a haiku for liquidangel

Actually, I should have said “there are few sexually-oriented words.” Pardon the mistake.

Plenty, but please… let’s not go there.

First of all it is a beautiful haiku. Because it was for me made it even more beautiful, not because I’m charmed, although I have to say that I am, but because sagesound understood very subtely exactly what I was communicating and more, he brought his own insight - genius - and that had nothing to do with any fancying.

In light of the subject, your post appears vulgar, because you completely missed Sage’s intent and acted without giving the subject of this delicate haiku any real thought. Words are just words and can never really succinctly convey our expression. Once in a while words are arranged in such a fashion that one is able to read between the lines.

That my dear is why your are barbaric.


Damn… you sure slammed the door on him Angel… Nice.

iron dog as i recall, has commented on my comment on liquidangel’s photo for more than once; here he’s onto sagesound, in a different forum… iron dog my jealous friend, why not just say that you - as we all are - delighted by that particular pic?

why beat around the bush - you ask? well because, iron dog my noble friend, that beating around the bush is considered graceful, subtle and romantic by the majority of our human-all-too-human society. as simple as that. also, women are particularly into this kind of stuff, recalling shakespear: “she is beautiful therefore to be wooed; she is a woman therefore to be won” - henry viii… my friend you see, we live in a world of fantasy, fantasy is part of our sureal reality as art is part of very life. the fact that i’m talking to you in such a fancy way should tell you my attitude towards it - that life is my friend, but a piece of action on stage. do you seek humanity? common philosophy will lead you million miles away. all you need is a book by nietzsche the great, and behold my friend: for the true sage shall tell you in style and detail what i just said

Whisper obscenely,
a heart full of loving wrath,
fear her quiet hand…

One for Liquid in her new role as righteous Angel of moderation…

[size=75]Sage/Iron Dog/Uniqor - Married man - don’t get your respective hormonal panties in bunches. Just buttering up the Angel now, in case I need her largesse, later…[/size]


Thats relative.

I dont need nietzche to help me woo the opposite sex.

All Im saying is Do not judge people on how they look or how they do not look .

So you have harsh words with LA , then she posts a picture , then you send a message saying how sorry you are, that you never realized the lovely soul that was recieving your cruelty. But what type of soul did you think was in reciept of your cruel words when all souls are beautiful?

Think about this if you are the type to act cruelly and must be stimulated by beauty in order to make amends. Stimulated by looks. What if she
{ or he} had been ugly? Would you have sent the same message ?

I doubt it. So therefore what are your true motivations? Perhaps only selfish uniqor, now that you see she is an attractive woman. Maybe Im wrong, but its a thought.

You’ve been here since May 2005 and you still don’t know how to make multiple quotes in one post?? I’ve almost about had it with you ID…your lack of intelligence is borderlining that of PoR…

I still think ID is a joke

He’s too stupid and persistant to be real.

Gamer I see you pulling the strings :wink:

If I’m wrong? … … wow

The highest good is like water.
Water gives life to the ten thousand things and does not strive.
It flows in places men reject and so is like the Tao.
In dwelling, be close to the land.
In meditation, go deep in the heart.
In dealing with others, be gentle and kind.
In speech, be true.
In ruling, be just.
In business, be competent.
In action, watch the timing.
No fight:
No blame.

  • Tao Te Ching, Chapter 8


Irritated easy the young and overly intellectual are.

You,ve hurt my feelings gobbo.

Indeed . They usually reject all that is good for them.

i’m delighted by your responce iron dog: not giving up, being inquisitive - personas i adore. indeed nobody needs nietzsche to get woman, but nietzsche offers corrections for men’s misunderstanding of women. gaining a correct understanding of women is not neccessarily helpful in getting them, especially if you offend their power over you by peeling off their mask in front of them. ever wonder why nietzsche stayed bachlor

even if liquidangel’s ugly, i still would’ve said what i’ve said. in fact i ask you now to recall that particular post of mine, in which i never complimented on her looks, but a few other posters did. my sweet compliments all went in pm. what was in that post was more about me actually: my confession, my guilt and shame. now i have none of them. i don’t know what you look like; am i being respectful to you?

Jesus, get a room already people. Or arrange to meet up somewhere physically, have a good punch up and the last man standing gets the girl… :unamused:

Do this in real life and the lady in question will have long ago upped-sticks and gone off with the football player.

[size=75][Listens intently][/size]

My God !!! I can hear your genes… They’re saying:

“Holy Shit ! We’re never gonna get outta here at this rate.”


tab my dearest friend, i’m afraid that you are mistaken. remember that i told you about my intension here in gloucester? well think about it: liquidangel lives in london. if i really wanted her then i’d be in london right now with roses in my hand

Assuming you had the balls to get to the point and actually do it, that is.

you’ve no idea about me my friend. that’s somthing i’m doing right now, it’s just that the girl ain’t liquidangel… is that something that needs to be done with sweat on your balls anyway? i never thought about it that way