A color

A color
World s top leaderships are beautiful flowers from loco seeds: poor characters lack of the personalities of hells to punish the evils or the personalities of heavens to rewards the goods.
Presidential systems are smooth heads which are not waxed while other militarisms are positivists. One system is smooth but full of hairs to be weeded while another is poisons to fast.
Grungy heads or stick laws for orders are all ways of thinking for the tastes of chocolate mousses. Smells of bloods are father for all sons. Greedy sons have no mother s tenderness to marry.
There are our curfews and there are our taboos of freedoms. Nearly every men and women are not saints so we need supports from laws but freedoms. All despotisms are pleasures of evils but human.
Do you think that militarisms have no primitive natures of the freak god? Even saints have some bribery gifts for the happiness of their minds. Do you know any altruism? Every body s wishes are some kinds of gritted materialists. My soul is always a soft tissue. My heart could be sore for only a drop of water.
If a country is a car then guns are the rims of orders but they are some armed polices or soldiers then axis of the wheels are our laws. Triad societies and politicians are men and girls. One provides the thrusts and other knee on the face. Sometimes both of the gender got good awards. How happy are we come with psychology theory?
Nomination of chief executive of Hong Kong is lovers of cadres but not all common. Hong Kong peoples are wind up with few advantages for good political systems.
Our car has needs powers to thrust and there so many named poor political systems in our world. All leaderships have ancestors form tyrant-males. All hallucinations are the knee down of peoples to their own bloods.
However we need hearts to pumps bloods to our vasculars. Do you afraid of bloods and can you afford some one or your own lives? Our country is full of some colors.
Our red some whore s streets are full of junctions from laws. The oranges of our laws for orders peel our secular cape. Yellow street- gossips are our common talks and wreak yellow pearl-stones on our minds. Greens lamps but not green flames are people s natures. There are few indigo blue come from blue plant and better than blue. Money surpasses master.
The forbidden cities are purple in crepuscular moons but there are harms from the heat sun yet.
A color of some women and men are flushed faces that lack some gentle smiles. Payments cold all tokens. The experiments of human s natures to right things that escape from wrong are colorless. Is it a flame or an ice-cream to my tongue?
The color of our nature is all the combinations of our lives.
The fact is analogy with no occult nonsense to have some bad minds from the evil dragons, the dispirited souls of tigers and finally my heart as a wolf.
To wind up my prose one system is smooth but full of hairs to be weeded while another is poisons fasts. The color of our nature is all the combinations of our lives.
If heavenly sky has loves then may only there are some pubescences. If there is always some rainbows then may there are only little sins. There are two kinds of pleasures and there are two kinds of shames.
Whether your sandwich is to comfort a master and also on the way of your slaves or some thing reversed. Are there some one confront you in front of you and then some one stand against you from behind. Bioluminescence of human is not a divined gift from god but some things born in some how.
This is my pleasure but what are your pains. We are all some human with all kinds of shames.
by cheung shun sang=cauchy3=laplace181

While I find your post colorful and interesting, I find them confusing too. Shouldn’t philosphy lead to truth, wisdom and understanding and not mere pining?