A Carrer in Psychology

It seems Psychology is a very popular major where I go to school. I understand that the Psychology field is very large, but are there really enough jobs to go around? How hard is it to get into a PhD program, or find internships?

Psychology is my school’s largest major (9%)

There are roughly 44,000 that attend.

This means that approximately 3960 people are Psychology majors.

I was thinking about doing it.

I got told that a my university there is around 600 people doing a psychology major and only 8 end up doing clinical work after graduation. Most people go into marketing or business administration.

As psychology is hip we can expect increasing numbers of people trying to get in. Fortunately, even to the applicants, universities try to follow the needs of the society and jobmarkets (which is from the perspective of general education a sorry issue). Or atleast that’s how it is in Finland.

I just got in the uni of Helsinki in the psychology department. 46 are selected every year and believe that’s not too much considering the increasing problems (or perhaps discovered problems) of the society.

I can’t say anything about the U.S of A though.