a new understanding of today, time and space.

so Heidegger book, “Being and time” is about, surprise
being and time… so, Heidegger spends pages and pages
trying to understand what is “being” and then spend
more pages connecting this “being” and “time”…

we are beings who do “travel” through “time”…

but what does this mean?

I hold that most people, 99% of people have no idea about “who they are”
and thus don’t understand this concept of “being”… what does it mean “to be”?

and what is this connection to time that “to be” has?

what is existence and what does it mean to exist?

what is the point, or meaning/purpose of existence?

what shall we do while we are “existing?”…

the questions of existence must be understood before we can really
answer the questions of existence…

“Who am I?” “What am I to do?” “What should I believe in?”
“What values should I hold?” “Into what should I invest my limited
energy into?” “What is the point or meaning of my existence?”

questions like these are what need to be answered before we can
fully understand what is the next step of our continued existence …

so instead of walking into the future with no sense of “who we are”
both individually and collectively, we must have some sort of sense of who we
are before we can step into some future action…

it is not enough to engage in some thinking about “who am I?” if I don’t
also engage in some sort of engagement with my role or place in
the universe or the world…

we have no sense of who we are, either individually or collectively
and that has limited our ability to move forward as individuals or
as a nation or even as a species…

we are fumbling around with outdated and outmoded ism’s and ideologies
like Christainity and Catholoicism and Hinduism and nationalism
and using these outdated ism’s and ideologies as some
means to decide upon our actions, when we no longer fit
into these outdated and outmoded paradigms…

we are using the wrong maps given that we are now in a totally different
place… we have to use a map that allows us to understand what it means
to be human given that we now exists within a world of science, technology,
a world where god is dead, a world in which we can destroy life, all life on
planet earth… the need for a new ism or ideology or a new paradigm of
existence is desperately needed…

we cannot pursue the old paradigms of the pursuit of the baubles of
modern life, the pursuit of wealth, power, fame, titles…

we must seek another vision of existence that understands
what it means to be human given the 21st century
reality of our existence… all our maps are outdated because
they don’t take into account our modern technology, our science,
the various revolutions that has changed the world… … the scientific,
the social, the economic, the political and philosophical world we now live in…

the maps, ism’s and ideologies, of the past, no longer fit into today’s world…
and that is why we suffer, in part, from alienation and disconnection
and the malaise of our day… we lack a road map to lead us to a new
destination that comes from our current reality, or location in our current
time and space…

and of course, the first step is an understanding of where we are
and we lack even this basic step…we don’t see ourselves as lost
or confused about our current location… we have hidden even this basic
fact from ourselves… our current understanding or image of who we are,
is based upon a false and misleading understanding of what it means to be
human…we are not being who pursue wealth or fame or power or titles…

we are beings that must have something deeper and more meaningful
to locate ourselves in this current world…

and we can begin by working out, “who am I?” and “what am I to do?”
and these opening questions can at least begin to work out
the real questions of existence…


Space = possibility
Matter/Energy = probability within this expanding field of possibilities.
Time = movement, within this field of possibilities, or the relationship of organic metabolic rhythms and cosmic Energy rhythms…

K: well this is gobbligook… turn this into something real
and tangible…something that we can use in our life…


Dimensions are interpretations of possibilities. Where none can be perceived the mind interprets it as darkness, void.
What we call matter/energy is the kind evaluation, interpretation, of higher possibilities, i.e., probabilities.
Time is but a measurement of change or movement. It’s usually a standard is biological, i.e., human metabolic rates, viz., cellular systolic and diastolic rhythms.
This cellular systolic/diastolic rhythms determines the brain’s speed of perception.

When we see form we are evaluating and re-evalauting probabilities, perceiving them as momentum/movement.

Time is a measurement of change, i.e., of interactivity, of flux.

Why is the universe expanding at an accelerating speed?
Because it is framsne4ting, multiplying dimensions, i.e., possibilities.
As probabilities decrease - mater/energy dissipates - expansion accelerates, as there is nothing to limit possibilities. Probability is a limitation of possibility. Another way to describe it is as order.
Order is consistent, predictable, and repeating - pattern - a limitation of what is possible.

