?

There are many friendly dire stories, and some of them involve unfortunate orders from rear commanders.

Not that this would matter to those who know the truth.

Perhaps we should have the government which (you say) covered this up investigate the coverup. I’m sure that would do a lot of good.

No they lied about it within hours. And have not admitted guilt even to this day. I have even seen obvious lying about it in Jewish videos still.

Don’t pull that “You say” crap. I’m not those who made all of the video testimonials and there are many more than what I presented. People were murdered then so as to use an old Hebrew technique to turn nation against nation. They are still doing the same. And it is no longer a secret used merely on jungle tribes to manipulate.

Hitler’s complaint of the Jewish use of the news media prior to WW1 was that very same issue, “The Problem of the Jews”. If Hitler couldn’t stop them, why stop? Lying works.

Ahh, The problem of the Jews.

I guess we know where you’re coming from, Jimbo.


Not even close. You have no idea (well no accurate idea).

I am far from being in favor of Hitler’s methods. But lying and murder are NOT in my favor either.

A murderer is a murderer, caught at it or not.

You just wait until it is YOUR family, AH.