This is a crazy essay I came up with on night while pondering the way we live.
“A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government.” a quote by Thomas Jefferson, a founder of our country. This country was founded on the principal that government should stay out of the lives of the individual and laws should be written on necessity. Our country was founded; the revolutionary war was fought; because of an oppressive government, England. Today our government has turned into the England of old and become an over powering oppressive government. The founding fathers must be rolling over in their graves. It is a sad to say that what we have fought for has become what we must fight against.
We as the people, we must untie and become the government once again. We must let out voice be heard. We must start over. We must end this oppression by force. This is our right and duty. How can this happen to us? How can we let our selves be ruled by an oppressive over bearing outlandish force that doesn’t care what condition its people are in as long as there are still in power, calling the shots, making the plays, taking the money. A free people should not give up its freedom willingly. We must let the people rule again. We must make this the government of the common man once again. Government should protect and not support.
In Jefferson’s quote he said “A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men from injuring one another” This should be the basis for making laws. Laws should not be made on people to restrict their action unless it is directly or indirectly harming another person. Any other law is a shackle to freedom. We must break these shackles and all they stand for. We must live by Social Law, Law of the people. Law were someone does not want to commit a crime in fear that it would make them look bad or that they would be torn limb by limb by the good people of society. Government should not medal in the enterprises of its people as long as no one is harming one another.
This type of government is not fighting for us any more. The death of the U.S. is immanent. Illegal immigration is running rampant, destroying our culture. Turning it in to something it is not. We must live by the Paul Revere Society’s slogan Borders, Language Culture. We must define our borders and protect them at all costs. We must make English our official language. And we must keep our culture solid and steady and not allow legislation to affect it. We must also end the government programs that are leading to the laziness of our culture, to the leech mentality. The purpose of our government is not to support us but to protect all and that is us.
The 60’s was an attempt to do just what I am proposing, its point was to free the people. From both government and social restraints. This was a testament to what our country is about. The change of how we work by the populace not the government. But in the end it failed. It lead to the over oppressive government that we have today. It was an experiment that we must all learn from. If so much change can be made with peace and talk then think of the change that can be had from force. This revolution must use force. Its very nature is a threat to everything that the current oppressive government stands for. They lose to much if the people win. We must forcefully take over our own country. The hippie movement was a failure because it did not seize control of the ruling force, just the people being ruled. We must take the next step. We must view the revolution of the past as an example. We have to see where it went wrong to make this revolution work. Although it did not have the same views as to what to do after the revolution was over it still worked. Something changed, but not much. The people changed but the government did not.
This revolution cannot and is not for personal gain. Its very nature does not allow it. This revolution is for the common man. The hero of this revolution is you, me, your friends, neighbors, parents, and everyone else who values freedom from government. There can be no leader of this revolution no Che Guevara, no Mahatma Gandhi, no Adolph Hitler. We cannot make the mistake of other revolutions that fight against an oppressive ruling force just to replace it with one of their own. This cannot happen to us. We must stand as a people united, for each other for our freedom against a Government that is holding us down. The people must be the hero, the dictator, and the tyrant.