A lovely read...

Hi Karen! What book is that you’re reading?

The Beauty Of Being.

[i]How true…I do love a good read myself
I adore highbrow philosophy, romance
o yes and poetry art and sowing.
The work of Shakespeare is exquisite
such depth, nuance, soulful language.
How does one get by without a good mental stimulant?
A, such types as we are truly beautiful,
peaceful, contemplative, soft unpretentious.
We simply love the deeper sensitive side of life
the soul, the inner, the passion…

O karen, look at the time,
I really must pick the children up from school
then I must dash and do the shopping,
we are having lamb for dinner, lychees for desert.
Can you believe they charge one pound
and sixty three pence for a single can?
I was outraged, almost complained,
dear, dear, rotten supermarkets…

Well lovey, my jeep isn’t parked far from here
I’ll be off: see you soon love!
I’ll pop round with a copy of
‘Soft lives of the delicate unawares!’
-it is so ironic!
kiss kissxx[/i]