i think there are some issued about pornography and addiction but as marilyn manson says about himself- what kind of world is it that needs him to raise its kids properly…and this is what i think porn does…not raise kids in how to perform gang bangs- a lot of people would find that repellent…what it does do is teach us about ourselves, about our possibilities of existence- as sex is such a important thing in our selves, in particular having a healthy sex life then porn is important in the promoting of understanding…realising that, for example, men find pleasure in recieving anal intercorse(smirk) can enable couples and individuals to fulfil the full potential of their sex life together…
what is important is to seperate pornography and the social functions/impact of it on individual consumers and the pornography industry…one disifo nation show focused on the porn industry and the various additudes that prevailed within it…from porn stars denying that they’re just whore to those that revel in it…but the best input was from a social commentator and jornalist who noted how degrading the porn industry was…for those who make it AND for those who watch it…now he noted how damaging it was to the psyche of younge boys, the predominant consumers being male, to watch girls involved in large gang raped style scenes and to be come upon by a large number of men, he said that these boys would go out and think that this was normal behaviour, and the problems that would arise as girls apparently don’t like that sort of thing…
i think that this is a fair point, as far as i’m concerned no sexual behaviour is appropriate unless all parties concerned know what is going on, what is likely to happen and consent to it…as far as people who have intoxicated themselves, ie through drink not date rape drugs, any regrets subsequent to any act they perform is their own problem and not that of any other individual they have been involved with…the deliberate intoxication of others, through date rape drugs or even alcohol, is not something i condone…
however, if we want to strive for a better understanding of ourselves as human, sexual beings we have to face the facts…to understand what it is that can pleasure us and whether we’d like to try it, a fulfilled individual should be able to try something and if at any point they do not like it to simply walk away…and to subsequently have no guilt or remorse, these are signs of moral weakness…ie that you have crossed one of your own rules, a cardinal sin…
as we move further into the future, cloning technologies and vr improves to the point of simulcra, life becomes cheaper(?), who can say what moral fictions/codes/narratives will be used to regulate human behaviour…moralising against particular sexual practices and pornography because it promotes them is a very dangerous and possibly anti-life approach…
…if these sexual practices are so ‘evil’ degrading, unnatural or degenerative then why do so many males find them so appealing?
at the very least pornography provides a test for the ‘base’ instincts or factors of male mass psychology, at the most it provides a means for humanity at large to re-embrace our latent sexuality…