9/11 Predicted

Are you threatening me, James?

It sound more like you are threatening ME.

Inventing some threat to display so you can promote your own prejudice?

Grow up.

Take it easy, Saint, I’m pretty sure he was joking.

I am certain that he was NOT joking, but we are talking about the murder of 37 men. It is nothing to joke about, Jewish or not.

A message from Gyahd

A Jew is a brilliant mind
You my friend are a jew
Welcome to the tribe

I don’t blame you for anything
I expect the highest of you
You shall make your work

My love is my control
My being is sentient
I keep clear of remains

It isn’t about being Jewish. It is about hiding murder due to politics and religion while pretending to be poor oppressed innocents.

I have a disliking for Jew-issues in a person, I don’t think that it is a lie that Jews are an oppressed people. I contest that any war of the modern world is determined by Jews. It would be EXTREMELY SIMPLE to solve the Middle East problem, if any single one of the surrounding nations would be willing to accomodate a bunch of their own people. Arab Sunnis. For this reason this is unthinkable: Israel has like any other nation taken its land - but was stupid enough to do so with a reason. Instead of in pure opportunism, like us, gentile-nations. This put them in the spotlight - oh no, they are not just cruel and indifferent, they mean something!

It’s not that Israel lies more than other nations about its actions - far less evens, because all is visible and their actions appear an infinitude as clear to our moral sense here in the present, as the initial struggles of our nations in the past appear before our conscience. Factually, Israels boldest actions do not compare to the massive schemes of destruction the nations of the world had pulled on each other just before. Israel is an awakening call, its need to exist in a moral way is western mans collective conscience. The problem is that we cannot philosophically reject its right to exist and to act in extreme measures for its own protection and benefit, without rejecting our system of nations.

I ca see that you have strong reasons to judge, and you too claim something. Even though both may be part of your mission, your judgment and your claim do not originate both in your genius. I am entirely convinced of the utility value of your Self Harmony, much in the same sense as I see in the Jewish nation, its less than perfect embodiment as the current state of Israel. The difference is that you wish to depart from an innocent hypothetical, whereas Israel, like any other nation, lives in the world where people are anxious to exclude and exploit each other. Is Israel guilty of this? Yes and no - it shares now in the guilt - the Jews have lost their innocence - but because of this, the world suddenly has a conscience.

That is exactly why it is NOT about being Jewish. The Jews are no more superior than any other race or religion (well, maybe a few religions).

The point is that the USS Liberty incident is analogous to the 9/11 incident except those who have witnessed the exact details concerning 9/11 are still under military compliance constraints (suppressed). The USS Liberty witnesses had to wait 30 years before they were free to speak up concerning their family’s murderers who of course were never prosecuted.

By 9/11 being “predicted” (more like merely pre-formulated) it is shown that the incident was not a spur of the moment attack, but planned. Planned by whom? The Arabs ALL denied it until later when suddenly they acquired a person desiring to claim it (conspicuously phony). Arab’s terrorism functions by boasting on their deeds. They would have immediately (if not before hand) boasted on their accomplishments.

9/11 shows all of the earmarks of guile - a specific Judeo-secular issue (religion, politics, not race). There is almost no probability of Muslim involvement any more than there was Egyptian involvement in the USS Liberty incident.

Regardless of who it is or why they do it, when they pull that kind of shit, only an real asshole tries to hold it in.

Sorry, people don’t fly airplanes into buildings to their own death so they can sell arms, this was martyrdom.

There isn’t a human alive that can’t be programmed to do anything a human can do. How do you think they get so many from Islam.

Besides, as the video points out, it is quite possible that the plane was remotely controlled or prewired such that no one on board could have stopped it. The buzz about conversations could all be a part of the game of denial and plausible deniability.

There might not have been any martyrdom at all.

Conspiracy theories are easy to back up with more conspiracy theories, but when do you begin to back it up with probable facts? If people can be programmed to do whatever they want there are much easier ways to go out making money for arms dealers then.

Cell phone calls on the plane verified they were hijacked, not remote controlled. That’s ridiculous. Your would be consequent rebuttal that cell phones would not work in an airplane fails to recognize the planes were at low altitudes.

No, the real question is when do sycophants stop denying viable probabilities.

There are 2 undeniable FACTS concerning the 9/11 that reveal the official story to be false. In addintion there are many witnesses and events which are less undeniable.

When I first saw the video of the building coming down, before hearing any stories about it, I immediately knew something wasn’t right. Without thinking, I had noticed that a free falling block of concrete was falling at the same rate of the entire building. That is physically impossible - UNLESS, you use what all demolition experts use - explosives to remove each floor joist so as to prevent the slowing down of the fall.

