Fine and Kind people, I have alot to say but in the last few years religion has made issues. I have found that is out of kilter.
One religion bashes the other and one faith trys to rule over another faith and ones studies into the arts trys to answer all things out side of the equasion of what is present.
There is a root foundation to each and every religion out there and there is basis for truth in each group.
In the last 6 years or so of researching a very unique subject it has lead me down many of paths of knowledge. And suprising to a root word to sum all of the rieligons and beliefs in one thing. “FAITH” But this faith has so many back grounds its not even funny.
I can take just about anybody and talk to them in a few hours and explain things I have found and make them think for the rest of thier lives as to what it was I showed them.
But does it matter?
Not really people do as they are urged to do in life and out of having to do in life to survive.
I come to these forums because I need peers to commune with. And on a topic that has had me searching now for a long long time and thats on how do I explain all that I know is true and factual about a unique situation and get people who are so much into their selves that they dont see any other way in life. When there is more to what they are seeing then they actually see.
I already know I will make some people enlightened and some people very pissed off at me. But I have learned I must take both for both are within my reality and existance.
I have come to these forums also due to a situation dealing with the very community of the group who is studing the thing we also know as the bible codes. They claimed one thing in a community a few years ago that they truely found the closed book of David I argued with them for a few years that they did not find any book by david and they did not find what they thought they found. In the last few years the orginal name I gave to my works has been used and twisted by others who now use it as names and the like for businesses.
I have studied what is called “Dreamcodes” And did challange the Bible code community and did win my points of arguement. Mainly that they did not find the lost book of Daniel. Reason of winning was the fact that it was written that Daniel was in a DREAM and was told to seal the book. So therefore how can the book be in this reality when in fact it was within a dream! There is how ever a reference to what is called the “WAYPOST” that were left by the ancients.
I will also state I am not here to debate if the bible is about religion or if its about accuracy of ages past and if the authors where real or not. I am here to post something that very few have heard about or even understand is a possibility. But the facts are weighing in the direction its all TRUTH or so it is for myself and so therefore these are my opinions and mine only.
I think the bible codes are real I also think that there was someone who we call jesus actually lived in the past and was a great teacher. Was his name Jesus or Mohamad or Gandi or what ever, is left up to others who specialize in that area of study. I am here about a link to something far greater in my own opinion.
I believe I have sufficent proof to state we as humans have errored so baddly in a global understanding of what was tryed to be taught to us by man/woman about our reality and how it really is.
I can show you two realities right now and both fit exactly as what is written within not one bible but many religions.
“Dreams and Visions” has been the basis of damn near every religion from the ancients to this very day. And the sayings also fit as well from written regious documents as well dealing with dreams and visions.
Hence two beings One being made like God and one being made like man of the earth called ADAM. I can show you two different realities where one is full of gods and one full of seekers and we are stuck in both realities at once. And one or the other is just about as stupid as to knowing the other exist.
This is for those who has dreams, to look into!
Ever had a dream you were flying?
Ever had a dream of you were in a fight and was either being mortally wounded or trying to kill the other! Only to see either your self get up or they get back up after what should have been a mortal wound?
Ever had a dream you were in school/work/public and was only in underware?
Ever see your self in the mountains in caves?
If so there is meanings to these and other dreams that have solid foundations and ancient documentations.
I will tell anyone I am not here telling anyone I can interpret their dreams I am here however telling you I can help you learn what your dreams means and why you have them and where they are coming from.
And I assume both the best and the worst peoples to either listen are argue with me. I will also say so far since 1998 I have not yet lost my point of view or changed my point of view since I have seen factaul data on proof that what I know works.
I can prove that what other people think do and say is reflected within your dreams if your directely going to be involved. Now some who are going to argue with me be ready and a hint of advice from me to you before you argue with me you might wish to listen first or either embarass your self later by telling me “OH thats what you mean. I am sorry I missunderstood you” YOu can post websites after websites of Dream research oganizations who has "Concluded that dreams are just broken fragmented pieces of junk that our minds puts together durning REM stages. I have already got a few places reseaching a few of things I have reported as facts and they must research them for them selves to see what I know is now truth.
As to all as a whole. I believe in something that I know is facts but others has no clue of unless they have studied what I have in the past.
I am hear only seeking people who will help me try to prove something I have found is wrong and incorrect and so far all I have ended up doing over the years is prove to myself its more a fact then a flasehood.
Back to the dream issue if you have had any dreams at all I am telling you that you have what is called the Gift of sight! Hence also another old saying there shall be those who see and can not see and then there will be those who can see and then can really see. There are those who hear but hear nothing and those who hear and hear wisdom of truth.
Your dreams are just as important to me as my own dreams are because I think you deserver to know the truth about them. Please I dont care if you heard dreams are just dreams and they mean nothing for this is not true at all in any aspect. And if there is anyone who is limited to their contact with peoples around you and are like in the so called wilderness you will note your dreams are simple and to the point where as people from cities are deluged in a mirid of information and have many sysmbols that are the same but different in meanings
A symbol for me, may differ for you, in meanings but none the less they have a meaning.
I believe everyone has a meaning but its the question of do they know that as I do!
So people I sit within your ranks and begin my onlsaught of questions and answers and my proofs, its now up to you of if you want to hear another side of truth that has been hidden from man/woman for a long long time.
I say your dreams is foretelling your reality and your religions/faiths and beliefs prove it as well. Just look into your historys behind them to see the truth.
If I gave you a book that had swimming every other page and was found 2.3 times in every book within a book it must mean swimming is the topic of the book but I can always call the book or give a title “In the mountain top” As the name of the book. Well religion did the same thing to thier books of knowledge. King james called it the Holy Bible, The hebrew nation the Torah and many others I will not list because the list is huge.
But the root you will find in just about ever one of the TRUE RELIGIONS has one root foundation of FAITH and thats “In a Dream and in a Vision”
These very words has rocked the very nature of what it was we are to be looking into. Instead of listening to this preacher/minister/teacher or that preacher say hey listen to God he will guide you and show you the way to salvation and never tell you how it is your suppose to be listening. Which by the way people especially those who tends to a church every week. You know what I am saying is true. You hear them always tell you trust in your heart and the lord will guide you and your left there going… HUH! Well what do I listen to, how do I listen to God. This is what they can not them selves answer straight forward to you and will avoid in a true answer.
Well I will tell you its written and its documented that what we are being taught now is not right, especially how it is we are being taught.
So please lets get this on and lets see who learns what and what is gleened from this topic. I am sure you will be amazed as I was when I first founded the truth as it really was.
And please feel free to ask me any questions here or in private. I am not ashamed to say what I feel or mean here or in private!
Deepest respects to all!