A Mad Man's Wedding

This is it… soon I will be wed…

any advice, thoughts or last second flirtations? well this might be your last chance… :smiley:

Congratulations! And no, I’ll be saving my flirts for my date on Tursday evening :wink:

Hee hee, fixed.

Congratulations and good luck with the rest of your life. :smiley:

I feel bad for asking this, but it is something I have been pondering myself. Maybe you could help.

Why are ya getting married, dude? Why not just live together? Do you feel something will change after you leave the church/state official (not rhetorical)? If so, what?

Congrats man!

Ritualized recognition of a pre-existing phenomenon is a phenomenal experience.

Congratulations Mad Man, just soak the day in, it goes way too fast

:smiley: =D> :stuck_out_tongue:

tell them not to cook the rice…



Have fun and do everything your mother told you not to do. :smiley:

…er, thanks for correcting my spelling there for me, Zeus :unamused:

I’ve got my eye on you, buddy!

Wow… thanks guys… I expected people here to try and talk me out of this foolishness… to waste my best years with one woman… :stuck_out_tongue:

As for why I’m getting married and not just moving in with the chick… it has nothing to do with ritual or money or religion… it’s more like a promis between two people… we both swear to stick it out until all hope is lost… and that’s about as far as it goes… no hellfire no money loss… nothin… just a promis…

It carries no more weight than what we give it… so in a sense it doesn’t really need to be there… however there is a kind of “social status” that goes along with making that promis public…

she’s my woman… and it’s official… god help any man who even looks at her funny after that :evilfun:

Enjoy! :smiley: :smiley: