a new understanding of today, time and space.

I began this search of mine, years ago…

my attempt was to bring philosophy back to the people…
and look at what I have so far accomplished…

nothing…in attempting to unite philosophy with life, I
have failed in both…I have ambiguity and despair
and humans being isolated from who they are and
I haven’t found wisdom or knowledge or understanding…
or even the means to gain wisdom or knoweldge or understanding…

it isn’t enought to take apart or destroy, one must build, be creative,
have a vision and then work like hell to achieve that vision…

my rational mind has declared my entire experiment a failure,
of colossal failure of epic proportions…

and yet my spirit… my ever fighting spirit has simply decided that
this is a minor setback… I cannot achieve some sort of grand
reunification of philosophy, no, that ship has sailed…

we can’t have some overarching system like Hegel or Kant…
that much is clear… the will to a system is the path to failure…

so, we must break it down… use the pieces of philosophy to
engage in our lives… we ask ourselves questions and we
see the small possible answers…

we get a whole lot of life answers…
we must search for happiness, or seek god,
or become wise or become who you are or
avoid suffering, seek pleasure but not to much,
avoid pain, get rich, seek titles, buy things, greed is good,
seek knowledge or facts, fame and fortune, be someone…
but I ask, who should I be?

kinda like chocolate, this week’s advice about chocolate being good or bad
depends upon a coin toss apparently… such is the way of our life choices…
and the above list is by no means complete…

what does this long list tell you? that we in fact, have
no idea whatsoever what it means to be human or to find
what it means to be human…

after a million years of our being human, we still don’t know
what the goal of being human is…we still don’t know what it means
to be human…if we have so many possibilities, then perhaps, that
means we are simply guessing as to what it means to be human?

I mean, how different does a goal to be happy is from a goal
of seeking wisdom or a goal of fame or fortune?

they have nothing in common…that there are so many different
possibilities, so many different paths should be of question?

why, why are they so many different possibilities, so many different
and diverse paths, so many different goals to be human?

what does it mean to be human?

that is the question?

and what is the answer?


who we pray to, tell us who we are…
if we Americans pray to Mammon, as we do,
then that tells the world who we are…
we care more about wealth then we do about anything else…

I go on facebook and quite often, I will get one of the those annoying
post about if one repost a particular post, god will give one a vast
amount of wealth… and at the end of the post always ends with an amen…

somehow making god about the money, instead of the spirit…or
the religious…

now if we were to pray to god, god isn’t physical nor is he material,
not alive as we know it…because if he was, where is he? that has
always been the problem, the location of god… so to get around these
particular issues, god has been presented as being spirit… so if we pray to god,
then where are we directing these prayers? now many say, god is inside of us…
so we are praying to ourselves? ok, may has well pray to myself if I am praying to
something inside of me… prayer directed to my liver or my stomach or my heart…
no, that strikes as being silly, so prayer really needs to be directed outward,
away from us…outside of us…

as we have noted, we possess many different facts, for example,
that NY has 8 million people or that the earth is 93 million miles from
earth… but facts, knowledge is changeable… the knowledge we possess
about facts changes… for example, I grew up believing that we had
nine planets, with Pluto being the smallest, furthest planet from us…
suddenly, Pluto lost its status of being a planet, a fact, changed…
Pluto still exists out there, but because of changing considerations,
we no longer call Pluto a planet… a fact changes…

we go to school to learn facts like this… the Declaration of Independence
was signed in 1776 and the French Revolution was from 1789 to roughly 1799…
give or take……… we have plenty of facts that are changeable… we might,
given changing considerations, decide that the French Revolution ended in 1794
or began in 1788……

but more importantly, how does knowing the year of the Declaration of Independence
was signed, make me a better person? How does know that year, help me become
who I am?

we assign a high priority to facts, knowledge and yet, those facts
might change and might not even be all that important…
so many facts are simply not worth knowing… unless one is
a specialist in some area where that fact is important…
that the Greek city of Croton was located in southern Italy…
ok, now your life is complete…….

