A brief introduction before I raise nothing

I figured I’m not smart enough to raise hell, really (I suppose it could be raze hell too…), but at least i was looking for a philosophy place where I could join in on everyone’s drinking party.

I’m TESM, or Matt, a philosophy student currently in DC, formerly in Chicago (20yrs). I’m working towards my undergraduate and currently in an expedited program towards my masters. Not only does this mean very little, I have also had my numerous, numerous doubts concerning my knowledge the past semester or two. Not that I can’t hold a decent argument, but at least that sense of ‘aporia’ is a good motivation to go deeper into a “sea with no lighthouses.”

From the beginning I’ve always loved Kierkegaard, though less attached to his ideologies now. I will be studying medieval and contemporary philosophy (separate courses), and am reading my way, slowly, through Kant.

Primary interests of mine are ‘faith/reason,’ ‘God/No God,’ ‘Beauty,’ ‘Love,’ ‘Language and expression.’
This only names a few, but I’m sure these will keep me busy for quite a while.

I hope to help you out, and be helped most of all. I think that not only presenting an interesting argument, but doing so in an artful and accessible way, is the best thing any philosopher can do [weak claim to knowledge].

I’m no skeptic, either, just confused the farther I go.

Here’s to the journey.

“A plaaaaane! A plaaaane!!”
‘Please fasten your seatbelt, unleash your critical thought…’
Enjoy the ride.

You’re in good company, Matt! :slight_smile:

Welcome to ILP, hope you enjoy your stay.

Ha ha, yea, I didn’t think I’d be in the complete dark alone.

That Theatetus (sp) always does stick in my head as one of those excellent dialogs that just makes you feel weak afterward.

I look forward to many good debates.

Welcome Matt!

I’ve posted here over 2000 times, and I “know” less now than I did before I started. Which means I must be doing something right!

I’m sure your philosophy background will offer many new perspectives, and I look forward to it.

thank you, I hope I do too.

As I’ve said I’ve been going over Kant (I really do need to know him, or Schopenhauer will ridicule me), as well as a little Descartes and Spinoza.

I haven’t touched Rousseau very much though.

Welcome Matt! I’m a returning ILPer actually and if this board is like how it was a few years ago then you’ll have a great time here :smiley:

Also don’t get discouraged with Kant’s critiques, I haven’t read them myself as they’re supposed to be one of the toughest reads out there, but his Prolegomena and other intro books are just as good and much easier to read.

Also I find Kant to be brilliant out of the philosophers i’ve read so far, Schopenhauer by the way is a Buddhist in disguise! So beware :sunglasses: