a haiku for liquidangel

glowing serenely,
her eyes as dark as midnight,
everyone sees her…

Why dont you just tell her you fancy her and get it over with.

A gentleman does not speak so bluntly of such things.

This seems the same to me as asking why does poetry exist.

(Nice Haiku, Sage).

You’re such a barbarian ID.


no, ID is doing you a favor sage…
in the real world (this is not the real world) you can’t be beating around the bush, or thats exactly what you’ll be doing, beating around the bush. trust me, i’m highly educated.

Not in the social graces :wink:

the more brutish, calculatedly ill-mannered, and forthcoming you are, the more cunts you will see. this much i know to be true. we need not be so ego-maniacal about the nature of the human discovery channel.

And look at the pot calling the kettle black. Your lack of humility and vocabulary dimishes your claims.

Come now… there, there… no need to resort to petty insults - especially on a poetry thread… …with my poetry. Let’s try to keep it on the topic, eh?

Monooq my man, I love it how you get right to the point in the most basicly blunt manner possible. I seriously recommend you consider finishing “The Portable Monooq” that’s been languishing for ages now…

my lack of what? do you know that i am a poet? i use words in unfamiliar creative ways. your use of that common phrase inappropriately reveals a dull-wit. moreover, on these matters, for the vast majority of cases, i am entirely correct.

i’m sorry. sage, if we want girl friends then we should be nice, be smart, be funny… but if we want girlfriends, then we need to be honest, and secondarily all those other things.

I agree completely… being as I already have a girlfriend IRL whom I can get away with talking dirty, liquidangel is pleasantly an ILP girl friend whom shall recieve pleasant pleasantries from my pleasantful self… :evilfun:

This is true monooq. Very true.

Not quite the way I would have said it , but nonetheless some truth there.

Yeh your probably right

The use of vulgar terms like “cunt” denotes a person with a limited vocabulary.

There are few words that have such a brutally blunt tone to them, which when used properly, can turn any sentence into an immediate point-maker.

“Cunt” is one of these words.

But Why?

If you cannot find another blunt term, then indeed you do have a limited vocabulary.

Additionally, how many women do you know who would use such a female denigrating term?

uhhh… chuckles