A Domination Game / Psychological Warfare

I’ve been having a lot more thoughts lately about the nature of life on this world

Once you learn the nature of good and bad you start noticing that every single aspect of life on this world is part of a domination game to destroy your bodies and minds/souls…

They do everything they can to try and get you to accept evil and their filth in your minds and bodies so you are rejecting good, becoming worse and symbolically bending a knee to evil like you’re their female dog.

They will try to get you to desire attractive immoral women, admire warriors and leaders, envy the wealthy, pity the poor and disabled, etc. All of it is intended to trick you into having feelings for evil (letting them in your soul) so you are being offensive to all good in existence…

It really is sickening!

Even the governments seem to be knowing and willing participants in this “domination game”

The more I learn the more it looks like there are no good people left on earth…

What do you think?

Love your enemy — love wins.

Either that or, back to the future and play the Faust game, the trick played on the collector is the glass bead game.

I’d have to read/watch a crap ton of books/movies to keep up with all of your references. But I only need to know one thing to win any game worth winning: self=other.

Ishthus: the glass bead game is another game that may just fit the bill the old collector may not be able to deal with; here is a shynapsis, and it’s not personal: (a nd yet it is)

Analysis of Hermann Hesse’s The Glass Bead Game – Literary Theory and Criticism($

I wonder who you are really? Among all the keywords and everything like that. Because you can’t be everybody. And I wonder how everyone would feel if they knew what you were doing with their keywords. And what is your endgame?


choose one:

  1. cope and seethe

  2. count it all joy


I choose, was chosen for #2 , because the coping mechanisms have becoming reverse reflective a while ago, that is, the tin man has internalized a thickened skin even longer ago, and being deferential, rather then referential for even a longer while ( in deference to other(s)

That is the magical participation has successfully, albeit paradoxically included the Cho’s of existence within the necessity of Being, so …

In particular, adversely reduced the phenomenal identity of both, where, the need to stage and restate familial elements with those most familiar, can be interchanged, or denounced, rather then rebounded, so as to reduce every and all associated existential increments, as if they were the foci of what matter to contend with, and mindfulness in this respect only accords with the other(s) of concern , over and above any singularly manifested identity.

All of these are triple flowing absurd notions, I confess, but on notice can disengage , as needed.


The ill fated autonomy , intended in good faith, is becoming a kind of universal principle, unless….

It is merely of bad faith that people get in the bandwagon, as soon as such communal subconscious feelings disappear, memory fails, and the HobbsiN nature of man replaces the rosy picture of the noble savage.

Only a simulation helps to bring back such images, no rhetoric can reignite the imagination of those early dreamers.

Hence the evocation of magic , and the despair of the dark ages are correlated with a vengeance, if not for such similitude.


The above are mere musings, that distinction recall necessitate, without an adequate structural ‘key’ that can not be judged as all inclusive,
The boundless can only be elevated by prior recalled boundaries, consequently and sequentially.


Maybe there is no such thing as boundless in the way that you are thinking.

Maybe yes and maybe no, but due to backtracking, is it more likely then not, in as much as it has never been indicated otherwise absolutely, even without any use of resources or sources of information? You’d already conditionally approved.

But then such weighing in’s in my original estimation have far more timeless counterbalance for archaic structural, temporal significance then the more recently acquired ones, by a ratio of 4 to 1 or 75% strategic -structural weight over the United States.

From Google:


  • According to 2 sources

The history of Russia begins with the histories of the East Slavs. [1][2] The traditional start date of specifically Russian history is the establishment of the Rus’ state in the north in the year862, ruled by Varangians. [3][4] In 882, Prince Oleg of Novgorod seized Kiev, uniting the northern a…


This practical historicaly valid fact, illustrates the personal/philosophycal/ and geopolitical coincidence that boundaries shift in parallel modal relationships, and is less inclined to be interpreted in a universally appropriate rationale. Boundaries, social mixes, shift, and the more recent interpretation of putting more weight on newer border revisions may not accord its significant superior advantage,.


These current affairs illustrate the different ways that are more expedient in the world today, wether a government by the people can be realistically instituted, and the degree with which other factors can overlap, coalescing and maintaining it until the social organization changes and divides, to the point where more control and oversight is needed.

The Hungarian general secretary, Orban , in his address to the nation indicated that a synthetic organization based on the Kantian model, still appears as formative, but then under a different type of organization with more central control, as the split between the two opposing forces require more of a unitary party affiliation, structured from above. His, and China’s type of Goulash capitalism was sustained from the late 1980’s to the present, but other factors involved in the process, changed the make up of the universal will to form two ways of developing a New World Order, to the point where the oldest and most steadfast, lasting hierarchies could still work to support a public faith .

But then there are ways that could exist independent of what I think.

In answer to the quiery:

Oh so you presume to think I think I know what you think, do you??

Yes I’m sure of it but perhaps not in entirety?..

Just in: Zelenskyy agrees to cede ‘temporarily’ territory to Russia: Ha, kind of felt that to be coming.

No on except a carrier pigeon can stand in the middle for ever, and that is meant literally.

Didn’t anticipate that as soon as it did though…

This is something that Elon proposed a very long time ago, is it not? I have not heard news of this yet.

That would be very stupid.

As fake news?

Now days it’s hard to tell the difference, proportionate to the same approximate near and distance to opinions, facts, percentages : min 75%, Max 99.999999990>9999999 so who could have predicted but AI?

Left blank forgot what was that would have filled it,

saba Dömötör: A war ultimatum was accepted in the EP

The People’s Party-Leftist majority in the European Parliament adopted the most pro-war resolution so far, practically amounting to a war ultimatum, said Csaba Dömötör, a member of the European Parliament of Fidesz, in Budapest on Friday.

Hungarian Nation

11/29/2024 4:34 AM

I will shareshare-android

Csaba Dömötör Photo: Tamás Purger

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The politician from the governing party drew attention to the fact that the coalition agreement of the European People’s Party and the left-wing parties for the entire cycle also covers the joint support of the war policy.
square meter The military and financial aspects of the decision adopted on Thursday are shocking, said Csaba Dömötör. He added: if it were up to the People’s Party faction and its president, Manfred Weber, Europe would become a warring party in a short time.

Manfred Weber, President of the European People’s Party on November 27, 2024. Photo: AFP

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According to Csaba Dömötör, the decision obliges all member states to provide 0.25 percent of their GDP for Ukraine’s military support. This would mean an obligation of two hundred billion forints for Hungary

  • he explained, adding: the decision also addresses what kind of weapons - long-range missiles, Patriot systems, airplanes, ammunition - should be sent to the battlefield.
    They also want to make European space communication options available to Ukraine, Csaba Dömötör pointed out.
    According to the report of the EP representative, the decision would further expand the sanctions, extending them to Russian gas and uranium as well. In the case of our country, this would mean the cessation of Russian gas imports and would make the current operation of the Paks Nuclear Power Plant impossible, he warned.

The consequences would be drastic energy price increases

he added.

Csaba Dömötör stated: the decision calls on the other member states to actively exert pressure on Hungary so that our country does not obstruct the implementation of the war policy. He complains that, because of Hungary, it is not possible to use the budget source misleadingly called the peace framework, which is actually a war coffers, he said.
According to him, they also want the European Commission to develop a long-term program for financing Ukraine for the period after 2027.

The document talks about a new phase of the war, in which the nuclear threat should not deter the member states from supporting the war politically, financially and militarily.

  • said Csaba Dömötör, who says that the drug of responsibility has completely worn off, and Brussels has forgotten what a tragedy the 20th century brought. century and its world fires. They want to continue the policy of the outgoing President of the United States, the Biden administration, in such a way that the Democrats were defeated, he stated.
    Csaba Dömötör also drew attention to the fact that the left supported this decision in the EP, and it was brought about by Péter Magyar’s party.

The Tisza Party supports this war policy to a great extent

he underlined.

He stated: Fidesz voted against the decision.

We want to be the voice of peace in the noise of war

he emphasized.

Cover photo: Csaba Dömötör, Fidesz MEP representative, holds a press conference on the European Parliament’s position on the war at the Fidesz headquarters in Lendvay Street on November 29, 2024 (Photo: MTI/Péter Lakatos)


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The above post pertains to the idea of the narrowness and the proximity of the internal state in Hungary’s position on the aforementioned postings.



Yes this is true, except that there are still very, very many good people left on earth. Most of us are still good, or at least a sizeable minority are.