A challenge to Æon

Happy Holidays, biatch!!!

I’m your present…your future…but not your past.

My behind so big it’s the only thing that fits in the past.

Hakuna matata!

That’s it, biatch…remain within what ILP is, despite its title and claim that it is interested in philosophy
You, and the embers are interested in gossip, comfort, hedonism, self-expression,…low level banter.

Since high level banter is rare, I return for the slop.

Ok…who dis invisible speaker, girlfriend?
Why he not talks to me directly?

“If s/he’s leaving like a scaredy meow meow, let him leave.”

name withheld


No, seriously.

A woman to thew end.

Challenge me, cunt.
I’m here.

Show the “note to others” what you are truly about.

No, seriously.
One month - Tic-Toc…Tic-Toc…then you can return to be a hypocritical, stupid, lying cunt.

Huffing & puffing to cum.

Pick one:

1] :laughing:
No, seriously.

2] absolutely shameless!

3] and thus the expression “he is his own worst enemy” is reborn.


More…give the others more.
I luvs it, you stupid despicable, lying cunt.

Tell me, cunt, is your physical handicap affecting you mentally, or were you always obtuse, self-serving, and a lying cunt?
Want to know my …subjective opinion, moron?

Again, that staggering gap between the manner in which he wants others to see him as a “serious philosopher” and what, over and over and over again, those like me manage to reduce him down to: a spitting, sputtering buffoon.

Come on, if it’s not “absolutely shameless”, it will certainly do for now.

“Serious philosopher” for this cunt, means anti-philosopher.
If you are not an anti-philosopher, you aint nothing.

Cunt…what is your philosophy, since you claim to be a philosopher.
What exactly, is your position?


No, really, really, really seriously.


Yo, Æon!


Ha, ha…what a sad, pathetic cunt you are.
A lying hypocrite.

I am here, cunt…challenge me with your “philosophy.”
The “philosophy” of not.

All you are, sad cunt, is a hypocritical douche-bag, huffing and puffing and then accusing others of what yo are guilty of.

What is your philosophy, cunt?
Consent, to end strife?

What is authoritarian about my positions?

You have been gagging for an audience with Satyr for years, and when given one you balk and back away.

A game, you like to play?

lol~lol~~, yelling out for a life raft?

…yikes. :open_mouth: :laughing: #-o

Do you want brain cancer? Because that’s how you get brain cancer.

All she cares about is gossip.
In this case to undermine Satyr…using ad hominem insinuations, which she then defends against as “huffing and puffing”.
She’s a stupid cunt.
She does this all the time.
She flirted with Maia for months, and then failed to seduce her with his idiotic methods, using her blindness to undermine her resistance to her advances…then he accused Satyr of it.
A lying disgusting cunt.

She pretends to be amoral and yet cannot justify why we ought to strive for a compromise. So, she uses the alternate method of undermining, until all trust is lost in all perspectives, so as to bring about her objective…her utopian solution to the world.
She’s the one who dreams of “changing the world”…but she will not admit it.
She learned how to reduce resistance to nihilism by undermining confidence - chipping away at the absence of certainty until she achieves her goal.

End of war; end of conflict; end disagrements…etenral peace.
What did Heraclitus say about agon - war?
I forget?
She craves death; anxiously waits for it, but is also fraid…and the internal conflict between eros and thanatos explodes as vindictive nihilism.
She must take the world down with her.
Nil is her god.
Whoever doesn’t adopt her method is a fascist…because any idiocy is truth, when truth is non-existent - or defined in ways that make it absurd and impossible.
Her method, as I’ve noted repeatedly, is linguistic subversion.
She got that from the genitally mutilated ones.

Words ought to remain subjective…no external indifferent ([size=80]objective[/size]) standard, no limit ought to be found…that’s “authoritarian,” you see?
All authority is intentional and conscious - so if not god then?..man.
She cultivates confusion so as to produce despair, and despair leads to degeneracy…Americanism.
Degeneracy leads to chaos - an indirect reference to the nil - absence of absolutes.


Witnessing philosophers flirt, is akin to witnessing confused musings of their feelings… so appearing, to me, to be a non-seduction.

It’s when they pretend to be indifferent and mock using emoticons and lol…
I’ve seen it so many times it’s boring.