A new philosophy

You,ve been trapped lasko!!

Explain Iron Dog, how have I been trapped? There are creatures under the ocean who have no seen a spec of sunlight and have survived because of adapting to the environment. Creatures and even humans live simply because of adaption to environment not because the sun allows them to live.


Seems now you’ve resorted to even more childish actions? Hmm… well i guess it is impossible to have an intelligent conversation with you. Good day and I hope the trapping goes well as I am now done with your threads and childish comments. Good day small child

When I said in this letter you were trapped, I was meaning that because of the way you expressed yourself in my other letters, where you were so rude, you have shown yourself to be quite vulgar, and someone who resorts to name calling.

You have trapped yourself because you started being very very rude, you tried to be personal, and involve my family etc. It is pathetic. So when I say trapped I mean this.

You say you are intelligent, educated,and to be honest I would have listened to you, but after your vicious outburst you only showed yourself up.

Why now would I take you seriously when you are so vulgar? Why should anyone believe you are an intellectual, when you behave in such an uncouth way?

I looked at what you wrote in one thread when I was speaking to you in another, but as soon as I realized the things you had said, I tried to cut you out of all my threads. And granted that is why it may seem that I have just turned on you for no good reason. But look for yourself, you started this with your insults. As soon as I saw this, it was enough.

All I did was to carry it on in all my letters, essentially just wanting you to leave if you were going to be so vulgar. You obviously dont have children or you would understand why I think it is very wrong to behave this way. Or maybe you do and that is how you raise them, by being rude and swearing around them.

No hard feelings.

But you really should watch your vulgar mouth and hot temper, it may get you into hot water one day. Especially if you meet a real man who is sensitive, kind, and knows how to be honest and caring. He would only stomp you into the ground for being so rude and vulgar. Such is the way of a real man!

The reason Iron Dog I said those things was the fact that you were not contributing to the discussion. Your posts made no sense and held no thought within them. They merely did not make any contribution and were mostly attacking people. You should really look into some research before posting so that you may contribute to the discussion.

Ok lasko, now we are getting somewhere.

To be honest I think you are quite nice. lets forget it all as silly nonsense.

Iron Dog, I never had any problem with you to start, it just seemed like you were trying to hard to be against my religion, and didn’t seem to know anything about it until we posted about it.

I know what you mean, but I believe in a divine purpose in life. That is the only reason we cross swords.

My initial post of course seemed to be entirely of the mark, especially if you are looking at satanism from an atheistic point of view.

But I see it from a spiritual point of view. Which is how I see things. As you say it is just tomato tomatoe