A guide to interesting posts

There are plenty of posts around here that go with little or no notice. I’m going to link some of which I think are very interesting, and hope to see interested comments made in them. Not clever comments, or opinions, please. We’ve had plenty of that around. Let’s get back to doing philosophy, and actually learning something.

This one I find very interesting, and I see that there is plenty to be learned from participating in it.
[Nuances and Noncounters of Gettier-types] From DeSpinozist. Deals with Justified True Belief, logic, and knowledge. It has a very interesting argument, to which I’ve given a halfway cogent comment.

This one is excellent too, and has plenty of potential.
[Trigger’s Broom] Deals with language, corporeal reality, forms, possession. Could take other routes.

A conversation about empiricism and knowledge. Simple enough, yet it has much potential.

And, if I may say so myself, so does this, albeit it would take some effort.
[Add to this scene]

[Sartre and Marijuana] from Daybreak. It become something else than what the title suggests…really interesting.

[The economy depends on ethics] A recent one from TheZeus1.

[People in power get to construct reality] A good one from Cobersts, and it could become a good thread if the posts were slightly lengthier.

[Brain: Constructs rather than mirrors reality] Cobersts strikes again. Again, plenty of potential.

I realize there are many more interesting topics that I did not provide a link to, so feel free to post a link and a little summary if you want to see more people participating.

ILP can still foster an environment ripe for intellectual discussion. All it takes is for the right topics to be participated in by the right people. So advertise the topic you think will help towards this end!

I appreciate your recommendations Erlir, but I think I will be the final judge on what I deem “interesting”.


That’s a tautology.

It’s whatever I say it is.

It’s whatever it appears to be to me.

It is one thing and more than one thing at the same time.

[Open Letter to Rev. Jeremiah Wright] by Ierrellus. Enough has been said about this guy by the folks in the mass media. Or has enough been said?

[MindReading] by Nihilistic. Innate or sympathy or a combination of both

[Technology: The Modern Pied Piper] by Coberst.

hmmm… i like stuff…