a question of porn...

here’s a question for you all…what do you think of pornography? Is it just great? Do you think it’s just plain wrong? Does it degrade the human form? Is it exploitation? Do you think society would be better without it?

all these questions contain words that may mean a lot of things. I haven’t the time to define what I mean by everything, but if you do jump on one of the questions…try to define your terms so people are on the same page. However if you want to be and ass and deconstruct eveything…well, we’re probably screwed right here.

all that aside…what are some thoughts?

pornography to me is o.k. because it gives the seller somthing good to advertise to ,looking at it moraly,the sinful society.but sex is nature to produce and i see nothing wrong with it.i also think porngraphy is a point that leads the world in a wrong dirrection.give a little take alot if you know what i mean.back in the day it wasnt accepted in public and look at us know .we have industrlized and grew.that could have played a role.but what begin must end and there are ways that it can happen in time.as the latter post.

i think there are some issued about pornography and addiction but as marilyn manson says about himself- what kind of world is it that needs him to raise its kids properly…and this is what i think porn does…not raise kids in how to perform gang bangs- a lot of people would find that repellent…what it does do is teach us about ourselves, about our possibilities of existence- as sex is such a important thing in our selves, in particular having a healthy sex life then porn is important in the promoting of understanding…realising that, for example, men find pleasure in recieving anal intercorse(smirk) can enable couples and individuals to fulfil the full potential of their sex life together…

what is important is to seperate pornography and the social functions/impact of it on individual consumers and the pornography industry…one disifo nation show focused on the porn industry and the various additudes that prevailed within it…from porn stars denying that they’re just whore to those that revel in it…but the best input was from a social commentator and jornalist who noted how degrading the porn industry was…for those who make it AND for those who watch it…now he noted how damaging it was to the psyche of younge boys, the predominant consumers being male, to watch girls involved in large gang raped style scenes and to be come upon by a large number of men, he said that these boys would go out and think that this was normal behaviour, and the problems that would arise as girls apparently don’t like that sort of thing…

i think that this is a fair point, as far as i’m concerned no sexual behaviour is appropriate unless all parties concerned know what is going on, what is likely to happen and consent to it…as far as people who have intoxicated themselves, ie through drink not date rape drugs, any regrets subsequent to any act they perform is their own problem and not that of any other individual they have been involved with…the deliberate intoxication of others, through date rape drugs or even alcohol, is not something i condone…
however, if we want to strive for a better understanding of ourselves as human, sexual beings we have to face the facts…to understand what it is that can pleasure us and whether we’d like to try it, a fulfilled individual should be able to try something and if at any point they do not like it to simply walk away…and to subsequently have no guilt or remorse, these are signs of moral weakness…ie that you have crossed one of your own rules, a cardinal sin…

as we move further into the future, cloning technologies and vr improves to the point of simulcra, life becomes cheaper(?), who can say what moral fictions/codes/narratives will be used to regulate human behaviour…moralising against particular sexual practices and pornography because it promotes them is a very dangerous and possibly anti-life approach…

…if these sexual practices are so ‘evil’ degrading, unnatural or degenerative then why do so many males find them so appealing?

at the very least pornography provides a test for the ‘base’ instincts or factors of male mass psychology, at the most it provides a means for humanity at large to re-embrace our latent sexuality…

Pornography is healthy like everything in moderation. The problem with pornography is not that they make it, but the fact that some people’s lives are based around just watching it. There is nothing wrong with pornography as long as it is not gain access to steer your life.

A big problem with accepting pornography as what it is 2 or more people having sex, is the fact that most people are religious and think that man kind has a purpose. Thy think that they themselves are above everything. Yet time and time again the pillars in their religious structure prove that not only are they themselves but their flock/followers to be at fault, due to human faults.

So the question goes philosophical, do you believe you are above your human faults? Do you believe that you are above what most people are addicted to?

I think people would answer this question differently if they were asked it at different times in there life. Right now, id be Pro Porn…cause im in my sexual prowess and I love Porn. Is this normal? well yes…a majority of guys my age would agree.

However, I could see how a father/mother feels about pornography. It exploits sex and ‘devalues’ it…It loses its worth supposedly. Supposedly, it does.
Your religion would affect your choice on porn as well. SOme say “Sex belongs in marriage and obviously these people arnt married” therefore its bad and looked down on. Whats your religion .? haha

But yes i agree…put in pratice, one should moderate themselves. Extremeties should be avoid…
It will cause you to go blind! hah

sex is used by humans to keep our life form going
the problem lies with people trying to deny it exists. society seems to have this bizzare problem with the fact that we have to have sex, if we don’t there wont be any more of us. (i know about artificial insemination but we don’t have natural erges to do that, or mind seeing it on the TV) Sex plays an equally important role in continuing our species as eating, drinking and breathing, but no one is going to get into trouble for talking or depicting openly about eating.

the problems arise when people feel guilt about seeing it, doing it and talking about it. it has become a taboo subject for no good reason. this guilt comes from your upbringing and the morals society trys to persuade you into accepting as the truth, and these morals are still based on religious beliefs, the belief that sex is an unfortunate and unsavoury part of life that happens but isn’t aknowledged.

most of the problems surounding sex lie with the fact that we are shielded from it as children. so when we do find out about it it’s a shock. we have hormones, guilt, intrigue, confusion and sexual orientation all to sort out by our selves. is there any wonder there’s a few f***ed up individuals out there?

porn is just us watching what we do.

watching a football match is more abstract to me than thinking about, watching, reading and having sex. i don’t do it all the time, i don’t force other people to have sex with me, and it’s fun.

Porn is not used for viewing purposes to observe how we procreate/recreate.

Porn on the internet is used for masterbation. Guy looks at porn. Guy masterbates. (repeat cycle as needed)

Porn on the internet is just another outlet for people to get their rocks off.

Masterbation is deemed sinful and wrong/unhealthy by society, and some religions.

You do the math.

Have no comments to porn other than too much porn leads to too much masturbation and eventually this robs you of your sexual pleasure though loss of sensitivity and you lose sexual energy though porn and masturbation abuse.

See my post:

uncommonforum.com/viewtopic. … &highlight

V (Male)

For free access to my earlier posts on voluntary simplicity, compulsive spending, debting, compulsive overeating and clutter write: vfr44@aol.com. Any opinion expressed here is that of my own and is not the opinion, recommendation or belief of any group or organization.