but how, how would that fact help you become a better person,
or even understand what being a better person even meant…

we are consumed by little facts, that dominate our days,
my wife is obsessed with our getting our employee discount when
we shop at our store…she spends hours calling these poor people when
it is clear we are already getting the discounts, but does a wife ever
believe a husband? nope… she waste so much time dealing with
something that is pretty dam unimportant… and that is the problem
with most people, that they are consumed with little details that
are really unimportant… I have customers go ballistic if they don’t
get their 12 cent discount on cheese… really, how is that going to
help one become a better person or even understand what it means
to be a better person? Our focus is on the wrong stuff, we focus
on unimportant matters while ignoring what it means to be human
or how do we become who we are or to use our energy to know thyself…

or perhaps even to use our energy to understand such questions
as what does it mean an individual within society and what is the
relationship between an individual and society?

all these very important questions demanding to be answered
and yet people are dicking around with getting some bogus
discount on cheese as if that crap really matters…….

that crap takes our eyes off of the important matters that should engage
us, knowing ourselves, a reevaluation of values, of becoming who we are…

or perhaps a religious person can engage in the question, of which law to
obey, man’s law or god’s law? for man’s law has all kinds of workarounds
for the various laws of god……

god says, thou shall not kill…

and man says, thou shall not kill… but you can kill if you are a policeman
defending oneself or if you are solider killing in the name of your country
or if you are temporally insane and then “hay, its all good you had an excuse”…

so, which law do you obey? man’s law or god’s law?

that is why there are no such thing as being Christian in our modern age…
we all have accepted man’s law over god’s law…………

but does anyone actually think about this or do they think about
their own ambition or their wealth or the titles they can achieve…

no, we are adrift because we have lost sight of what is truly important
in our lives… we have lost what it means to be in the human condition…
and we have lost the idea of the human condition to such petty
and irrelevant thoughts as to making sure we get that 12 cent discount
on the cheese…or which restaurant we are going to tonight?

we use our day to day living to mask or hide or deny the important questions
of human existence…

it isn’t about facts or knowledge but about understanding what it takes
to become human, fully human… not a human/animal which is what
most people are………

I oppose modern society because it encourages one to deny or hide or
just not think about, what it means to be human and what is
the real goal of being human… is fighting about a 12 cent discount
really the path to understanding what it means to be human?

past, present and future… all questions must engage in
the past, present and future…
we humans in the past were… and we humans today are…
and tomorrow, what will we humans be?

quite often as I write, I am reminded of the movie, 1776…
when Adams sings a little song… and the words go like this:

is anybody there? does anybody care?

I wonder…


“we use our day to day living to mask or hide or deny the important questions
of human existence”

Can we overcome the denial of our inner self, that causes us to deny the values which we repress in the process of living?

Or, is such denial absolutely excluded from our self conscious star of mind, resulting in an unbearable and equally absolute negative reaction.?..

The present social reality reveals both of these enigmatic queries. It is obvious.

somehow and in some fashion, I feel I must comment upon
IAM… I am not oppose or even object to his “way of thinking”
in fact, I applaud him… for even trying which is more then I can
say about 99.9 % of the human race… what is at issue here is
that his problem is his problem… it is not my question…
that is not to say he is wrong or right, it is simply not
my question of existence…I try to understand his frame of
reference and because it is not my question, I have a hard time
understanding his viewpoint… I just don’t see why his question
means so much to him… that isn’t to say, he just should give up
or that he is wrong, no, a thousand times no…

I have a hard time with his viewpoint because it isn’t my viewpoint…
and I am sure he has a hard time understanding my viewpoint because
it isn’t his viewpoint…….it has nothing to do with being right or wrong,
or being dumb or being smart or anything… I stand upon my rock
and I can see this and this and this… and he stands upon his rock
and he sees this and this and this… we just don’t see the same thing
because we stand upon different rocks… different viewpoints…

I want him to continue on his journey of understanding… of what
it means to be human… of discovery to be human…

and I want him to continue to post even if I don’t quite understand
his viewpoint… for it isn’t about me…but it is about IAM and his
journey to become who he is…

Goethe once said… If I love you, what business is it of yours?

and we can say the same thing about our quest to become human…

if we seek knowledge or wisdom or understanding, what business is it of yours?


