A 1-Ahriman
Peoples belong to some folks. There are three statistics of rebellions to obsessions in abnormal giving. When face the profanity and when you have few execrations then you have to due the insults or assaults, which might be so deep in your psyches.
You might design to go into three statistics. Few of us are experimental creatures with near to naught in privacy. Each of thought of our intellections is read. Our intentions to be king or queen and lion or rat are within the calculations of doctors.
The three statistics are laws or tricks or Ahriman –(perverted religion). Ahriman ceased all living and hurt our souls. Tricks will trap you down on evil grounds. Laws will capture your ideas or wills.
This is a cruel world. Besides this, three statistics how can one fight bad. Or do we all cheat by bad sensations. Our words are leave for examine by laws or by justices. I go into the second layer on ground that may be tricks.
My insights to the struggling process are the rise up of some Ahrimans in our futures. Tricks direct responsibilities beyond jurisdictions of many magistrates. But I wish to use facts as the canes when my legs feel numbs.
Laws have two extreme aspects of faces. Laws are the chips for chieftains to live very proud over our landscapes. They say that they follow the breathes of the Gods of justices. But they are only some half and last gasp of the very poor but nice ones. But it is our hearts but not laws are need to be improved
What out fits make a man out of bounds? As we are call ill-equipped with our dark sides of our minds. The staking of mantis to cicada is follow by the attack of Siskin.
Who made those guys an emperor? Many of one might be sacked on latter whiles. In other versions they are cooked. In cases of gain and losses one man will break the controls of laws from their bosses. In case of loses on ways of needs to utilize a man he will be put aside or to be corrected with laws.
If you are walker who settle down that is off centric orbits than you are yellow perils. Yellow here do not stat the colours of skins. Yellow state the cases of bliss but some tasteless colours when washed by bloods.
The devolutions of powers are full of selfishness of a family or a group. Revolting our procedures of one very hot sun lead to the running up of three statistics. Advocacy to perverted religions to escape the facts for paltry lives may tangle with troubles. You may be abused by your bubby to …….
On the same ways if you use your own bloods to counter the influences that come at you then be brave! AS the infections of your black magic are overflowing then you get your boons
Infections of evil speeches are posted on lampposts. Your lives are full of funs in TV times. The stars that govern your name will bob on water- front. I mean you have lit up the world with your shinning boots that straps the rights and the wrongs.
The advocacy of a perfect humanism or justices of laws with very god human rights and advowson of powers to peoples will make our world better. Cauchy3 then will drown in bitter waters.
But the peaks of the waters in evil lakes are for both of us now. Jesus drank the cup of poison. Would all snakes with venoms stop their happy lives? Venoms are juices that sleep inside our souls. Rancors are the powers to emote for us to hunt our preys. Do you get your tickets, which are wands or some promises to dinners?
The keys to all dead knocks are fool around or knock about with your super-intentions. Who make you the king but not the queen? Positivism but not negativism to strive for supreme gifts! What is your true or so called go into supers –superego
Are you just humble egoism? Nowadays we have so many so called altruisms as our leaders. Leaderships demand the drafts of all kinds of minds and arms. I mean many kinds but not all. Moneys or peoples or substances or technologies are some resources that will be sucking all bad smells away to give you a healthy live
By Cheung shun sang=cauchy3