A Prosthetic God

Freud got the basic idea of technological attachments. Propose this is taken a step further to where microchips are incorporated into human anatomy in a literal prosthetic sense. Furthermore, constructing a prosthetic god, answering questions to the unknown and in an omnipresence veritably inside of you. Moreso a replacement for religion and science, fusing an indesputable combination. Advancing from its original database through memorization and observation far extending human capacity and only tweaked for malfunctioning. Daily inserting personal information for a machine to analyze and compile with other participants’ gods.

Envision endless implants administered to young children who will grow to know the true God.

Dude, that was my 777th post. :evilfun:

You mean like the Borg?



“You will worship God. Resistance is futile.”

I somehow think this is something a lot of people would be freaked out about. Specially when you get confused at a college party and get the God chip and Potato Chip mixed up. Instead of curbing the munchies you have the strange urge to pray…

As for the nature of this, I can’t speak to it as any more than a theological sense but many people consider faith to be something you must accept yourself (not to be forced into), although definitions differ as to how much ‘help’ some people need with that. Causing people to accept God unconditionally as opposed to their willingness would defy a lot of people’s definitions of belief right then and there; especially since many doctrines elect specific rights for those who have accepted God… I wonder what their reaction would be to assimilated beliefs.

If one can envision god to be a prosthetic creation then one could also understand the irony of how science,invention, and ingenuity are prosthetic motions as well born out of the very search of god or purpose entirely.