K: very nice post…


one might, might be able to reduce philosophy to
two different viewpoints…

when ask a question, a person might say one of two things
and that shows us where that person is…

when offer a question, a person might ask, is that true?
and another might ask, what is its meaning?

and right here we have the entire history of philosophy…

one might ask, it is true?
and another might ask, what does it mean?

when offer a question/statement, do you ask if it is true or do you
ask, what does it mean?

Plato asked, is it true?
Nietzsche asked, what does it mean?


or said another way:

the search of for knowledge is the search for the “truth”
and the search for wisdom is the search for the “meaning”

does the search for one or the other, preclude the other?

no, for we seek some sort of synthesis of the two…
we seek that knowledge and wisdom become one…


so we have sentences like, “the earth is 93 million miles from earth”
and we have two ways to approach this sentence…

one way is to ask, is this true? is the earth 93 million miles from the sun?

and other way is to ask, “what does it mean that the earth is 93 million
miles from the sun”?

the question is asked…

man is a mean, ego driven, directionless, rat-bastard…

so, we can ask ourselves one of two questions,

is this true?


what does this mean?


one might wonder, when the modern world began with a “scientific” viewpoint,
did that remove or kick out the earlier question of the pre-scientific
viewpoint which ask, what does it mean?

in other words, our “modern” viewpoint ask, is it true?
when the earlier viewpoint, pre-modern viewpoint ask,
“what does it mean?”

perhaps we have lost a key and vital question in becoming
“scientific”… we have lost the question of meaning…

so, when presented with an opposing viewpoint, instead of asking,
is it true? ask yourself, what does it mean?


the “crisis” of our modern age comes because we ask, is it true?
instead of asking, what does it mean?

changing the question from the truth to meaning, makes
all the difference in the world…


asking oneself, what is to be done?
is to ask, what is the truth?

it is not asking, what is its meaning, but what’s its truth…

so, Marx wasn’t asking about the meaning of his quest, but
what is the truth of his quest…

so, dialectical materialism is a question of finding the truth,
it is not a question of finding its meaning…

capitalism is a question of finding the truth, money
and not about its meaning…

democracy is about finding the truth,
not about its meaning…

religion is about finding the truth,
not about finding its meaning…

thus the ism’s and ideologies of modern man
is about finding truths, and not about finding
the meaning…

and thus we have failed…


"the search of for knowledge is the search for the “truth”
and the search for wisdom is the search for the “meaning”

does the search for one or the other, preclude the other?

no, for we seek some sort of synthesis of the two…
we seek that knowledge and wisdom become one…"


Exactly, what happened was a separation of truth from meaning, and trying to put them together in a humpty dumpty kind of way is not an easy or even an absolutely adorable task.

now, the modern pursuit of meaning, they why… has flounder
upon the question/statement that is this,

"how can we have meaning, purpose when the universe is random,
chaotic, full of chance?

how do we find meaning, the why, given that the universe has
no purpose? the call of those ism’s and ideologies which give meaning
and purpose have all been destroyed…

who believes in religion anymore? certainly not Christians…
and who believes in god? no one is a “true” believer anymore…

and the meaning of such ism’s and ideologies like capitalism
and communism is destroyed when the individual human being
is subsumed, devalued, negated within the ism of communism
and capitalism and Catholicism………

there is no meaning in such nihilism…

so, how do we discover meaning, purpose in a meaningless,
purposeless universe?

and not to be boring, but that was Nietzsche mission, to create
meaning, when it was clear to him, god was dead… I.E, that
ism’s and ideologies of all sorts were dead… we have killed them…
in our pursuit of the “truth”……

meaning/purpose cannot survive if, if its only means of justification
is found in the “truth”…

“why” isn’t a question of truth or falsity

it is a question of meaning…and what is meaning when it is forced
to answer the wrong question, is it true?

and it is forced to justify its existence based on whether it is true or not…

why… that isn’t about the truth and that is why we have so hard of a time
understanding why…….

because we continuously ask ourselves, is it true? and the question why isn’t
about the truth… and so we are mislead, sent astray, render ourselves false…
because we seek the truth, instead of seeking why…


