A New Religion...?

What does diddo mean? :confused:

My father comes from a very religious family (christian; though he isn’t a fundamentalist himself, nor very religious.) He used to be a missionary so from very young on I was involved in many religious and theological discussions (not all about Christianity). Any ways what I mean with “My ministry” is that I’ve always noticed how most Christians longed to have a church, and followers, and how the people in the church seemed so proud of their leader, and how leaders would fight with each other to keep their ministry (church, followers) All in all it seemed just one big senseless power game, and it ended up that it all had nothing to do with their belief at all.

In my latter part of the post, yes I was talking about those that already exist.

Any ways I’ll talk serious of the matter now :slight_smile:

I never really thought about creating my own religion.
Depends on what you mean with “religion”. Is it a church and ministry? or is it a way of living? what? If it’s a way of living, then I guess I’ve bin creating one since I started making choices and forming opinions. Would it be a religion if I shared my way of life with others and we would agree and live the same then?

by the way, I like your quote about loving life and life will love you back.

‘Diddo’ is a word from another language I think, but it’s used in agreement clauses. Ie. I too believe that; or I agree, or I think so too - In the movie Ghost with Patrick Swayze ‘diddo’ is used to signify ‘I love you too’. The way I meant it was ‘I think so too’.

I would just like to say how interesting and amusing it is, to still find individuals persistent in the search for a more meaningful existence, within reality, by adhering to the same old methods of religious worship that have caused so much pain and suffering all around the world.
Religions instil isolation, predjudice and fear in individuals and within communities. Isn’t it about time that man realised that the important common-sense, be good to the person sitting next to you, help each other, don’t be greedy, we only live this life once so lets make it a pleasant one philosophy has got to be the best way to go?
If there is a God (i like to keep an open mind), and it is true that we are all gods Children, then i’m not to sure if i want to meet him.
God has given his chidren free choice.
But do you watch while a child plays with a knife?
Do we sit by and watch one country attempt to destroy another?
And yet this is exactly what ‘God’ does.
Search your minds for the truth. Learn to love and respect yourselves, others and life before you give all your love to a being that may or may not exist. If he does exist then you will be excepted into heaven for being such a gorgeous person and if he does not then you haven’t wasted your time, love and soul on beliefs that have no bearing in the modern world except to those who crave power and money through the exploitation of individuals insecurities about life.

Stay well, live and love…Piface.[/u]