Has your god been stolen?
A Jew and a Christian discuss god:
“You stole my god!”
“No, I didn’t! It’s the same god.”
“No, you stole my god. You’ve changed my god into something that is different.”
“No, it’s not different. It’s the same… but just, now we can relate to god better. It’s a side you’ve never seen before.”
“Not at all! You have morphed my god into something vulgar and unknown. You’re building a whole new temple on the house that the real god built. You’re building on the credibility of my god to create your own god that suits your needs, your desires.”
“No, I tell you that this is the same god, everlasting and unchanging.”
“Everlasting? Unchanging? Those are my conceptions of god! You can’t steal that and produce this other god and claim it to be the same god while also changing so many of god’s attributes!”
“You don’t have the copyrights to god because god belongs to everyone!”
“Liar!!! The one and true god belongs to me and my people. I should sue your ass, Christian!”
When suddenly a Muslim arrives
“Let me tell you about Allah…”
‘‘YouYou StoleStole MyMy GodGod’’
Who have you stolen your god from?
Do Christianity and Islam have any right to gripe that many new age religions use the Christian god as a basis for their own version of god?
Should Judaism have a copyright on god?
Dialogue by Thirst4Productions