We’re not some part of a inherent Nietzsche vs Christian bifurication. Nietzscheans have to be inherently opposed to Christians on some point, but not vice versa. Just like Jews don’t have to be a part of the bifurication of Christianity. Whatever is going on over there on the other side of the tracks, keep it there, and don’t involve us in your delusions. I don’t worship a creator god, I worship the baby jesus of Taladega Nights. And I don’t expect the world to make sense. It’s a assumption God has a plan, but I don’t by into the arguments as to the nature of God- be he finite or infinite, omnipresent or omnipotent. Not real big concerns for me, as I note God didn’t really leave much evidence behind himself, and it’s just people saying so and so. I therefor don’t know much about creation, and therefor can’t say one way or another whether every object has a affirmative plan to everything else. It might not, he might be more chaotic or inventive, or just board of capable of a high degree of multitasking and finesse and we might just be small part of a large picture, and some phenomena I discern might not really have any relevency to the relationship between me and the big guy. I don’t know how causality would be stratified, or the order of creation… we love making assumptions. I don’t know.
However, what we do know is how we die. The bewilderment of death, rooted in fear is instinctive. It’s the root of all our fears, in a deep neurotic impulse felt though our nervous systems and emotions as the cascade to death descends.
For every stage of growth we enter into, we carry a complex learned from surviving, from experiencing, this attainment with our consciousness that aligns with the withdrawl of life into death. Our fetishes, the pain and pleasure in them, be it sexual, appitite, or endeavor, is rooted in this. Our death forms a crucial basis in shaping our personality. It’s why opposites attract in love, and the diversification on the children staggered, the first usually being a introvert staggered between the personalities of the parents, the next the opposite of the first child, etc. We are breed to provide the variations in life, and we each suffer the pitfalls differently. One stops where the next picks up. It carries on in the community, and the best esprite de corps carry this rhythm of conscious diversication to it’s outmost in specialization and compatibility in attainment of a shared Elan.
When we withdrawl… we know how it will end. We know instinctive what we fear, and why we fear it. We can’t always carry lit logically forward in language or symbolic reasoning, but the archetypes are there. We know years in advanced, just as a spouse of a couple young knows how the other will live and shoulder life if death suddenly came to them. We can see it in others, and we see it in ourselves. Nietzsche stared at his death for decades, knowing how it was going to come. Are you more Nietzschean than him? Why should I have more uncertainly than Nietzsche, being a Christian? And why to you bother with backwards pop philosophy with no future in it. Get a real philosopher if your going to follow someone. Why Nietzsche, he doesn’t offer very much. Just makes a bunch of otherwise somewhat intelligent people feel alienated and self important, which ironically makes them even more herdlike.