The use of any form of metaphysics is as a support for physics…just as then utility of a foundation is to stabilize a structure.

woof woof!!!you have no fucking clue about physics!!ZERO!!!STOP TALKING SHIT AND PRETENDING YOU ARE SMARTER THAN YOU ARE!!!WOOF WOOF
metaphysics and physics are two different things and the woof woof thinks they are on a continuum because they both contain the word physics WOOF WOOF BAD DOG!!!

a point that has been weighing on my mind…

someone, don’t recall who, but someone commented upon
how I use psychological in philosophy…a “psychological philosopher”
and frankly, I am ok with that, but it got me to thinking and I
have been mulling it over for a while now…

I never really thought about myself that way… I didn’t
think I used psychology in philosophy…but looking back on my
writings, and I do… It has been a lesson learned…

so, I have been trying to make sense of my “psychological”
philosophy…I did a long study of psychology in my youth…
and clearly I picked up more then I thought I did…

as I believe that we cannot separate out philosophy from history
or economics or biology or even psychology…when we are using one,
we are going to use other disciplines along with it…
because I see no separation between them…

and as we better understand what it means to be human,
we will see the separations between the disciplines disappear…

psychology is just another aspect of being human…

and to attempt to understand what it means to be human without
psychology will fail and is doomed to failure because we are as much
psychological beings as we are physical beings…

to be a liberal is a much a psychological factor as anything physical…

“I hold these truths to be self evident that…” is to hold a psychological belief
as well as a holding a political belief…

what we hold to be “truths” are not much more then a psychological
understanding of the world…

it is interesting that it wasn’t until the 20th century, that we tackled
both the conscious mind as well as the unconscious mind…
in Husserl, the conscience mind, as well as Freud in the “unconscious mind”
and these two were contemporaries…so it wasn’t about how we “acted”
or what we held “belief” in, but how we thought and what forces went
into our conscious and unconscious mind…Freud thought that sex
dominated our unconscious mind and sex does play a role to be sure,
but it isn’t the only force that operates within the unconscious mind…
some of the unconscious forces that help “guide” us is found within
the baubles of existence… the drive for money, power, titles, fame…
they also influence our unconscious mind

some, perhaps much of what drives us psychological is found within
the attempts to meet our physical needs, seeking food, water, shelter,
education, health care… meeting these physical needs can, can result
from not having these physical needs meet, which can result in
psychological drives that move us…being deprived of our psychological
needs as well as our physical needs can drive the unconscious mind…

the problem lies in the fact that everyone is psychological different,
as well as being physical different…and some needs were met as a child
and some, perhaps many needs weren’t met… and this results in
people being driven by different physical and psychological needs…

in my philosophy I try to account for our differences psychologically
and I don’t always succeed… but at least I am aware of it and that
makes me a better philosopher then most…


Maybe the unconscious mind suffered amnesia upon the physical birth in this life. Maybe it still holds traces of what was before, perhaps permanence and perfection. Maybe all those psychological wants and needs that come up to the surface are representative of memories of that previous experience. In this changing imperfect world we all want immortality. Maybe we knew of it before. I don’t know for sure though.

Berkley Babes:

Maybe the unconscious mind suffered amnesia upon the physical birth in this life. Maybe it still holds traces of what was before, perhaps permanence and perfection. Maybe all those psychological wants and needs that come up to the surface are representative of memories of that previous experience. In this changing imperfect world we all want immortality. Maybe we knew of it before. I don’t know for sure though.
K: at least you are being honest in admitting that you “don’t know for sure”…

I can’t speak to the rest of the post because I, for one, have no desire of any kind
for “immortality” and I see “immortality” as being one serious curse…
I would actively avoid any chance to “immortality”…because I see
“immortality” as being the worst fate ever given to anyone…


K: at least you are being honest in admitting that you “don’t know for sure”…

I can’t speak to the rest of the post because I, for one, have no desire of any kind
for “immortality” and I see “immortality” as being one serious curse…
I would actively avoid any chance to “immortality”…because I see
“immortality” as being the worst fate ever given to anyone…

I don’t mean cyberpunk immortality. But to live forever in the hearts and minds of your future ancestors, or just you know, a little thing called Heaven.

Berkley Babes:

Maybe the unconscious mind suffered amnesia upon the physical birth in this life. Maybe it still holds traces of what was before, perhaps permanence and perfection. Maybe all those psychological wants and needs that come up to the surface are representative of memories of that previous experience. In this changing imperfect world we all want immortality. Maybe we knew of it before. I don’t know for sure though.
K: at least you are being honest in admitting that you “don’t know for sure”…
I can’t speak to the rest of the post because I, for one, have no desire of any kind
for “immortality” and I see “immortality” as being one serious curse…
I would actively avoid any chance to “immortality”…because I see
“immortality” as being the worst fate ever given to anyone…"

BB: I don’t mean cyberpunk immortality. But to live forever in the hearts and minds of your future ancestors, or just you know, a little thing called Heaven.
K: for me to seek out “immortality” either in Heaven or within the “hearts and minds”
of the future generations is to be involved in ego… it is ego that wants to
be remembered for ever… or to spend forever in 'heaven"… I want to remove ego
from people as I believe that people seek stuff based on ego and not on
what is really important…we believe far too much in ego and not enough
in seeking what is true…


removing the ego . . . I can’t blame you for that type of ambition.

K: no, a thousand times… no, I don’t want to remove the ego… I want to make
people aware of how much they do and act and believe that is based upon one’s
ego…I hold that the single most damaging thing a person can do is hold beliefs
based upon ego… and then acting upon those beliefs… I know because I have
done that…I want to limit ego, make people aware of ego…don’t act or think
or believe based upon ego…ask yourself, am I holding these beliefs
or engaging in this action based upon ego? or is this belief really something
I believe in or is this action really something that is based upon what I hold to be
true, not just ego…

become aware of one’s ego… and how it influences everything we do…


Sounds noble enough.

I want to stop wanting, which just another want.

K: wanting itself is, for most people just ego at work…

what is it you want and why? why have that thing?

I have said it before, I want to be known as one of the 5 greatest
philosophers in the history of philosophy…and that is ego, make no
mistake, but how I go about it isn’t ego… to want isn’t as bad as not
knowing why you want… I want to be known as a great philosopher
because I believe I am on the right path of philosophy…it is the path
that I am on that dictates if I am a great philosopher, not being the great
philosopher that is dictating the path…

and I could, could be seriously wrong… it wouldn’t be the first time
and it won’t be the last time…

but I would like to have my philosophy dictate my actions…

connect my philosophy with my way of life…

to have them be one and the same… I want to use philosophy
as a way of life, not as a means to impress or to build up my ego…

but as an genuine example of the marriage between philosophy
and how I am to live… philosophy dictates my life, not ego and not
convenience and not, oh wow, his is an “Philosopher”… look at him…

I look to Spinoza as my guide… how did he live his life?

that is the example I am seeking…


I don’t know how Spinoza lived his life. My guess is he wanted to get laid more. But good luck if he is your guide. I like his metaphysical views. And I want to get laid more.

K: getting laid more is a young man’s game… and really not worth the trouble…
but why? why do you want to get laid? I say it is simple hormones that drive you,
not rational thought… remove the hormones and ask yourself, why do I want to get
laid? ego? to uphold some self image I have of myself? or to make some connection
to another human being? I am old but not old enough to have forgotten what it means
to be driven by hormones… being driven by a million years of evolution…
so rise above those animal instincts and become human by asking yourself, why?

why is sex that important?

and wonder what your answer means…


I will get old before I can answer other than a generic reply of keeping the human race going because we simply MUST go on, outpace and outrace the sun. In other words, I will get old soon and it won’t be that important.

we seek that which is the unifier of us,
we seek that which is the center of us all,
people often talk about becoming whole,
to achieve any of this, we have to understand
what it means to be human…

the center of the human experience is our attempts to
meet our physical needs…we must as biological beings,
feed ourselves, clothes ourselves, find shelter, drink clean water,
educated ourselves and find health care… these are the bottom line
needs of every single human being who has lived and who is alive today
and will be alive…this is the bottom line for every single human being…

meeting our basic, physical needs…

and how do we accomplish this? we cannot by ourselves achieve our
basic needs of food, water, shelter, education, health care… we simple
cannot no matter how efficient we might be, we, by ourselves cannot
met our basic physical needs… so, we take the next step and create
a society, a state, a culture that helps us to meet our basic physical needs…

so, with the aid of society/state, we can begin to meet our basic
physical need of food, water, shelter, education, health care…etc, etc…

but we are not just physical beings, we are, by our evolution rise,
social beings…we have needs of the soul, mind, psychological…
needs that also must be meet by society/state…the human need for
companionship, for love, for security and safety, the human need for
belonging and the need for being esteemed by our fellow human beings…

our million years of past evolution demands that we must fulfill our
emotional and psychological needs and they can only be meet by
a society/state…just as our physical needs can only be met by a
society/state…this side of human existence is just as strong
and needed as the physical side of existence…

our human need for love is just as strong in a human beings as the need
for food and water and shelter and education and health care…

but look at those who have accomplished the great things in human
history…Goethe, Jesus, Gandhi, MLK, Shakespeare, they weren’t
existing on the basic bottom level of human existence…they
were physically taken care of… they weren’t worried about meeting
their basic physical needs…

and they weren’t worried about meeting their psychological needs of
love, esteem, safety/security, belonging…their society/state was
accomplished enough to allow the great human beings to met their
physical and emotional needs.

and what do we learn from this?

that if we meet the basic human needs of the lower level,
food, water, shelter, education, health care AND we meet
the level of emotional need that all human beings have,
then we can have, create enough, meet enough needs to
allow people the possibility of achieving their own greatness…

think of the great human beings who achieved their greatness because
they were able to meet their basic physical needs… they didn’t need to
worry about the basic needs of existence… think of Newton, Einstein,
Descartes, Socrates, Freud… because their physical and emotional
needs were met, they were free to accomplish great things…

so what does all of this tell us?

that the goal of society/state is to meet the basic physical and emotional
needs of individuals and the society/state gets rewarded by the great
deeds of these individuals…the world is far better off with the
greatness of such writers as Goethe and Shakespeare and
the world is better off with the scientist like Newton
and Einstein…and the world is better off with the political
and social work of a Gandhi and a MLK…

and what was the cost to the society/state for all of these benefits?

very little…

and so we need to look at this differently…

instead of saying, people need to contribute to the society/state…

we must say, the state and society must contribute to the individual
and that the reward from the individual back to society/state is
possible greatness…will all people be able to contribute greatness?

I don’t know… we force people to earn their living and in doing so,
we don’t give them a chance to seek the higher levels of existence,
by making everyone work for a living, we deprive people the possibility
of greatness… if we gave everyone the means of existence, food, water,
shelter, education, health care, then we can also provide the means, the
way to generate mental and psychological help to people… the need for
love and the feeling of esteem and safety/security and belonging is just
as great/strong as the need for food and water in people…

this argument I make means that we must not engage in our current
political and economic system in which we must spend our lives feeding
an overbloated and dangerous political and economic system which denies
us the basic necessities in the name of “freedom”…

the political and economic systems of today don’t even give us the basic necessities
if it did, we wouldn’t have to spend the vast majority of our lives working ourselves to death…

if we gave people the basic necessities of life, food, water, shelter, education,
health care, then in return we get people who can create art, science, sports,
education needs… we get a far more in return by society and the state,
meeting people needs then we can ever get by making the citizens of that
society work and slave for decades with nothing to show for it…

the solution must meet our critical needs of meeting our physical needs…

and so, we come to the solution… we must give people the economic
means to feed and clothe and get shelter and education and health care
by limiting how much money any one person or corporation has…

we cannot allow people like Bezos and Gates to hold billions upon billions
of dollars if people are not meeting their physical needs…

my contribution to society needn’t destroy my body and negate who I am…

I can contribute to society better and everyone can contribute better if
our basic physical needs are met…without us spending our lives in
“bitter bondage” to the corporations…

in other words, we no longer spend our lives seeking the baubles of
existence… we no longer seek wealth or fame or titles or power…

we spend our lives in pursuit of knowledge or wisdom or writing
or perhaps we find new ways to explore who we are and our possibilities…

if you want to create new Gandhi’s or MLK or Goethe or a new Shakespeare,
you must begin by creating a new society that meets the basic/physical needs of
the individuals within that society/state…

greatness can only be found/discovered by first having our basic physical
needs met and then having our emotional/psychological needs met…

and that is why we must begin the transformation of society to be about
meeting people needs and less about big business and corporations and
individuals making money…

you cannot reach greatness if you spend your days and nights, just
trying to make ends meet…only by meeting people’s needs can
we create a society that allows us to find and discover our possibilities…

those who shout about, who is going to grow the food, lack enough imagination
to see the benefits of this new way of thinking about our society/state…

we can achieve our basic needs without resorting to life long bondage to


some might say, but Kropotkin, you are seeking some
sort of utopia…no, not all…

I am seeking a means within the society/state to reimagine what
it means to be human… by leveling the playing field to get everyone
the basic physical needs that all people must have, we can create the
possibilities that people can try to achieve in their lives…

the goal is no longer to be rich, but to achieve what is possible within ourselves…

to rethink what it means to be human… to no longer exists as an animal…
seeking our day to day physical needs to the point of physical, mental,
and emotional exhaustion that we see in millions of our fellow human beings…
by working day and night to achieve the basic necessities of existence
eating, water, shelter, education, health care…

why can’t the state aid in or help people in achieving the basic and fundamental
aspect of being human, which is trying to meet our bottom line, basic needs
of being human…food, water, shelter, health care and education, to name a few
basic needs of all human beings…

why must we forsake the individuals in our society/state to
allow a few people to own massive amounts of wealth in this country/world?

it makes no sense and it doesn’t benefit the society or state…

and most importantly, it doesn’t give the people a chance to seek out
their own possibilities, their own greatness… it forces people to
exists within a very set and determined fashion of existence…
you must work for your necessities or starve… are we animals or
are we human?

what is the goal or point of being within a society/state that will
allow such starvation because you didn’t work hard enough to “earn
your keep”…

we must change what it means to be human to see that we can, as
a society/state be rewarded by people reaching their possibilities
and their own greatness…

and the cost is a small cost…

to achieve such great rewards…
