The ancient winds have uncovered a mystery, withheld from all as a consequence of apathy. Internal struggles are persistent in the one born of a deafening roar of thunder, a steady stream of madness running through his spine. Although the clout and sway within us all are locked in box and the key is swallowed. Numerous have attempted the thunderous ones destiny for sake of infamy yet the chosen are chosen from an unknown anomaly, systematically the machine of neurons plan and plot, test and retest, as if melding a steel of the finest quality. Seeing what all can see yet seeing differently is all because his belly unlocked the key. The fasting away of desire used by the faithful to reach up higher to the divine, was something sought out only in a half truth, the benefits were blatant, the reasoning not as much so. The erosion of the sands of time will swallow the secret of an unknown soldier who vicariously viewed the conundrums of time as if time had melted, past present and future succumbing to one, the melting hands on the clock have become molten and flowed into the pot of this unique steel.
He’s finally come alive, sliding through a womb of time. Pure non linear thought has melted this 4th dimension he was born of, eliminating a need for death. Immortality is sought out and will be attained. The victor he is, yet the victor does not convey this, only because doing so would taint the fabric he has so intricately woven, a fabric that will sure to propel the rest of humanity forwards and backwards, left and right, ripping apart the consciousness of the conscious. A warrior that all have awaited for, dreaming in the dreams, singing in their songs, yet unknowingly so. It was subconscious foresight that the world had yearned for his arrival, yet they do not know he has come.
The man wasof incredible wealth, in a privelaged part of the world, yet not from his own effort. He flourished only due to the respect received from his wealth and due to his silver tongue that, when utilized, would drop the chins of its listeners. Rising through the ranks of power amongst an inept civilization, the thunderous roar backed by a flourishing illness, allowed him to have perception that others could not have. His insight was obvious yet others were blinded, others knew he was wise and his wisdom climbed him to the height of power. The man spoke to all and all listened.
The struggle within that had been hidden from all but himself, was going to become apparent. In control and in charge, the wisdom would succumb to power, the twisting and mind warping attribute that he had overdosed on. He declared to the world when he believed he become unstoppable, he spoke the words that he took as his own, but were not his alone. To the world he yelled with hypnotic ferocious intensity that only the maddest lingusit and speaker could hurl from its thunderous mouth.
"This world is mine, a liability that I have incurred, the consummation of my rapacious pining from the moment I was conceived. Jesus blessed me with all that had become, I am the destroyer and the protector of this creation, surmising my destiny unfolding in your sight, but you were blinded by denial. You will testify of this and be enrolled via my name, a name you will only understand if you can only understand eternal torment, or I’ll slaughter the whole of all that is unconscious to what is just and good for themselves as well as all who are unseen. "
The world had trembled upon such uttering, mystical and mesmerizing to all the ears it had fell upon. The whole of the world felt there was no reason to give such a being influence sway and clout that had never been before acheived.
The history of the aforementioned mindset had numerous precursors. Adept in all religious doctrine yet follower of none, the thriving worm inside the man had made him say what perspired in verbage, the parasite who had unlocked the key had simultaneously disembowled him, leaving him broken. He too, was the son of a broken man, the anguish had been passed down genetically, an inheritance worthy of the murderous slaughterer that he will metamorphose into…