My friend Andy was staying up till 3am as usual, and being bored and half insane, he decided to write his own creation story. He told me about it yesterday, and now it’s gonna be a whole bible, and it was really quite fun trying to make up myths to explain all the natural occurrences and patterns we could think of. Anyway, this is as far as we’ve got:
Before time, there was Galagon. Galagon was the all and the nothing,
the male and the female, the rain and the bright sky, the now, the
never, and the always. Galagon was tired from the burden of his
responsibility and power. One day, while attending to his tasks, he
decided to divide his labours. Firstly, Galagon said in the morning “I
shall divide the all from the nothing, and the nothing shall be
confined to the unknown and the all shall be my realm.” Thus came the
world. Nextly, Galagon said at midday " I shall divide the land from
the heavens, and the land I shall call earth, and the heavens shall be
my realm, and the earth shall be the realm of my work." Thus came the
sky. Third, in the afternoon, Galagon said “I shall seperate the male
and the female, and the male shall be my realm, and the female shall
be the realm of my beauties.” Finally, in the evening, Galagon said “I
shall divide the rain from the bright sky, and the rain shall be my
realm and the realm of my happiness, for from me it shall pour and
give life to the world, and to the sun shall i confine my labours in
the day.” At night, Galagon said “I shall not split time, but instead
hold in myself the now, the never, and the always.”, and after his
work Galagon rested in below the sky.
From the realm of the nothing, that night came Derryute whilst
Galagon slumbered below in his chambers below the sky. And Derryate
said “While Galagon rests, I shall be lord of the world, and all that
Galagon has cast out shall be mine.” And so Derryate became Lord of
the Nothing, and of the Female, and of the Earth, and of the Bright
In the morning, Galagon rose from his slumber and found what Derryate
had done. Galagon was angry, and charged Derruate: “Derryute, beast of
the time in the sky without me, thou hast taken the realm of my
beauties, and of my labours, and of my creation. These things i have
not capitulated for new plunder but have made free. Free them again or
face my wrath.”.
And Derryute replied “These things I all wanted, and shall endeavour
to keep, but save for the work of the Bright Sky, for i am not made
for rude toils of day. That i shall give to you, and keep for myself
the plain dark sky to reign over whilst you slumber.”
To which Galagon replied “But i have not given you the time while i
slumber, nor the female, nor the earth. Give me back the female so
that i might make my beauty, and your reign whilst i slumber shall be
unperturbed. Let us share the heavens so that we both might reign in
peace, and Let us share the earth so that my creation might know both
of darkness and of light.”
And Derryute said “As it is said, let it be done.”
And so there came to our earth Galagon’s Day and Derryute’s night,
and there was much rejoicing in the heavens, and the gods both poured
a deep and happy rain from the sky, and gave seed to the life of the
world. And the rain lasted for many of our years, for each of them was
but a trifle of a celebration to the gods. And at the end, the rains
filled the great and joyus oceans and gave life to the many regions of
the world. And when Galagon resumed his work, there was a child-god
born of the great love and celebration, Great Mapper in the sky who
gives the colours to the world from the heavens after the rains.
As there came life, there came sound and scent from it, and it made
the world beautiful, and the gods were pleased.
But their came a time when the life the gods had made would die, and
the souls of the beings were lost from the earth. No matter the
efforts of the gods, death prevailed throughout the land, and the
great gardens of the earth were turned to dead ground. And from the
Great Death rose a new god, Capitilus, lord of death. He took the
shape of a male, having lost the frail beauty of living things, and
formed from the lost souls of the dead things. And he challenged the
gods, and sought revenge for the transformation of his component souls
from beauty to worthless dust. And Galagon and Mapper were afraid, but
fearless Derryute, forged from the despondent emptiness of the
nothing, sought to pacify this new beast in the heavens. And the two
fought a great duel, and though the powers of hatred and death were
strong and ever-growing, Derryate knew of the darkness and was learned
of it, and used it to anticipate Capitilus. He could not escape, and
Derryute crushed him. Knowing, though, that Capitilus had too much
power to eliminate, Derryate confined him to the realm beneath the
world, where he would have lordship over hateful death. The souls of
the dead beings too pure to be taken in by hatred and cynicism,
though, lived with Derryute at night in the heavens. And so the path
to life with the gods became forgivness, love, and stoicism in hard
To safeguard the life, though, from any new rising of Capitilus,
Galagon forged the life of a guardian race of to rule over the earth
in his stead and defend it from hating, fearing souls. He spread this
race across the earth into many tribes, each with its own
understanding of its own land and the ability to protect it. All men
were capable of great love, but were not divided. To be man’s image of
beauty and his companion, Galagon forged woman from his best tomes of
beauty and mean desire. And woman made man happy with love and care so
that the men might be better able to use their time protecting the
earth than loving and caring themselves.