K: to unite the two, knowledge and meaning requires us to do something we haven’t
done in a long time, be honest, reject denial, oppose self delusion…

we must work to unite knowledge and meaning, and that takes hard work…
our age is fundementally opposed to hard work… it wants easy answers,
it wants truth… you don’t have to work very hard to find the truth…
but you have to work to find meaning…

god forbid we actually dump our self delusions and self denials to
discover what our meaning is…


we try to replace meaning with “truths” like wealth, power,
fame and fortune and titles…we admire those who
did or have achieved wealth, fame, fortune, power and titles

but recall those who achieved those “truths” like Paul allen
and Steve Jobs and Rockerfeller… they are dead…
and what exactly were they able to take with them into death?

so, we engage in a false search for the truth with some
substitute like wealth and fame and power and titles…

we don’t search for meaning in our lives, we substitute
“meaning” for the “truth” of materialism and capitalism
and communism and catholocism…


Yes and more. Because we could do all those things, we could be more honest and less jealous and full of greed, but resist them, we should do and stand by truth, even if we get side tracked by the meaning of falsely advertised values, we are reduced, as human beings, existentially toward less truthful ways, more dishonest and confusing, we actually cause to effect and affect others into false and less meaningless values.
We are split as to what we should do from what we are doing, and consequently start adopting less human attributes, and we become existentially hollow and start to play games based on dishonesty and self service, rather then in accordance to the benefit of others, even to those to whom we are closely related.

K: excellent, but now comes the 64,000 dollar question…

what comes next? do you become “philosophical” and act and engage
in philosophy as it presents itself to you or do you act as if all this is
in the abstract and has nothing to do with how you act?

what are the real life consequence of your beliefs?

for if you have a theory but fail to act upon it, what is the point
of the theory?

engage in your life by practicing what you have preached…

for theory without actions is barren and actions without theory
mindless… we must have both for us to be successful…
both theory and actions…

so we have the theory, now what is the actions of your theory?


this question of existence……

is the question of existence a fact? is it a truth?

or, or is the question of existence about meaning?

science looks at existence and wonders about its truths, the facts,
religion looks at existence and wonders about it meaning, why?

who is right?


Right! And this is where iambig stands at the moment, as well. I think.
What we have between theory and application is what meaning is, and meaning is where truth is to be found if looked at sufficiently.

Every body nowedays keeps asking what do you mean by this and that, and Every body gets jumbled up in figuring out First of all whether the person asking is on the level.

It gets tricky because from the get go, every person involved in trying to figure this, presumes a certain degree of dishonesty. He is ok if he is a bit of a bullshitter. otherwise levels of.meaning are off to a rough start, and most people don’t really care that much, they have many other things to think about.

So the beginning is patchy to begin with.

If a philosopher is talking , it’s the same thing
Then the meaning of that kind of corresponding tit for tat, consists simply of the bottom line, hey why bother, every body is a philosopher, and every body has theories, some more earthy.
Talking to taxi drivers back in the old country can convey more meaningful truth, then spending time in an old world dusty library.
Can spend a lot of time just talking about what really philosophy is, and why it is a dying art, the only value to it is commentary on new developments, who have gone out of the realm of 'philosophical discussion.

Relevance? I disagree but that too would be beyond a focus of.connection. connecting abstract clouds of hey day old school formal expectations naawd on old time physics of.the Newtonian sort with the abstractly expressed meaning of futurism.
But it is doable and particularly in the area of singular, metaphysically involved intuitionism, including the age old study into hermetic philosophy.Nietzche was.on the right track with affective-reductive newly found phenomenological descriptions
Into mythology and through the study of.meaning, but I do not think he would be comfortable with extreme nominal-positive focus on meaning in it’s self.
The idea is connective-relative symbolism, which would most aptly by interpreted as a.shift.toward art, for it’s own sake, in order to clarify the relationships , as they know st and at a.very critical time.
What intention did the early nuances have to follow one line of.argument rather toward the other?
The necessity of exclusionary logic has apparently has been cemented over , by it’s otherworldly implicative inductiveness, and shut off connection. to the real necessity of upholding descent human standards of existence.

At the moment, insight of the philosophical sort Can only be gleaned through hermetic philosophical insights.

I think both must be right, but weighed in at different levels of existence. Denial is not one of them .

"Is this question of existence……

is the question of existence a fact? is it a truth?

or, or is the question of existence about meaning? "

The old Descartes’ duality rearing its ugly evil genius head.

Facts SHOULD be meaningful, !