A Question of Compatibility

] Liteninbolt say: I’m not sure I understand your ‘agreement’
] statements. Could you please explain your ‘agreement’ and
] the ‘not sure I quite agree’ statements in context to my response.
] The Stumps previously say: Textman; do you have any intention
] in engaging in conversation with people here regarding this content?
] The Stumps repeats and then amplifies and expands thusly:
] If not, I’m locking the thread. This isn’t a blog.
tx say: Wow! Are you guys for real? Are you serious?
This is just some kind of joke, right?
You guys really had me going for a minute there.

I was being serious as I think TheStumps was. It would also help if you could use the ‘Quote’ format for more ease of understanding this thread. It would be greatly appreciated.

I’m dead serious.

This is a forum…not a blog.
If you post without interest in talking to people here then you are not doing anything aside from spamming.