a short little proverb/adage I came up with last week

There are basically two types of people:

  1. those who experience their condition


  1. those who condition their experience

–thoughts anyone?
N - AKA: The Straight-faced Clown

We can’t be both?


there are basically two types of people:

  1. short people


  1. tall people

There are two types of people:

  1. Those who divide people up into two groups


  1. Those who don’t


those who are alive and those who have done something to chuck norris

You better watch your mouth or I’ll give you a roundhouse kick into tomorrow.

lhw - The Straight-faces Clown

Yes, that is possible, and I think my statement allows for that, b/c it doesn’t say “There are only…”.

lhw - The Straight-faced Clown

there are three kinds of people…

those who can count, and those who can’t…


I have a problem with the quintessential western Aristotle/Descartes divide-and-categorize-everything approach. That’s why I’m more drawn to Eastern and quantum thinking models

Think about it. One will experience his condition AND he’ll condition his experience at the same time. The observer effects the observed and vice versa.

This is particularly true with experience. Experience changes you and the changed you experiences something different.


All experience is mutually entailing. It is called interaction. Acting and being acted upon.

Defending the OP, I think it refers to those who would choose one and ignore the other, which would include a fair share of the folks.

Imp, you capitalist you… :laughing:

Believe it or not --contrary to what assumptions/interpretations you might’ve drawn about me from this adage–, I’m actually more inclined towards your way of thinking and perception of the world around me. This “proverb” just came to me as a random thought last week --mental magic 8ball-style-- and I thought I’d present it as a lark - this being mundane babble and all.

lhw - The Straight-faced Clown

I must admit I bristle at false dichotomies particularly nowadays with the

You are either for us or against us?

If you’re not a republiCUNT, you must be a democRAT.

If you’re not for the war in Iraq, you are for the ‘terrorists’.

If you criticize unbridled capitalism, you must be a socialist

etc. etc.
Who fucking says there are only two choices? Are these the only choices our sacred ‘freedom’ bestows on us? Does democracy allow us to decide from a list of two? Is this all the choices we get from our market-driven. capitalist system? Are we so unsophisticated that we can only see things in black and white?

Anyone who cannot see more than two sides is either an idiot or totally stupid. :wink:


There are two types of people…

Everyone else.

-Thirst :wink:



:smiley: :smiley: LOL