When this concern was public brought up, the federal story was that despite the 17 (I think) videos turned in displaying this phenomenon, the speed setting of the videos could not be relied upon and thus ALL videos were to be ignored.

Well that is silly. First, it doesn’t matter if the speed setting were off because it is a comparison of two events in the same video. And secondly, even if they were off, it is trivial to calculate by how much and compensate.

The fact that NO investigation was made when such obvious conflict in story was public tells you that someone is out and out lying and covering up. The guess then becomes exactly who is covering up what. But that fact of the covering up is rationally indisputable.

The other item of indisputable concern was the angular high temperature cuttings of the support beams in the basement. Easy repeatable (no video required) examination of those beams shows indisputable evidence of intentional demolition.

So there are 2 verifiable FACTS that directly force a conclusion of coverup.

So the question is really, when are the sycophants going to give up their dishonest ways and let reality be the master of life, not power mongering deceivers?

I very seriously doubt that, but if you know a way, I suggest you contact Virgina.

Cells phone conversations can be (and are) faked quite easily. THAT is NOT “factual evidence”, but literally “hear-say”.

You try to make a case based on the idea that famous people would NEVER deceive or conspire (who ever heard of such a thing). The truth is that no nation has EVER been built or lived without conspiracy being in every corner. The USA was established by conspirators against England.

Your entire foundation is untenable.

I offer repeatable, verifiable hard evidence. You offer hear-say, easily faked pseudo-evidence.

Who is really being more rational?

You verified the building piece you saw falling was concrete?

Why would they crash planes into if they could’ve just planted the explosives and accredited it to terrorists? After all, this already occurred in 1991.

“I very seriously doubt that, but if you know a way, I suggest you contact Virgina” Serious doubts are obvious, it seems you’re in too deep to back out now or critically think your own stance.

“Cells phone conversations can be (and are) faked quite easily” So their family was talking to robots? Or are they all in on it too? They sacrificed their family? Or perhaps it didn’t happen, it was holograms right? Anything is made up to believe what you want in these conspiracy theories. You have accredited the government with near omnipotence. They can do anything, because you can make up anything they can do. It all depends how imaginative you want to be. Your “evidence” is facts, the opposite is “hear-say”. Whatever you say sure. Yet you do nothing about it, you let our government go by killing our citizens? Don’t you think you should start a revolution with all your knowledge on what really happened?

Building 7 fell symmetrically into it’s own footprint at free fall speed, officially due to fires burning on several floors for several hours and no plane crash. This is impossible. It’s admitted there is no precendent. Larry Silverstein (Jew, not that I necessarily subscribe to Saint’s theory, I have my own theory) took out an insurance policy for 1 billion dollars several months prior. Check this out -


It was pretty obvious from the video, but more importantly, anything else would have been an even more certain case. What would fall any FASTER than concrete such as to make the buildings speed comparatively slow? You can’t get much heavier, and lighter just makes your case worse.

How would they have gotten in there? The Homeland Security team, just prior to the demolition, was witnessed not only entering the building under high guard, but demanding that all occupants of certain floors be expelled - without explanation. They spent a week occupying specifics closed off floors and then left the day before the demolition. That doesn’t constitute hard proof, but it explains that any group of Arabs wondering into the building would have been not only seen, but stopped.

You are taking a weak stance (maybe a distraction?).

  1. Explain the building falling at “free-fall” speed (a physical impossibility without demolitions).
  2. Explain the very visible and often examined angular high temperature, demolition cut building supports.

Regardless of your other attempts, those two FACTS don’t go away. It only takes one indisputable fact to convict a murderer (unless he is a modern day world class politician).

Not to mention they officially and conveniently never discovered the 4 black, titanium, virtually indestructable boxes, each carrying tape recorders, also unprecedented, yet they supposedly managed to discover one of the hijacker’s passports they supposedly used to identify him, unsinged.

Is the building fall comparatively slower now or what? What are you saying? You said it fell too fast, or did it fall too slow, which is it now? In any case, people stated the building fell at free fall speed, it did not, it gained momentum as it fell. I saw it with my own eyes.

How have they gotten the bombs in there? Are you serious? You’re the one stating bombs are already there, its what knocked the towers down. All they have to do is attribute it to terrorists. This is what I’m talking about, the CTer’s don’t think critically about their own stance.

You pretty much have to be the classic “Crazy Nutcase Loony” to seriously believe that it all WASN’T a conspiracy.

Are you and James debating WTC1 and WTC2, or WTC7, you should be debating WTC7. It’s already admitted, it’s unprecedented, never happend before.