Suppose that we believe that indeed Adam’s sin, original sin, condemn the entire human race from them on like a hereditary condition so that we were enemies of God and well deserving of Hell.
Suppose that God then sent his only Son to die in our stead, that those who do believe in His Son are not doomed but Saved and given Heaven instead.
Am I right in this oversimplification of most christianities? I have been to many and that is essentially the program they give. We’re sinners, regardless of how well you behave, you fall short of God’s standard, so it is on the tail of Jesus gown alone in which you can coax your way onto heaven and it is not in the end how well you do, but how strong is your faith…works follow from that alone, as all else is selfishly motivated.
Am I fair so far? Do we agree on this? Oh, I know that I am forgetting much of Romans and the doctrine of Predestination etc, but I am painting christianity in the best possible light. Predestination makes one quiver at the notion that we’re destined for destruction or salvation. It would not surprise me if Nietzsche got his idea of “Amor fati” from his lutheran father.
Here is my argument:
It is a ganster religion.
This God is omnipotent. Salvation is like protection. Salvation from what? From Hell. Yet who created and maintains Hell? God. So it is salvation from His own wrath.
The gangster offers you his protection…from his own bullets and henchmen.