A Poem of Great Philosophical Value

From: oriahmountaindreamer.com. /edit no live links please

Let it speak to you … if you can.


I didn’t even read the poem because, really, how can one read it with “an open heart” when the “messenger” challenges our ability to “feel” it?

If you are so real, and one with your heart and God, why are you so desperate to prove your superiority/thoughtfulness/"real"ness? Maybe I would be able to accept the idea that you are just trying to help people if you didn’t disregard everyone’ opinions as “erroneous” (your favorite “smart”-sounding word?).

In your “the heart, explained” post Mr. Predictable commented that he finds your abrasiveness ironic. Maybe you would have understood what he meant if you didn’t immediately blow it off as contradicting to your “faultless/flawless” self-concept. Then maybe you would be able to really be in touch with your “heart” because, as Jakob pointed out, you asre not the type who speaks through their “heart.”

Maybe this comment is a complete waste of time… but you seem in desperate need of some humility. Someone who has made the kind of breakthrough you want to believe you have made is happy, free. You are a prisoner of your mind more than most people here.

I suppose someone had acted “heartless” towards you, and acted as if you were wrong/incorrect/inferior, but all the while you “felt” that they were the one acting “wrong” and you were right, you were knowledgeable about the reality of the situation. A lot people have been there, so I understand how that sucks, and how it isn’t fair. You certainly are more intelligent than the average person… but there are a lot of people more intelligent than the average person, and I think you have a kind of false pride which, at this point, is going to prevent you from growing (instead leaving you stuck attacking other’s thoughts in order to defend yours).

This attitude, a 'knowledge" that you are the one who is right, the one who understands truth and goodness, while those who don’t accept your ideas are in error, creates in you an anxious drive to set everyone else straight…

But you are mistreating others the same way you had been mistreated. You disregard other’s thoughts and feelings the same way yours were disregarded. You are the one acting heartlessly.


…or when he begins by stating that what follows is “…of great philosophical value”.

But you are over-thinking, my friend.
Take his advice and simply feel the poem’s “great value”.

Notice that in his signature he admits that he seeks love.

How can you find ‘truth’ when you’re already biased against anything that will not help you find what you really need: love and happiness?

I read the poem. It reminded me a lot of the crap my friends would write in middle school. It has a good message, I suppose, although it’s pretty trite, and is fundamentally selfish, as it advocates being internally interesting over helping others - although that being a good or bad thing is certainly debatable.

Obviously the poem bothers you.

You’re so easily and erroneously making it all about the messenger as a ranting diversion from what bothers you about the poem.

It’s about being oriented from one’s own heart as opposed to being mentally oriented from the minds of others.

Ok I have heard a number of accusations directed at people that they are projecting. Isnt assigning motives to peoples actions based on what you think their motives are projecting?


When you made this post you wrote “… if you can,” doubting our ability to understand it.

My post pointed out this behavior and all you did was validate my point by completely ignoring the fact that I never even read the poem.

But I guess it must be OBVIOUS I am lying, and simply can’t feel the power of the poem resonating in my heart, because why would anyone question the perfection of your being?

I’m not assigning, I’m identifying.

I have the knowledge to know the difference.

Those who are obviously in error are more likely to be projecting, and I can tell when they are.

Those who are correct … may also be projecting, and when I consider the circumstance and their affective tone, I can pretty much tell when they’re projecting, and when they’re just guessing.

This is good. The rest, I thought, was kind of obvious and spun out. Maybe it’s just that this strikes a chord in me. It’s about ranking love. What do you love the deepest? To love fully whatever it is you can love most fully requires sacrifice of other love. There are warring loves in me. Maybe I have to kill one of them?

I like it – but I think it is somewhat feminine in its orientation. Here is its masculine (and inevitably more mind-centered) dual:

Yeah “If” is really great.