That’s my point! Please release your expectations of me! You cling so tightly to them so as to believe that I should fulfill them, that your offense is justified if I do not. You believe in a baseline of value by way of merit in a “member” of society. A “member” like an appendage, vestigial or not is up for investigation and open to interpretation.
And so the ideals you look toward are not for consideration by you, they have been established, in your mind, by authority exceeding you and your peers. There are questions, as you see it, that must not be asked. Secrets that must not be exposed. Rationalizations for the suppression of honesty. Goods reasons to lie. But beyond that to compel of others a degree of participation in such delusions! They must demonstrate the shared ideals or die! Sounds like cancer to me.
So what of my world? Wild interaction unmitigated by force of rule? The absence of standardized expectations of life? I suppose I see what could inspire another to recoil. Danger. Threat. Fear. Do you not know the elation of triumph? Do you not see how the pendulum swings between depths of emotion? You cannot feel only one side of it’s travel. Invest yourself fully in a pursuit, see something more valuable than living, risk it all and see what happens. Terrible advice, innit?
Given choice, having free will, I would have opted for the wild and short life. I’d rather experience life and death than cede them both for gray hair. What are comfort, luxury, and convenience? Are you so sure of the meanings of safety and security? What would be so awful about living off the land? Moving as wolves through forests, sleeping with active guard?
What good has all your knowledge done for you? Do you have the answers you seek? Are your certainties so superior to mine only because they are so entrenched in pattern? Because they seem to me unquestionable as you enforce them. For my ventures of thought I am condemned, having objected to the status quo. For believing different, I am useless to any significant community.
I have my own values, my own way. I don’t need to go on some quest to read ‘established and respected authors,’ as though I ought to have guidance for a proper formation of philosophy. You think I’m incapable and would point to my despair as evidence. Is it so inconceivable to you that I am here because I want to be, just like you? But we conflict on so many levels, you would push me out. I have made my choice and evidence suggests it is different than yours.
But ask your questions. Evaluate me if you must, but restrain your judgements to voice. You have no right to strike me for my beliefs if you would engage with a stranger. You and I have no rights at all, only a mutual desire to live. But I live on my terms whereas you live on theirs. This is no threat of danger, only a foundation for an understanding of motivations so that some degree of genuine communication could take place. Forget the childish games of typical socialization and nuanced conversational dance, I have no will to endure such outside of commercial interactions.
But I welcome curiosity, the genuine desire to learn. Not to know but to enhance, deepen, expand. To acquire priceless wisdom only available among broad connections. If you seek to know me for the sake of casting your judgements, I do not make difficult your decision to denounce me. I’m no criminal, pervert, or threat, but you can still cast me down among your party of punishment for daring to be different based on the words I write by themselves.
But if you can see past that deeply instilled indoctrination and accept departures of definition from the norm while managing your emotional reactions, we can both learn something, I think. Now it could be argued something is wrong with me that a diagnosis of autism might explain, but of course I see it differently. It’s not inherent error but extensive damage. I am mortally wounded, I lie wheezing away the last of my life-force.
Well that’s dramatic, huh? Like I won’t make it through the night or something, what a crock. So easy to mock and disregard. So I always have been. My exclusion from acceptable was always made clear to me, but I do not accept that the cruelty was deserved. I reject the shame of ostracization. Call me a madman for what I have severed, but I’ll fight better maimed than a coward complete.
So believe you understand me. Enjoy your feeling of superiority, it doesn’t need to be valid to be pleasurable, does it? And before you attack me for claiming myself superior, again you misunderstand because I do not do so. I see us on even playing fields. Animals just trying to live, so let live and make peace. But you must expect some resistance if you would silence my efforts to make connections from where I am at.
I see. So my despair is incomplete. These words have no meaning, they are nonsense outside of my journals. Is that shred of hope enough to endure another round of subjection to mindless opposition? But it is so mindless, no thought given, nothing pursued but prompt silence or the appearance of victory. Boundaries are declared all around us. Conform or face consequence. Our greatest differences may lie in the limits of our complicity with one another. Is it reasonable to risk such testing, or is it too difficult to bear the ignorance thereof?
Ah, but what then of my expectations? Am I seeking to demand conformity to my own preferences? Hardly. I’m most often invisible. I operate well within the common expectations in general. I comply with sufficient societal standards for the sake of continued function in fulfilling obligations I embrace. I don’t have to like it anymore than I must not question it. I can expect to die alone if I withdraw completely. So I issue broad challenge for what hope I retain of finding a like-minded soul within a forum of so many ideas.
So my challenge is not a personal one but to civilization in general. It’s not a call to action but one in search of response. I anticipate cruelty and rejection, but these are the veils over the reward of connection. I know I am different, but I don’t feel alone in this world quite yet.