A paper I wrote

This is going to sound stupid, but three of my friends and I wrote a good-sized paper involving a lot of neat issues (philosophy, religion, science, geekdom, etc.) for an English project. (If you couldn’t tell, we’re high school seniors). We need 300+ people to read and review it. The only thing we’ll get out of it is a good English grade. Visit writing.com/authors/harmans to read it. Post a review if you like, or e-mail me with your comments. Thanks!

Hi Orolon,

I read your essay and although it flowed really well I didn’t feel it had any content to speak of. From a human interest point of view it was good to see a group of teenagers struggling with some important questions. Philosophically, however, it was rather weak and surface-value. I suggest you read a book on existentialism for a start. Your views on it are based on a complete misunderstanding of the philosophy and it’s implications.
Your discussion on God and religion is good but has been done to death many times before. It’s great that you’re asking these questions, but as a philosopher I wasn’t challenged by what was written.

It’s a great idea for an english project but I reckon you’d benefit a lot from reading some philosophical texts before writing your next essay.

  • ben

I very much like how someone finally pointed out that there not the meaning of the universe. Once you remove that egomaniacal thinking you can see a lot more, which you have. I would have to agree with Ben on what is lacking. Basically you argued; there’s no god, we aren’t the meaning of the universe and then you followed on to ask many philosophical questions, few which might even be answerable. Over all, great and interesting read. I guess you guys realized you really know nothing about anything, you pointed out its all opinion.

Best part: “that the only trustworthy source is ones own” couldn’t agree more!

Good luck with……life.