And many years past, and the men and the beasts were plentiful and
happy, and Galagon shone and laughed much. And the men built kingdoms
and lived in leisure, closed in castles and palaces. And the men of
the south made the kingdom of Bourbon, and the men of the east broke
from them and made the kingdom and empire of Hanoveria by the sea, and
the North and West made the kingdom of Windsor, which was in the rains
the most and was mightiest. And they took and used without regard to
the fowl of the air and the beast of the land and sea, and did not
guard. Galagon became angry, and the rains were stopped, and the gods
met in council.
Wise Derryute spoke: “The men shall know of a freezing rain, and it
shall purify the lands and kill them all.”
And the Great Rainbow, Mapper in the sky was distraught, and he
pleaded with Derryute and Galagon. “Let not all the men die, for then
who shall be guardian of the lands against Capitilus? Indeed, save but
the holy through the winter with your warmth, Galagon.”
And Galagon Spoke: “Indeed it shall be so, and i shall appoint the
holiest of men to lead the pure to my refuge in the land of Mappistan,
and over the men shall Mapper reign.”
And with that, the snow began to fall, and the people of the land
were distraught and suffered greatly. And Great Mapper came to Pouke,
holiest of men and high priest in the greatest of the kingdoms, and
commanded him to wait on the mountain at the edge of the city, and
wait for his path to Mappistan. And Pouke led hrare of his countrymen
and countless beasts of the land to the mountain, and true to his
word, Mapper came and took them to his realme in between the heavens
and the earth, and Pouke took with him not but his woman. From their
safe haven in Mappistan, they watched their fellow men die and freeze
to the darkness.
And after 20 days and nights, the blizzard stopped and the lands were
silent with death. The god Galagon spoke and said: "I shall melt
these snows, and never again make tempest of this magnitude, but
instead annually purify the grounds and preserve the holiness of my
lands. And Pouke took his peoples from the heavens with the guidance
of Mapper, and he came down the mountain and with the aid of Galagon
melted the snows, and built a new kingdom with sufficent deference to
the gods. And Pouke said unto his new subjects:
“Worship the gods and remember their powers, be respectful of nature
and revel in it.”
“Respect your fellow man, and aim for the virtues of the heavenly afterlife.”
“Build temples, and make decent shrine in them for Mapper, our
saviour, Galagon, our father, and Derryute, our mother.”
“Go to the temples every 20th day and there make amends for your sins
and give deference to the gods”
“Respect the gods and mans role in their plan”
“Make love with the women, and remember their role, and do not lie
with other men or beasts, for that is the will of death and Capitilus”
“Honor Derryute with your presence in many women, and revel in them well.”
“Annually, remember this blizzard, and on the 25th day of the 12th
month, do not take food until Galagon rests, and then feast on the
pure fowl and beasts of the land.”
“Annually, remember this rebirth, and on the 14th day of the second
month, be worshipful to Derryute and revel together for the creation
of new life.”
“Summer shall be the time of man and of his life without undue piety.”
“Annually, remember the causes of this blizzard, and on the last day
of the tenth month, make amends for your sins in the year and
sacrifice until the festival in the 12th month.”
And these were the foundation of his empire, and the land prospered
for 20 years under Pouke’s reign, and his descendants continued the
prosperity and the gods were pleased.
Look at the various names and try to think of where Andy pulled them (not anybody’s ass, so don’t try).
Also, I know it’s typo filled and at one point misuses “not” in place of “naught” but gimme a break; I’m not going to edit it until at least after all our basic ideas are written in.