Following on from my first thread here called ‘an introduction to philosophy’ here’s what I want to raise next:
A mathematical equation contains numbers, terms and factors.
A x B + C = X
The letters represent any given number.
Stages of addition or subtraction are called terms.
Stages of multiplication or division are called factors.
You work through these hierarchically, factors first, then terms.
So, the question for this thread is:
[size=150]What might an equation for “Faith” look like?[/size]
a. How many essential constants would an equation for faith have?
The first obvious possibility:
the individual who’s faith it is.
b. How are the essential constants factored?
e.g. in the above example of an individual, what condition is the individual intrinsically bound to and unable to escape when faith is present?
x = faith
might be something along the lines of a social or a biological impulse
c. What else must be included for faith to be said to be present?
x + = faith.
I hope the above is clear enough.
I want to break down “Faith” a little and come up with a definition or a number of possible definitions to get a feel of what it means to the very many bright thinkers who hang about on this forum .
Tell me what you think?
It may be that you think the above is an impractical way of going about this question.
Hydr pneumapyr sis